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Here we go again......lockdowns


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4 minutes ago, captainhastings said:

Now a legal requirement to work from home in wales if you can. On other I can leg it down bozzer and sink 10 pints. Where do they get the logic from 

There is no logic, just like Ireland shutting pubs at 8pm. Covid must only be infectious after 8.05pm or why else would they do this. 

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12 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I would expect (and I'm sure correctly) my relatives and friends to give me their honest findings, not an 'official' line.


9 minutes ago, captainhastings said:

Now a legal requirement to work from home in wales if you can. On other I can leg it down bozzer and sink 10 pints. Where do they get the logic from 

Nuts ain't it

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On 18/12/2021 at 22:29, Mice! said:

Just watching the news and London Mayor has declared a major incident as the number of positive cases of Omicron is new daily high, that can't be good, even if its nothing like as serious there is bound to be a panic.

Yes but you have to remember that a third of the adult population in London is still totally unvaccinated by choice

In some of the ethnic minorities it's 90% unvaccinated and yesterday on TV a doctor from St Thomas's said the majority of people in ITU at his hospital were unvaccinated

London seems to be a bit of a strange story

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11 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

London seems to be a bit of a strange story

London is always a strange story, but you can't restrict the whole country because a third of London has CHOSEN to not have the vaccine. 

It's the same in Barrow where I work,  half my shift, the younger half haven't had the vaccine and say they won't (until next year when they want to go abroad) and I imagine it's similar across the rest of my work?

Everyone has had the chance to get vaccinated which to me says get in with things, if the unvaccinated are catching Covid and getting ill then they need to be more careful and ask themselves why they won't have the vaccine. 


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Seems more reassuringly  positive news is slowly coming put. If this continues and is backed up in practice then there are a few politicians especially in the devolved governments who could be accused of over reacting. Some of the expert advisers may also lose a degree of credibility.  From hearing some of the statements from the above mentioned, I get the impression they are wishing this variant would devastate the NHS ,so they can selfishly keep their reputations intact.

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2 hours ago, peck said:

Australia i think it is are thinking about charging people for covid healthcare if they have not been vaccinated. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Then you would need to charge smokers, drinkers, farmers who regularly get limbs stuck in machinery, obese, lazy, people with genetic diseases who had children knowing they would have disease, surfers that get bitten by sharks etc etc.

Besides all that, Australias approach to vaccines and covid have been absolutely terrible and I am astonished we don't hear of more riots over there.

44 minutes ago, millrace said:

It gets better....

You will more likely catch omicron....wait for it.....

If your vaccinated.......!!!!!

Roll up roll up for more vacations......

and they wear off after 10 weeks according to this evenings news.

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19 minutes ago, millrace said:

It gets better....

You will more likely catch omicron....wait for it.....

If your vaccinated.......!!!!!

Roll up roll up for more vacations......

If this comes from Dr. Martin Blachier, he has explained that he was misunderstood here;


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57 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I think he just confused it more, what he is saying is that the vaccinated will get Omicron because the vax 'works' against Delta but not against Omicron but that the unvax will get Delta.... what utter Bull Poop.

You will get what ever variant you come into contact with.

If Omicron is out competing Delta because it is more transmissable, though less virulent, that is the strain everyone will get as it spreads faster and more easily and therefore will be most common.


Also the Danish updated their figures below.


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Well looks like England are still holding back on further restrictions till at least new year. Also rises of positive cases increasing to record levels.

However, this doesn't apply to me as I am retired. But I imagine ringing in with a positive lateral flow test is a quick and easy way to pull  sickie, no questions asked. Just a thought 

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22 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

Well looks like England are still holding back on further restrictions till at least new year. Also rises of positive cases increasing to record levels.

However, this doesn't apply to me as I am retired. But I imagine ringing in with a positive lateral flow test is a quick and easy way to pull  sickie, no questions asked. Just a thought 

Quite agree about what you said about phoning in positive........bet there's not many self employed doing that.

