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Your biggest regret???


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I have done a great many things in my life that I have regretted at a later stage but after reading so many posts on here about fathers taking their sons out shooting, fishing, camping, etc and thoroughtly enjoying each others company the biggest thing that I regret in life (And i am not going to get into why) is not having children, especially a son that I could have taken out and spent some quality time with passing on what "life and country skills" I have to!


What do you most regret either doing or not doing in your life guys?


p.s. Keep it clean please guys.

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Not getting divorced sooner. Staying with someone you can't stand for the sake of the kids was a major mistake and in hindsight didn't do anyone any favours. Not starting shooting until my mid forties is a major regret(darn't buy the gun til the wife had gone-to many temptations)

Edited by yates
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I've always lived on the premise that life is too short for regrets and one should always look to the future rather than dwell on the past... BUT.... as I get older and realise I am 'past it' in a lot of senses, I find myself wishing (rather than regretting) that I had stayed in the Army rather than coming out when I did...


BUT.... if I try to work out what effect that would have had on my life, I most definately wouldn't have the kids or wife I have now and wouldn't swap any of 'em for the world!

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I worked too hard and didn't play with my kids enough when they were young. Like many people, I thought the most important thing was to provide for them, whereas in fact all they really wanted was for me to come home from work early enough to take them for a kick-about.

as above for me as well
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Not staying in Australia with my girlfriend 12 years ago. Her visa was longer than mine and we needed a break after a year living in each other's pockets. Once I got home things drifted and it never happened. Thing is she had leave to remain, and a job. I should have married her. We could have divorced by now and I'd have kept my green card. What an idiot.


That and turning down the chance of a private education when it was offered to me.

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Going to university! Got a boatload of debt for a virtually useless degree. Not even worth the paper its printed on these days.


Yep me too. I was pushed into doing it by well intentioned parents who never had the chance but they aren't the ones now left with the debt :(. Of course the social side of it was a good experience and I met alot of friends but educational wise it was a joke and was just a huge waste of 3 years. I turned down a bloody good job to go which makes it worse.

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