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Sellior and bellot

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1 hour ago, 3800lloyd said:

Is there any sellior and bellot shot shell dealers in the uk thanks

Not sure if they still produce cartridges , haven't seen any adverts for S + B cartridges for years , like many others on the forum I have used a few 1000 when they first flooded the market as they were a decent low budget shell , on par with the Russian ones and sold in flat boxes of ten for around £40 a 1000 , yes £40 .

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Black Lion Cartridges in Wales used to sell them but I think they stopped importing them in the lockdown

Sellier and Bellot used to be imported by Edgar Bros if I remember correctly but the trouble with importing cartridges these days is they are very heavy and bulky so the shipping cost makes it unprofitable.

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Aha! It's all pre fall of the Warsaw Pact you see. And the fault of Brexit. Not quite...but....

Once upon a time S & B and BRNO and etc., etc., were inside a country that was a member of the Soviet sphere of influence. So these products were earners of "hard" currency. With the fall of the Soviet regime AND the entry of the Czech Republic and Slovakia into the European Union times have changed. So there's no longer this ability to make product cheap in state owned or controlled low wage factories to sell for sterling or dollars.

So like everything else the product has to actually make a profit and not be simply be sold almost "at cost price" as a vehicle for Western hard currency. So I suspect that either the cartridges are now too expensive to import into the UK and sell at a realistic price or that the UK market is now far far less important (espcially post Brexit) than selling to Germany or France which also doesn't need post-Brexit paperwork nor to cross the English Channel.

Simply put it is no longer worth bothering with the UK as a possible marketplace?

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in france you can get solognac cartridges from the big chain for 5 euros a box for 32g of 5s    works out after conversion at about £170 a thousand  so im still not buying the whole  price fo raw materials stuff were getting pulled to bits becasue the whole UK market is a racket.

gamebore  supply all the kent cartridges that use dimondshot from the shotdrop tower in the UK that are cheaper in the US than here.  so if raw materials are so expensive and hard to come by how are they managing to get enough of it, processing it and shipping a heavy metal across the atlantic to supply the whole of the US but were getting hit with price hikes of nearly 50% in 2 years?

i can still remember when eley olympic blues made in the uk were like 210 a thousand where as rio were making the same cartridge in spain and shipping it here and it was about 180 a tonne




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