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A cure

team tractor

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Linky pleasy.

I heard the other day that curcumin helps to isolate Corona's so they don't multiple Not established for Covid 19.

Not a cure and would likely still be a carrier IF its true but who know? I take it anyway for arthritis.


Edited by Dave-G
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57 minutes ago, team tractor said:

I’ve been reading up earlier that a cure has been found . It’s in test stages but it’s an existing cure already so might be available  Might be useful 

I think it might be what the Americans say they are going to have available fairly soon. It gets a mention in this video here i posted on the other thread a week or so ago.

And  they seemed to think it would be a month or so, but the true vacsene is some time away. watch the video, its long but has good detail .


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Your immune system is the cure

China reportedly shipped 50 tonnes of Vitamin C into Wuhan to give orally and intravenously.

Vitamin C supports the immune system by reducing inflammation by preventing the so called 'cytokine' storm or excess damage to your lungs by your own antibodies.

Drug companies, cannot make money from Vitamin C.


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2 minutes ago, Stonepark said:

Your immune system is the cure

China reportedly shipped 50 tonnes of Vitamin C into Wuhan to give orally and intravenously.

Vitamin C supports the immune system by reducing inflammation by preventing the so called 'cytokine' storm or excess damage to your lungs by your own antibodies.

Drug companies, cannot make money from Vitamin C.


Oh wow. Simples then. We all stuff ourselves with Vitamin C and we will all be cured and the wicked drug companies don't  need to find a cure or vaccine. Whoopee

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39 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

These people think they've got a lead too. The second link is just to prove that the first one isn't fake news - it's unintelligible to any normal person.



This is really interesting and promising.

Finger crossed. Thanks for posting and for bothering to link the news to a scientific paper. 👍

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1 hour ago, lancer425 said:

I think it might be what the Americans say they are going to have available fairly soon. It gets a mention in this video here i posted on the other thread a week or so ago.

And  they seemed to think it would be a month or so, but the true vacsene is some time away. watch the video, its long but has good detail .


wouldnt trust anyone who looked like alf garnet.........

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50 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

These people think they've got a lead too. The second link is just to prove that the first one isn't fake news - it's unintelligible to any normal person.



Sounds promising.

They have also done some promising work in Australia using anti malarial drugs.

Another  avenue they are trying is using the old method of developing a vaccine from people who have beaten the infection and have antibodies to it in their blood.

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2 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

Tb vaccine apparently.  

I heard that as well,over the weekend

i may be one of the lucky ones

2012 I developed bladder cancer...not particularly pleasant , especially when you realise how they do the operations! 

Anyway 3 years, 8 operations and 9 tumours later I was deemed suitable for chemo...and my chemo,was?    BCG the TB vaccine ( not via an injection I may add....see operational procedure) 

so I have had about 30 doses of this over 3 years and wasn't allowed to have a flu jab 8 weeks either side of any treatment.  So I never had one and still haven't. The main issue was that there was a world wide shortage of this stuff because there were only two factories certified for supplying the NHS, one in France and the other in Canada AND part way through my treatment the French one shut because of production issue   This took 2 years to come back online


it is thought that anyone who has had a BCG jab has a 10 times better chance of not ,being adversely affected


obviously this is only what I heard on the radio so may well not be gospel


be safe out there

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2 hours ago, ditchman said:

in norfolk we put half a peeled spanish oinion in your socks before you get into bed.............and what it does is to draawwww the desease out overnight...:good:

You know your onions alright Simon , the only time I tried it they fell through the holes in my socks and put me in a right ole pickle trying to get em back after rolling under the bed :lol:

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24 minutes ago, Diver One said:

I heard that as well,over the weekend

i may be one of the lucky ones

2012 I developed bladder cancer...not particularly pleasant , especially when you realise how they do the operations! 

Anyway 3 years, 8 operations and 9 tumours later I was deemed suitable for chemo...and my chemo,was?    BCG the TB vaccine ( not via an injection I may add....see operational procedure) 

so I have had about 30 doses of this over 3 years and wasn't allowed to have a flu jab 8 weeks either side of any treatment.  So I never had one and still haven't. The main issue was that there was a world wide shortage of this stuff because there were only two factories certified for supplying the NHS, one in France and the other in Canada AND part way through my treatment the French one shut because of production issue   This took 2 years to come back online


it is thought that anyone who has had a BCG jab has a 10 times better chance of not ,being adversely affected


obviously this is only what I heard on the radio so may well not be gospel


be safe out there

Well thats a shame as i never had a bcg.as a kid .as aparently id had a mild dose of tb previously  somehow and already had the antibodies .

No booster scar on my arm .

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51 minutes ago, loriusgarrulus said:

Sounds promising.

They have also done some promising work in Australia using anti malarial drugs.

Another  avenue they are trying is using the old method of developing a vaccine from people who have beaten the infection and have antibodies to it in their blood.

its interesting what drugs treat other stuff.............i was told a while ago that Thalidomide.............is still made and used in the treatment of leprosy........

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Never thought about it before.....I don't have a scar on my arm either. I shall ask me mum and see if she recalls me having the jab

Just now, ditchman said:

its interesting what drugs treat other stuff.............i was told a while ago that Thalidomide.............is still made and used in the treatment of leprosy........

And also one of the blood or bone marrow cancers

50 minutes ago, ditchman said:

Bloody scarskit..............

And Tony Blairs Father in Law, to boot!

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