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Joe is out of the race


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I think it's the right thing and I would favour age limits on most of these elected representative positions. 

As someone in my late 60s, I will freely admit to being less able to cope with long busy days, complex issues and long periods where unbroken concentration is needed.  My guess is that most of us who are 'older' would realise and admit that whilst we have knowledge, experience, and probably greater pragmatism, we also have less capacity for intense concentration, quick assimilation of problems and making snap decisions.   Things like travel, meetings and stressful situations also take longer to get over.

Just my experience, but I know that many (most) of my contemporaries feel much the same.

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12 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

Michelle Obama, the only sensible choice who stands a chance against ‘The Donald’ 

She has stated many times she is not interested in running, but i think her husband will be twisting her arm.

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59 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I think it's the right thing and I would favour age limits on most of these elected representative positions. 

As someone in my late 60s, I will freely admit to being less able to cope with long busy days, complex issues and long periods where unbroken concentration is needed.  My guess is that most of us who are 'older' would realise and admit that whilst we have knowledge, experience, and probably greater pragmatism, we also have less capacity for intense concentration, quick assimilation of problems and making snap decisions.   Things like travel, meetings and stressful situations also take longer to get over.

Just my experience, but I know that many (most) of my contemporaries feel much the same.

They are the thoughts of any right minded person,sadly not the thoughts of the power hungry political aged ones !!!

America and indeed anywhere else,deserves far better leaders.

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1 hour ago, welsh1 said:

So he finally stepped down, now who will take his place?

It will be hard for them to put forward anyone but vice president Harris because of the way their sucession rules are structured. I don't fully understand all the nuances but basically she is Biden's political heir so she too would have to be pushed out before anybody else could be considered.

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Dont forget Biden is STILL POTUS...........he needs to resign......she has no money and the "big" players are not endorsing her and unlocking their funds for her yet......

Obama is sticking his finger in

Trump is loving this ....it sure is messy............

Edited by ditchman
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What makes me laugh with the utter mess over there is, for years the Republicans have been saying Biden isn't fit to be the president, something which to be fair I have agreed with, the Democrats have always denied this, until very recently, when coincidentally, it's become obvious Trump was going to win. It is a mess of their own making. 

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5 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

It is a mess of their own making. 

Biden was nominated for POTUS in 2020 because in the murky politics of Capitol hill, it was 'his turn' , there were far better people who could have been the dem choice, but they simply werent.
In the grand scheme of things, its not Kamalas turn, but the dems are stuck on bringing in new blood, or keep with the familiar, if not popular face, plus all the campaign money that would go to waste.

Trump was nominated through sheer force of personality, not from the world of politics, but a known face, his populist policies struck a chord in 2016, and strike a chord now, despite the tactical mistakes the dems have made in this campaign, the Biden administration has been simply ineffective at dealing with Americas problems.
Its Trumps turn again, and hopefully he can deliver.


15 hours ago, oowee said:

I fear you could be right. Will Biden be the last President? 

Well, if Trump wins , then he would be the last POTUS would he not , before he declares himself dictator for life, or fuhrer of the nazi states of America, and starts WW3 ? 
I think its time we stopped being silly over the upcoming Trump presidency, more bad things happened under Biden, than they did under Trumps previous term.

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26 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Biden was nominated for POTUS in 2020 because in the murky politics of Capitol hill, it was 'his turn' , there were far better people who could have been the dem choice, but they simply werent.
In the grand scheme of things, its not Kamalas turn, but the dems are stuck on bringing in new blood, or keep with the familiar, if not popular face, plus all the campaign money that would go to waste.

Trump was nominated through sheer force of personality, not from the world of politics, but a known face, his populist policies struck a chord in 2016, and strike a chord now, despite the tactical mistakes the dems have made in this campaign, the Biden administration has been simply ineffective at dealing with Americas problems.
Its Trumps turn again, and hopefully he can deliver.


Well, if Trump wins , then he would be the last POTUS would he not , before he declares himself dictator for life, or fuhrer of the nazi states of America, and starts WW3 ? 
I think its time we stopped being silly over the upcoming Trump presidency, more bad things happened under Biden, than they did under Trumps previous term.

I think its time to open our eyes and try to better understand what is happening.

Trump has the intellect of, at best, a satsuma. He has nothing like the mental capacity required for the job. The Maga element of his party has already tried to overturn the election results to hold onto power. Now the rules are in place and the courts are aligned to allow another go and a smoother transition, to hold onto power. Vance is in place with the support of Musk, Carlson, and more importantly Sacks so direct links to Heritage foundation. All the players directly linked to project 2025. 

WW3 no I dont think so it's not in a dictators interest. 

Hopefully this is all wrong and if Trump is successful the Republican party prevails over Maga. Either way for the UK we are looking decidedly exposed. Its good to see an opportunity for closer security ties with Europe. Hopefully if the US pull out of Ukraine the Europeans will let us join there defence industry alliance at least then we would have common interest control of weapons. 


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