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Back tracking on your permission

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Well guys just wondered what you people thought :hmm: i went out with my buds Leslie and gregster this morning we pulled up on some rape in ossett , but just as we were getting our gear out , some one else rolled up in a grey transit :hmm: a bloke who had been invited to shoot by Leslie any time he wants on is permission,but has been to see the farmer behind leslie back and got him self permission :( he is a member on here and been asking for help shooting.

shame on you Mr :bye2:

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Well guys just wondered what you people thought :hmm: i went out with my buds Leslie and gregster this morning we pulled up on some rape in ossett , but just as we were getting our gear out , some one else rolled up in a grey transit :hmm: a bloke who had been invited to shoot by Leslie any time he wants on is permission,but has been to see the farmer behind leslie back and got him self permission :( he is a member on here and been asking for help shooting.

shame on you Mr :bye2:

now that is naughty



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That's not good at all...


Hope you had a good day shooting though as seen shed loads of pigeons round fields at side of mad mile in Ossett recently....


I should point out its not me he's talking about never been out with Les, although I am an Ossett resident & have been asking for shooting help!!!!


Come on Name & Shame...

Edited by Spiderdude
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A lad who shot with me and a mate said to me the other day " I'm going to ask on here as its really good "

I'm angry as I go out my way at weekends driving around to find permission and this lad can't be bothered .

I take anyone twice but after that if I don't get an invite I refuse . Believe it or not I have only been invited by 3 people out of atleast 15 and they always moan and sell up .

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what an ********, makes ya think is it worth taking people out with ya shooting on ya perms,,just glad the guy i take,who has no perms by the way is a trustworthy chap and a great bit of company too.

would certainly be having words with him if it was me he did it to.


certainly crossed the line there *****

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I took someone out off here after a request and 2 weeks later VERY nearly caught him poaching the same land shooting out of a car ! Didn't get him but got close enough to get registration (which he kindly gave me a fortnight earlier when i took him out )


Which does make you think why bother taking anyone else out...

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Going back thirty years ,my Dad took a bloke out on a permission as a favour as the bloke was having difficulty getting permission,a couple of weeks later my dad was in a hedge and this bloke walked past without noticing him,my Dad kept quiet and later was chatting to the farmer and asked if he had given him permission.the farmer told my Dad that the bloke had approached him and said my Dad had told him to tell the farmer that my Dad vouched for him and said he was willing to share the land so the farmer agreed,when my Dad told the farmer he had said nothing the farmer said the bloke was off.


My Dad was a very respected shooter in his day and an amazing shot with a huge amount of land to shoot on,always had someone calling him to shoot on land,so he put the word out to all the farms about this bloke,by all accounts this bloke couldn't get permission in a 20 mile radius,as all the farmers were disgusted at what he had done.


At least 3 of my permissions have been from farmers asking if i was Pete's son,and then reminiscing about the fox my Dad shot at 200yds with his winchester .22 round a corner blindfolded :yes: Farmers have long memories.

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Going back thirty years ,my Dad took a bloke out on a permission as a favour as the bloke was having difficulty getting permission,a couple of weeks later my dad was in a hedge and this bloke walked past without noticing him,my Dad kept quiet and later was chatting to the farmer and asked if he had given him permission.the farmer told my Dad that the bloke had approached him and said my Dad had told him to tell the farmer that my Dad vouched for him and said he was willing to share the land so the farmer agreed,when my Dad told the farmer he had said nothing the farmer said the bloke was off.


My Dad was a very respected shooter in his day and an amazing shot with a huge amount of land to shoot on,always had someone calling him to shoot on land,so he put the word out to all the farms about this bloke,by all accounts this bloke couldn't get permission in a 20 mile radius,as all the farmers were disgusted at what he had done.


At least 3 of my permissions have been from farmers asking if i was Pete's son,and then reminiscing about the fox my Dad shot at 200yds with his winchester .22 round a corner blindfolded :yes: Farmers have long memories.


there be a lesson for all beware the back stabbers

thing is a bit of co-operation and the shooting can be had by all :yes:

Edited by yickdaz
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i darent take anyone on my permissions after things i have read on here. I have spent a lot of time on my permission and also creating a relationship with the land owners that is give and take, i appreciate the permission and they appreciate me, wether thats giving them some pigeon and rabbit, doing odd jobs for them and helping on the farm, or the bottle of whisky at christmas, it would really annoy me if someone just turned up and assumed or poached the permission.

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Just thought of another on my permission. I took him bunny bashing and I'd showed him the land I shoot . A few weeks later he told me he had managed permission on my mates farm next door :( he also told me he shot a collared dove lol the **** realised my mate tells us to leave them alone after . He's never been back since as he's not welcome

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ive taken dozens of pw , airgun bbs and hunting life lads shooting over the last ten years or so and most of them are still very good friends , i still shoot with some of them regularly on my permissions or permissions that theyve gained with a little advice , assistance and encouragement , ive had a couple that have gone back to the farms that ive taken them to and asked for permission , ive been shooting my bits of land for so long that the farmers have become family friends and have always turned them down flat and let me know that theyve tried it on , the result is that the slimeballs never get invited by me or my friends ever again .


its a dirty sly trick and the op should name and shame so that noone else takes them shooting

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