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But how could this be, SABS are kind and peaceful types.


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21 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

Just seen this… not even read it yet, but just the title and video got me riled.


Watched the video - if that had been an action against the sabs it would have been all over the MSM by now:mad:

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What a piece of ****.

Goes to show that a lot of these people aren't there to protest or disrupt for their beliefs but purely to cause trouble. 

That's an unprovoked attack on an old man. Judging by the way she ran in on him from a distance she was spoiling for a fight and just waiting for someone to give her an excuse.

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Dennis was found guilty of assault by beating after a trial at Weymouth Magistrates' Court and fined £959, MailOnline has learned. The victim says he remains 'emotionally scarred' by her 'violent actions.'

What a  waste of fresh air she is she will probably pay fine out of funds given by the public 

Edited by Rim Fire
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11 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

Since anyone and everyone decided they could walk where ever they feel they want too. Have a nightmare on a mate's farm with people just walking in every direction they choose. Even fencing some footpaths in has not helped

Ditto. I no longer shoot a particular permission for this very reason. It is an arables farm close to three villages and has defined signposted footpaths but local muppets forged links between them. A walk around rabbit evening started to become a nightmare. Often challenged with “should you be shooting here where people walk?” If I responded with “do you realise your trespassing?” the response was often “We have the right to roam” and the verbal abuse was amazing. It was becoming an uphill battle we were never going to win. It would only take one muppet to complain to the police that they felt threatened and there was the risk of a police knee jerk reaction and all that that could entail. Not worth the risk so, sadly, I binned it.

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And sadly this is going to get worse as townies retire to the countryside. Had some muppet call police to me and i was in a field. Man with gun in a field i want it stopped i will call Chief Constable if you dont go and he sat down road to see cop and me we just had a chat about shooting while idiot thought he had won .Police officer said this sort of thing is getting worse as folk move out of towns and even the locals are fed up with them.

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46 minutes ago, Bobba said:

Ditto. I no longer shoot a particular permission for this very reason. It is an arables farm close to three villages and has defined signposted footpaths but local muppets forged links between them. A walk around rabbit evening started to become a nightmare. Often challenged with “should you be shooting here where people walk?” If I responded with “do you realise your trespassing?” the response was often “We have the right to roam” and the verbal abuse was amazing. It was becoming an uphill battle we were never going to win. It would only take one muppet to complain to the police that they felt threatened and there was the risk of a police knee jerk reaction and all that that could entail. Not worth the risk so, sadly, I binned it.

Ask them where in the ‘act’ does it allow them to do so. 
If your in farmland where crops are being grown then the my ‘don’t’ have the right. 
See this extract. 

Excepted land

On access land some areas remain private (‘excepted land’). You do not have the right to access these areas, even if they appear on a map of open access land.

Excepted land includes:

  • houses, buildings and the land they’re on (such as courtyards)
  • land used to grow crops
  • building sites and land that’s being developed
  • parks and gardens
  • golf courses and racecourses
  • railways and tramways
  • working quarries

Use public rights of way to cross excepted land.


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This type of thing as been happening for a long time but most does not get reported, remember in the 80s a farmer by the name of Jeff Kirk who was in his late 60s and a keen pigeon shooter, he was shooting on some stubble when he was approached by two young men dressed in the usual anti clothing, they give him some verbal abuse and then set about ripping his hide down, it ended in a bit of a scrap and he ended up in hospital for a week, police were called but nowt came of it as they had long gone.

Just makes you think what you would do in the same situation?

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They do it because they can get away with it and they know they can .With prisons overflowing there not likely to be locked up when murderers etc serve 2/3 or 3/4 of there sentence and get out on good behaviour with a tag 

A few years ago my mate was out with a hunt doing the terrier work and the sabs stormed in it got dirty my mate was accused of aiming his shotgun at them even though it was broken and cartridges removed , One sab was crying don't hit me i am only 15 out for money sabing the hunt not interested in animal rights . It came to court my mate had to fight it himself the hunt left him too it as they had enough complaints against them 

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This is a conversation I had early one morning:

Cyclist. (skidding to a stop) “What are you doing?” 
Me. “I’m just removing the working parts from these two deer.” 
Cyclist. “I don’t think you should be in this wood shooting deer.” 
Me. “I’ll have you know that I pay a great deal of money to be allowed in this wood shooting deer. Unlike you, who has no right whatsoever to be in this wood at all, let alone riding that bike along this private track. Now **** off before I call His Grace’s head gamekeeper and have you removed.” 
Exit cyclist, stage left.

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