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covid has caught me.

mel b3

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33 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

Don't worry fellas he is for real, I've seen him close up, nothing like a lizard or a sleeper although he may look like he was run over by a train...

Hang in there my friend.

How very dare you neville,  you know how sensitive I am about my boyish good looks , and schoolboy charm  😅😅😅.

Just heard that they're keeping my sister in hospital for another night .  Covid has really knocked her about , but she's a tough tipton girl , and she'll pull through. 

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54 minutes ago, mel b3 said:

I've been dreading getting it , I'm just surprised that its taken this long to be honest,  and I've been very glad for the info from the other pw guys that have had it . My input might just help other members feel less apprehensive when they get the text telling them that they've tested  positive , I'm also very relieved that I'm not on a ventilator,  and that I haven’t xxxx myself to death.

On the other hand , I might just be a sleeper drone that was planted on pw 17 years ago , by the Lizard overlords. 

Your the wrong shape for a lizard. 🤷‍♀️

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1 hour ago, mel b3 said:

You aren't to wide of the Mark there , it's like being absolutely blind drunk ,  and having the mother of all hangovers at the same time.

3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Strange food cravings normally point to pregnancy!:w00t:

Ditchman promised me that he'd taken precautions .

How you have described things is how I felt the last time I had a proper session with my best mate, he likes a drink and things got silly, great night but I was garbage for two days, the idea of that feeling going on for a week would be horrendous,  probably just getting older but I have taken things much easier since.

And your sense of humor is still spot on!!

All hail the Lizards.

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1 hour ago, mel b3 said:

I've been dreading getting it , I'm just surprised that its taken this long to be honest,  and I've been very glad for the info from the other pw guys that have had it . My input might just help other members feel less apprehensive when they get the text telling them that they've tested  positive , I'm also very relieved that I'm not on a ventilator,  and that I haven’t xxxx myself to death.

On the other hand , I might just be a sleeper drone that was planted on pw 17 years ago , by the Lizard overlords. 

You've done it now - the Tipton lizard has a ring to it. :yay:

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37 minutes ago, loriusgarrulus said:

Your the wrong shape for a lizard. 🤷‍♀️

Have you never heard of the lesser spotted hippopotamus lizard 😆

33 minutes ago, Mice! said:

How you have described things is how I felt the last time I had a proper session with my best mate, he likes a drink and things got silly, great night but I was garbage for two days, the idea of that feeling going on for a week would be horrendous,  probably just getting older but I have taken things much easier since.

And your sense of humor is still spot on!!

All hail the Lizards.

I'm laughing on the outside dude , but I'm crying on the inside , covid is truly awful 😢.  

30 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

You've done it now - the Tipton lizard has a ring to it. :yay:

That's quite flattering compared to some of the things I've been called dave 😆.

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2 hours ago, mel b3 said:

Have you never heard of the lesser spotted hippopotamus lizard 😆

I'm laughing on the outside dude , but I'm crying on the inside , covid is truly awful 😢.  

That's quite flattering compared to some of the things I've been called dave 😆.

Saw your cousin the other day. 


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covid 19 daily update from tipton.


sorry for my lateness again , everything is just taking a very very long time today.

first things first . lin is still rough as hell , but is carrying on like shes fine , it can only be a matter of time before she crashes.

my sister is much better , and has stopped vomiting blood . with a bit of luck , she will be returning home later today.

following a very good nights sleep ,( with the help of way too much night nurse ) , it seems like a corner has been turned , i still feel pretty rough , but not that rough that i might die at any second , however , the fatigue has become even worse . i no longer feel like im going to burst into tears , so im claiming the win:yahoo:.

i actually managed to take a shower without fainting this morning , and was able to brush both my top and bottom teeth , i still couldnt manage to put pants and socks on , but im growing to love the liberated feel of going commando . big win.

i was able to walk downstairs in the upright position , although i did have jelly legs , and had to hold on tight. it was worth the struggle as lin had ordered a macdonalds breakfast , so we just sat here and ate grease for half an hour , i couldnt taste a thing to be honest , but it just felt like comfort food , the only bad part was that lin had to open my bottle of orange juice , as i wasnt strong enough to open it myself :sad1:.

its hard to describe just how beaten up i feel . my body feels like ive been savaged , and i just want to sleep.  i feel like ive turned a corner with the virus , but im all too aware that many people have apparently got over it , only for it to turn around and bite them again . im also very aware of how lightly i seem to have gotten off , ive just been ill , other poor folks have been dead within days of getting the virus.

thankyou for the concerned  messages , texts , and calls , guys , ill give you all the money that i owe you , just as soon as im well enough to get to the bank :lol:.



15 hours ago, loriusgarrulus said:

Saw your cousin the other day. 


thats my mom that is :lol:.

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covid 19 daily update from tipton.


sorry guys , yesterdays good day , didnt last for too long.

i had another good nights sleep , aided again by too much night nurse . i woke up at 9.30 ish this morning , with a blinding headache and blurred vision , and just getting out of bed was a fight , i got into the shower and covered myself in hot water , then got back into bed . i woke up again at about 12.30 pm , and felt a bit better , and was quite hungry . i decided to take charge of sunday dinner , and cooked us both a crisp sandwich , neither of us could taste the sandwich , but it was food , so im claiming a win:yahoo:..

the virus seems to have caught up with lin now , and were both sitting in front of the telly like couch potatoes , we grunt occasionally , just to make sure that were still in the game.

my sister has taken a very worrying  turn  for the worse . she had a fall as she tried to use the toilet in hospital yesterday , she banged her head quite badly , so was kept in for observation , her covid has worsened , and she is now on antibiotics for covid pneumonia . she isnt allowed visitors , and the hospital are not at all helpful with information for her kids , all the hospital will say is call back tomorrow when shes seen a doctor . my sister stopped answering her phone yesterday , so things are getting quite worrying now.


covid19 rating  0 stars.

edited to add. 

lin has invented a word to describe the covid feeling , the word is cackaroonie !.

Edited by mel b3
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