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What sub 12lb hunting pcp


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Hey guys 

Locally there is a club with extensive hunting grounds but .... only for sub 12ft /lb (which is annoying as I have an fac for .22lr and .17hmr)


what hunting rifles do you rate sub 12ft/lb and where is it best to buy


i like the look of, what are your thoughts and suggestions

bsa ultra se 


bsa r10

aa 410 superlite


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The options....

New? I'd get a Bsa ultra. But only because I've not owned one. Yet. 

If Secondhand? - Air arms s410, just couldn't justify £700 + new. Does nothing my £400 s/h fx doesn't, and I'm not knocking it at all. Supurb gun and laser accurate.

Or a rapid 7. Or a super 10. Or a fx 2000. Or a falcon lighthunter. Or a gamo coyote. Or a fx wildcat. On and on and on 😂

Depends on budget tbh. 


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Ultra is a a great accurate gun 


but so is the HW110 with more shot count and very , very accurate 


nothing wrong with the other two 


this would be my two , to choice from and probably go for HW 

Had the other two as well but sold them 

Edited by villaman
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The Ultra ,is a good light very accurate tool, but when i take any gun out of its case I like to check it for zero if I am hunting. This has to be done near your re-fill air tank with an Ultra , or you can lose 25% of your air capacity just re zeroing it .

The Scorpion se is basically the same gun , with a slightly longer barrel and air cylinder. Ie higher shot count.(much overlooked).

The HW110 , is awesome ! regulated , two mags , anti double load ,moderator   , straight out of the box . Some early ones had issues , mine never has. 120 x 11.3 ft/lbs ,regulated shots from a single fill. 

Air arms 410/510 , A 'stalwart ' of an air rifle ! stunning accuracy , and dead reliable . But your going to have to pay extra for a moderator, and a regulator. Quality ,but being left behind now for the price , (like buying a new car without aircon/bluetooth).

The AA S200 , is also worth a look . (especially if your carrying your rifle for a distance /time).

I own all three ,and can only offer my humble opinion . Others may dis agree.

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As far as rezeroing a gun when you get it out the bag .thats an air arms thing .the thin barrel and hence barrel band of the aa .shift in your bag and you loose zero .

Bsa use a much stronger breech block .and barrel that is floating so it wont loose zero as easily .for instance .i have an ultra 177 .

My first one .and ive not had to even touch the scope caps in over 5 years its always spot on every time i take it out .

I feed it the same pellets over and over and it stuffs them through  a single hole time after time .

Very reliable .no air or time wasted rezeroing .

This is a big thing for me .as often when we arrive at a permission the best opportunities present right away and you dont want to be faffing about with an airarms rezeroing it and putting all the quarry to ground  .

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How unusual Stu - I would put money on the fact that the only reason I ever checked the zero on my S410's (in the 10 + years that I owned the 2) was if I was bored or had changed the scope - the barrel moving is pretty much total fantasy unless you drop the gun from a considerable height and the gun lands awkwardly - how would a gun with a floating barrel cope I wonder? I had an RM-8 and the slightest tap on the barrel would send zero miles off. With regards the AA - long as the support screws are tight you can forget the barrel ever moving. If I were to be forced to put a figure on it, I would estimate that my S410 classic .177 was only ever re zeroed 5 times in 10 years and then only by a couple if clicks.

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hello, for £700 you should be able to find an as new AA S410, buy a pump/ buy a scope,  you do not need anything fancy scope wise, blackwoods outdoors have a good deal on a hawke 3x9x50 AO, and you will have money left over that you do not need to borrow

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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I have just started back into airguns a few years ago jumped str8 in bought a bsa ultra se belting gun then I read about power curves now for me I haven't got the time or patience to check my zero of every pellet  from a full to empty cylinder so I went and bought a regulated rifle hw100 some of the pcps have such a big power curve will make you insane it would be better getting a springer 

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So the bsa ultra was an amazing gun until you read somewhere that because its unregged that somehow this effected your shooting and now the gun is not great anymore .?

That right there is proof of being swayed by tosh that you read online .stick to what you know for your self and works for you  .that ultra is better for not being regged in my opinion  (bsa know this ) 


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How many shots do you estimate firing out hunting? 

Regulator is something to go wrong. 

Fill to sweet spot and shoot. 50 shots enough? 

Only time I had zero problems with my MPR is when I believed the guff about free floating barrels and it sprayed about like a garden hose. Barrel band back on and tightened and normal service resumed. 

Just read your post Stu, AA and BSA fan boys agree, stop the press 😁

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no ultra still a great gun but I do not have time or patience I want a rifle that I can use once a year to everyday and I know it will put a pellet we're the crosshairs are not an inch under I has even thinking going back to springer power

Edited by blankfirer
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I recently saw a s410 in a gun shop for £350. For the other 350 you could get a scope and a pump and a years worth of pellets. 

I'm really not being biased here but I've been on and off using a s410 for about as long as they have been out, and one way or another had to check the zero nearly everytime we take it out. In fact the brand new one which was sent off to rat works for a reg, had to have a brand new barrel from airarms as the crown was ruined (from factory) and grouped like a 12bore. Now it's like a laser. Apart from that ridiculously stiff bolt. 

2 minutes ago, Paul5tag said:

At the risk of sounding redundant ,why is a regulated rifle less reliable than a unregulated rifle? To have regulated shots would surely make it more reliable or am I missing something.

I think most are under the impression that the seals go more often. I could be wrong, but I own 2 pcps and one is regulated one not. I dont care which one I pick up. Doubtful if I'm out hunting I'll use more than 10 pellets anyway. 

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1 hour ago, Paul5tag said:

At the risk of sounding redundant ,why is a regulated rifle less reliable than a unregulated rifle? To have regulated shots would surely make it more reliable or am I missing something.

A regulator can go wrong is all, same with a quick fill. Chances are they won't go wrong,  R10s have a bad rep for the regs failing.

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