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Guess the nest

Old Boggy

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Was out today getting half a dozen pigeons on a bit of well hammered rape and took a long shot of (not at) this nest on a pylon cross bar. I know it`s not the best image,  but who  can identify it?

First person to get it right can have an Old Boggy bottle opener once I make a few more in the next couple of days. Apologies for the poor photo. Also photo of the rape now in flower with the well `mullered` (that`s a Kentish expression) bit in front.




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Well, Bone got it right it is a Raven’s nest. This is the second year that they’ve nested there and are often seen being mobbed by crows and rooks. This is what sets them apart seeing how much bigger they are than crows and are more agile in flight being able to do somersaults and almost fly upside down.

I’m awaiting Bone to PM me his address so that I can send him his bottle opener. 

Thanks for your response everyone, even those anoraks who rightly or wrongly identified the pylon🤣


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11 hours ago, bone said:


Quite right sir. Perhaps coming from Kent you are in the Dover area where ravens are common along the cliff tops.

Let me have your address.


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