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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Wb123

    Laser printer

    Depending on use and how diy happy you are take a look at running costs. Laser toner cartridges can be very expensive to replace or refillable with a £5 bottle of toner and a drill depending on the make. I have an old Samsung on its original starter cartridge but with many subsequent refills. The printer was £30 but a new 3000 sheet toner cartridge would have been £65 a time, but they can be refilled at about £3 a go if you diy. My parents last I heard were using brother lasers for their business use as they were easily refillable from a bottle. In their case the cost per sheet works out cheapest getting four or five refils on the standard cartridge then replacing the whole thing when the next component along packs up. I suspect there is either no profit on the printers or a sizeable loss the manufacturers try to make back on the parts.
  2. I also have hearing loss problems. I have custom moulded earplugs I can't wear for more than an hour, find Howard Leigh max I can forget are in and sleep through anything, but for shooting I far prefer peltor protacs, as I hear surrounding noise better than with nothing on but they do a better job than the plugs of knocking down the report. Also so comfy I have slept in them quite happily before (they don't clamp quite as tight as the peltors). Peltor optime fours I would use if not needing to hear surrounding noise. I try but rarely manage to remember Howard Leigh max inside the protacs. The protacs turned up with Howard Leigh max inside more or less matches my normal hearing.
  3. A number of colleagues have gone down this route, massively expensive if you want functioning cover it seems (something that pays out if you can no longer work in your chosen profession but could still man a till for instance). In the above example losing a hand and thus my career would mean a payout far short of what would be required to stop working. I had a quote at £220 a month for income protection, that allowed motorcycles but only on tracks (would have to give up motorcycling on the road) and no competitive horse riding, this was to be fair ill health as well as accidental injury cover albeit with no payout for the first six months of any issue. I decided I would rather stash a little more away into savings each month. My work pension scheme have more than adequate death in service provision to cover all the required expenses, In fairness had I shopped around I may have been able to get a lower quote, and I do know of one ex colleague who essentially was retired off on near enough full pay at 34 by the combination of her rather expensive insurance policy and her pensions ill health retirement policy. She will probably live to 15 years short of a normal life expectancy but without great hand function.
  4. My first (and thus far only) side by side is a silver sable deluxe sidelock made by arrietta in the 70s. I think I paid about £350.
  5. My better half bought a ebay £40 job (someone occasionally sells them on here also). It clearly wasnt designed to take the weight of a full fill with cartridges but with a few cheap and simple modifications has come good.
  6. An update for everyone. Wildrover very kindly delivered my purchase this week, a more helpful and pleasant gentleman one could not hope to meet.
  7. Im watching this with interest. I shoot with a fixed 6x42 scope mostly around dusk or under the lamp so wanted some binos with similar magnification and lots of light gathering. I ended up with a £20 set of 7x50s, they avoid using the scope for target identification and are very helpful for scanning for bunnies before it gets quite dark enough for the lamp but I have been after something a little more refined. I have been rather tempted by the steiner 7x50s.
  8. I get the £25 farmers market jobbies and find after a spot of wax they do the job. Using them every day for most of the year and reproofing twice a year I tend to get three to four years begore they start to fall apart. One day I will try a barbour but the price seems vastly higher for something unlikely to last that much longer (would need to be hitting 30-40 years to be cost effective).
  9. Could be interesting, I would happily have voted for a more central labour party at the last general election rather than the conservatives but the only options other than a conservative party heading a bit to far to the right were hard left loons.
  10. It's all well and good saying we already pay once in council tax, but given the huge effective cuts in income for councils we should all be able to appreciate that either they will have to reduce services and/or charge for some things that are currently 'included' that can't be withdrawn.
  11. Most places I have worked have subsided restaurants. My better half works for a company who have a semi mandatory fortnightly free dinner for the office staff with booze and subsidised taxis home. When in very time pressured work have I often had departments who will bring food more or less to us, and again in less pressured work if they want us talking to other departments they make it happen with lunches. In theory this reduces breaks and improves the amount of unpaid work we do, (most of the staff are paid by the hour but do a lot for free). In the more professional salaried places I have seen it done it is allegedly to encourage mixing, cross pollination of ideas, and problem solving between teams (and supposedly it is far more cost effective than other ways of doing this). As such I am wholy in favour of the politicians being encouraged to sit down and eat/drink and try to collaborate to run the country as well as possible. The degree to which the food has to be appealing needs to reflect how desperate MPs may be to get on the train home instead or nip out for a sandwich. Where work is essentially algorithm based I agree this would be excessive, but this is supposedly higher level problem solving work which in my experience is not managed significantly differently in the private sector which we presumably can use as a marker of cost efficiency.
