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I think you will find that when we have all found a sport of shooting, other pastimes like 22 wufters running about loses its interest,


I mean would you rather have a bit of nookie or watch someone else?

thats football, all watchers.

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why areyou onto the gay scene? i bet if some of the professionals turned up as a celeb in your town night club, then most of the ladies(possibly some of your wives) wouldnt hesitate for a quick bunk up in the bogs with them...



Maybe in the rugby scene I could see your point. I'd be seriously offended if my mrs went off with a pro footballer!


Speaking of which, the kids at her school are involved to some extent with our big local rugby team. Maybe I shouldn't ask what she did at work today? :good:

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why areyou onto the gay scene? i bet if some of the professionals turned up as a celeb in your town night club, then most of the ladies(possibly some of your wives) wouldnt hesitate for a quick bunk up in the bogs with them...




If a bunch of dozy drunk slappers want to get scuttled in some filthy nightclub bogs by them then they must be worthy of my respect and admiration.


Sorry, but no.



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I'd be most upset if I found out my wife had done this. Toilets are filthy places and I'd expect better of her.


Not if you use the ladies bogs, they tend to have less oversplash on the floors. You are also less less likely to be staring down at a bowl of excreta as normally birds dont pooh alot in nightclubs. So on the whole they are generally a better standard of venue for a casual encounter.


Hard core note from a mate who is a doorman, who regularly has to check the ladies toilets for anyone up to no good.

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I'm sort of against you lads. I played at a very high standard til I was 17 and then semi pro til I was 21. I then just lost my passion for the game. I can undestand why you think it's for chavs, especially now. I'm more of a retro football fan these days. I like watching games from the 50's to the early 90's.


When I played, I was the only one in the dressing room not into hip hop music or stabbing people in my spare time. I liked to read and watch documentaries. I also did well in school, college, uni etc which went down a storm. If I wasn't trying to sleep with some woman full of make up and trashy clothes, I was a gayer.


So generally, about 90% of people into football are a bit chavvy.


The only thing I find really weird is the need to sing songs all the time. I don't get it. Where did that come from?

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i dont hate football, i just think most of it (premiership anyway) is a bit gay, esp all that "oh ref ref ref! he stubbed my toe, can i have a penalty and a rub with the magic sponge and get out early so i can sell my story to ok magazine?!" dross that goes on. and how many guys started wearing a sarong because david beckham wore one? fruits... :good::D


maybe its just the fact that i spent most of secondary school playing rugby, but i have very little interest in football, apart from the odd northern ireland and rangers game :P

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there's your problem then you have never seen a decent team




:good: what was the score last time england played northern ireland? did we not kick your ***** as usual?! :D


anyway my point is i watch ni games as its the national team, and i watch rangers games for obvious reasons, apart from that i wouldnt give a damn if i never saw a football game again :P

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I'm sort of between two fences on this one (oooh eer! off to a wrong start already!) I like watching football and enjoy the tournaments where I can support my national team but I can't stand the useless lazy whiny little ****s they pay so much money to play it.


I also follow Rugby (League) - (the better version of rugby, not "RL-Lite" as Union is trying to be! New thread probably needed at this point :good: )


Where I get really annoyed with football is that when you watch Rugby - of either code - you see players getting tackled, taken down, hit, thumped, scratched, gouged, kicked, stamped, battered, bruised etc and generally beaten and abused as dictated as being part of the game - they take the tackles and then get up and carry on playing - (I remember Shaun Edwards playing through a challenge cup final with a cheekbone broken in the first few minutes!)


In football it appears that the "training" seems to take different track - if a player comes into even the most marginal of contact with one of the delicate and fragile multimillionaires on the opposing team he is contractually obliged to be struck down with a very short term paralysis which will cast him to the ground in paroxyms of agony and the team whose players who makes the more convincing case of being closest to actual expiration is awarded the game? Recent developments however appear to have escalated to the stage that where the "contact" is seen to been made with a players face then it is deemed an automatic broken nose/cheekbone/jaw/ eye or ear and is therefore a capital offence for the perpetrator?

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I don't watch it, so it has no impact on my life at all, I am aware it goes on every week and that is about all.

What I don't like, and it seems I am not alone here, is people standing near my desk at work dripping on endlessly about how 'we' didn't/did do well, or 'you' were lucky etc every Monday morning - being at work on a Monday is bad enough, without having to listen to that as well.


Hit the nail on the head there i hate the 'we' or you for example 'we won the other day' what on earth did the person talking have to do with the victory if all they did was watch it from home or the pub?!?! it gets on my wick no end.


As for homophobia being illegal the idea is not but the discrimination of someone on account of sexuality is and quite rightly in my mind.


Then onto watching the sport you may just catch me watching england in the world cup if nothing else is on.



Edited by groach1234
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I just can't believe I have read all this **** about football hoods. In my opinion the majority of those overpaid yobs are the ones who skived off school to spend there lives kicking a ball against someones house - possibly late into the night too. That was a great referrence from someone about blokes who walk round in stripey shirts with another mans name on - brilliant.


Good post though to get this far. :)

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I never liked football. Even as a kid. Only showed an interest in it 'cos I thought it was expected of me and my old man was in to all kinds of sports. Probably why he favoured my brother over me.


I was always one of the last kids to be picked for a side. I always opted for goal as it was generally a bit of a doss and didn't have to run after the ball like a total gaylord thinking it was the be all and end all of everything. I can still see Mr Sellers' face come storming across the pitch towards me after that lame goal kick I did. With a face like thunder he bellowed "WHAT'S THE MATTER? ARE YOU SOME KIND OF A GIRL?"


Freakin' old *******. I really should go and find out where he's buried so I can **** on his grave.

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I quite like football!! I like a bet on it and it pass's the hours on a winters night when there's nothing else on the box, used to follow Linfield FC over here for a few years when i was younger but don't really have a team that i support now. Have to admit when it comes to the world cup this year i will be supporting England as they are the only home nation there! Just the tabloid hysteria i dislike!

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I mess about with the kids kicking a ball etc

I dont mind watching a match on tv, when i maybe up the pub on a sunday about once per month.

Only games i seem to watch is the World cup to be honest, other then that not that fussed about it and only ever been to a few live matches when i was young, Bristol City & Rovers mainly on Boxing day with my uncle.


Went to a bad match once many years ago, Millwall vs Bristol City in Swindon.....ummm now that was an eye opener after the match, with police dogs running down the streets and bottles flying through the air....that was it for me

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