Also, I just watched the news and it was said about positive cases rising, they then put up figures of 113,000 on Christmas day, 102,000 yesterday, and 98,000 today.....uh, rising ?

They must hate saying anything positive on the news.

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4 minutes ago, twenty said:

Quite agree about what you said about phoning in positive........bet there's not many self employed doing that.

Also, I just watched the news and it was said about positive cases rising, they then put up figures of 113,000 on Christmas day, 102,000 yesterday, and 98,000 today.....uh, rising ?

They must hate saying anything positive on the news.

Well that is rising if that's an extra 313,000 cases.

But the important thing is are those cases putting people in hospital? Are people seriously ill or just at home isolating feeling carp for a few days??

Cases will always go up around Xmas, people go home, mix, go drinking.

I'm taking the fact we haven't had more restrictions as a good thing, it must mean that while cases are rising that they aren't serious?

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15 minutes ago, Mice! said:

 Are people seriously ill or just at home isolating feeling carp for a few days??

I'm taking the fact we haven't had more restrictions as a good thing, it must mean that while cases are rising that they aren't serious?

If people 'caught it' over Christmas (i.e. between say 23rd December and now), we would expect positive tests to start going up after 3 or 4 days and onwards, so mainly say from about 26th or 27th(today) - and not see significant hospitalisations for another 5 to 7 days from then, so 1st week in January.

I think its a bit of a waiting game to see if it gets serious for a significant number of people, or (like South Africa seems to have seen), it causes very little serious illness.

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26 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Well that is rising if that's an extra 313,000 cases.

But the important thing is are those cases putting people in hospital? Are people seriously ill or just at home isolating feeling carp for a few days??

Cases will always go up around Xmas, people go home, mix, go drinking.

I'm taking the fact we haven't had more restrictions as a good thing, it must mean that while cases are rising that they aren't serious?

But going on that basis, you would only need one positive case a day for the number to keep rising.

If that is how it works, the case numbers will never drop, surely we work on numbers per day ?

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1 hour ago, twenty said:

But going on that basis, you would only need one positive case a day for the number to keep rising.

If that is how it works, the case numbers will never drop, surely we work on numbers per day ?

I can see why they are reporting cases when it's a 100,000 a day, I'm sure if it was a 100 then it wouldn't be reported, it'll probably be similar numbers till everyone goes back to work.

1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

think its a bit of a waiting game to see if it gets serious for a significant number of people, or (like South Africa seems to have seen), it causes very little serious illness.

I've seen odd reports on FB, the news or papers showing a ward with a few people in there looking seriously ill,  normally with some comments about them not being vaccinated? But I haven't seen any reports like when this all started with people filling the hospitals, care homes locked down and filled with covid cases, that's why I'm thinking things aren't as serious yet this time around,  hopefully the Scots and Welsh will have jumped the gun bringing in more restrictions. 

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9 minutes ago, Mice! said:

I've seen odd reports on FB, the news or papers showing a ward with a few people in there looking seriously ill,  normally with some comments about them not being vaccinated?

Agreed.  My niece and husband work in a major hospital as doctors.  Almost all who are seriously ill in their hospital with Covid are unvaccinated (the remainder being those who were already seriously ill/elderly and have Covid on top).

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23 minutes ago, Mice! said:

  hopefully the Scots and Welsh will have jumped the gun bringing in more restrictions. 

May be so, but I also get the impression their respective power hungry leaders can't resist flexing their political muscle. 

I also noted they are announcing various financial support for the sections of their economies that are suffering as a result of their action. But does anyone know ,will their own tax payers be funding this or will us mugs in England be doing so as well.

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5 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

I can't believe there are people who think we should have another lock down. I've never known so many petrified people!

It's ridiculous. 


I fence sit this one:

On the one hand Bingo (for example) hasn't been shut down but you can bet loads go to the non essential indoor event thinking it must be safe because its not locked down. :ermm:

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