  12. If there is one its long dead. I pulled the main fuse to disable the mains supply (which would also knock out our internet router), then spent the next ten minutes finding a screwdriver to open the box and remove the back up battery. If there is a second back up battery in the sounder it failed to keep the thing going.
  13. The police were generally approving about our alarm, but more approving about the dangerous dog sign and postie warning sticker on the letterbox (we dont have a dog). Last time the alarm had a fault and went off at 0130 it took me all of fifteen minutes and a screwdriver to work out how to disable its power supplies, not a single curtain ruffled in our very suburban culdesac.
  14. Going on your spelling of lough, and reference to this years water level issues I assume you are also Northern Ireland based. My understanding of wildfowling here is that there is much higher demand for club memberships than on the mainland and less suitable/available land to provide competition which pushes the prices well above the mainland. That said if I have a job in NI next year I'll give you £420 for the membership, getting into a club here seems impossible.
  15. I used to have a set that filled up with condensation, had to take the bulbs out and hairdryer them before each mot.
  16. British, born in England but family heritage from across GB, spent most of my childhood between england and wales, then subsequently worked and studied across the whole of the UK plus the isle of man. When the rugby is on I tend to cheer for England (English Rugby put a lot of money into the school I went to), then wherever I am living at the time is second choice.
  17. The landrover itch is not a rational thing, but scratching it is damned good. I have an old disco, father had a rangie that was tremendous fun. Personally I dont like the new ones as I hate chasing electrical faults and the financial depreciation, but if you can stomach the warranty or maintenance cost and depreciation of a new one they are lovely. You could get several old ones...
  18. I had a 6-18x40 bsa sweet 22 on my 22lr, I replaced it with an ancient S&B 6x42 and much prefer the latter. At night with the lamp on low the clarity is amazing. If you want the scope that came off it is just gathering dust, and is missing one turret cap. I cant imagine ever using it again, if someone somewhere is starting out and after a scope with plenty of bells and whistles (adjustable parralax, magnification, and changable ballistic turrets) they can have it for cost of postage.
  19. Teaching can be a very attractive career if the alternatives for the individual are worse. I wouldnt touch retraining as a teacher with with a bargepole but at the moment I can get more appealing work. If the bottom fell out of my industry I would be tempted by teaching. At home finding an art teacher is no problem, but a maths or physics teacher with a decent degree from a decent uni is next to impossible without putting up a lot of cash as these people have much more appealing lines or work open to them. A local private school who market themselves as having each teacher having a good degree in their field ended up offering £45k, free housing, and fees paid for two kids and still the job took three years to fill (no need for a pgce as private, just need a 2.1 or 1st from a university that will be prestigious enough for the customers, and a vauge ability to teach). My sister currently works as a teacher in the private sector and enjoys it very much, but says there is no way in hell she would touch state school teaching even if she was exempted from having to go back and do a pgce. The pay and working conditions are much worse and only partially compensated for by the better pension.
  20. There is a strange pink film and foam thing that sticks like the proverbial to a blanket I have seen fairly often. No idea what they are called though.
  21. The message will be to those tempted to go in future, and because Putin has an 'election' to win so has to look patriotic to russian voters. The UK is simply the location either by chance, or having a suitable target nice and close to all the appropriate places to join the dots. This is about the Russian system communicating with Russians, we just provided the venue. Ah, sorry.
  22. Im not sure what the controvosy is here, it seems clear that for the Russians the aim is to make it very plain to see that there is nowhere to hide for anyone defecting from their security services by doing it in a way designed to capture maximum publicity but remain vaugely deniable. Killing this chap isnt important, its the message the whole thing sends that is.
  23. I love a bit of pigeon breast, but cant get it around here. A colleague in my last place of work used to drop me an occasional bag of pigeon breasts but would never accept payment no matter how hard I tried. Once there is more space in the freezer I might be interested in pricing up posting a batch over if anyone is looking to get rid of some or is more local to Belfast.
  24. I got an S&B from greenfields via ebay that I have been absolutely delighted with.
  25. Best: an ancient S&B 6x42, took it out last night and my mind was blown. Vastly superior to the modern scope it replaced. Worst: pigs ear maximiser, nice in theory but cant get the thing set up so i get a good cheek weld with it on.
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