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New Laws

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If you could put one new piece of legislation/law onto the books what would it be?


Mine would be that anything that affected the country as a whole the people should decide by having a vote, not a load of suits in london who do not live in the real world.



I know what you're saying but seriously, I wouldn't trust most of this country's citizens with big decisions! Alright, I wouldn't trust our politicians either but the point is we should be able to!


I'd like to see the US "3 strikes" system in play. Break the law three times (obviously sensibly picked crimes here) and you are off to jail for 25 years. I'm sick of sitting in front of the news and hearing how "the defendant received a 2 year suspended sentence despite having three hundred convictions for similar offences".


Change your ways or lose your spot in society.

Edited by Munzy
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I'd bring back corporal punishment and the death penalty. See how many offend then. A good public birching for small crimes and death to the worst scum of society who are guilty without doubt.



Edited by figgy
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I'd bring back corporal punishment and the death penalty. See how many offend then. A good public birching for small crimes and death to the worst scum of society who are guilty without doubt.


Nice to see real progress in your thought process, why not look towards prevention rather than cure?
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If you could put one new piece of legislation/law onto the books what would it be?


Mine would be that anything that affected the country as a whole the people should decide by having a vote, not a load of suits in london who do not live in the real world.



The problem with that idea is most people will not get up off there fat ***** to go and vote in the first place can you imagine what stupid laws would get voted in with only about 10% of the people bothering to vote for a start all sorts of blood sports would be banned shooting fishing.

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Most of the British public still want our country to be our own immigration should only be allowed when the last person stops claiming Jobseakers allowance


No immigrants should receive any benefit other than basic medical costs until they have paid 3 years national insurance contributions



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If you could put one new piece of legislation/law onto the books what would it be?


Mine would be that anything that affected the country as a whole the people should decide by

having a vote



I thought that's what a general election is?

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I love topics like this especially when the majority of responses seem to think the downfall of the country is caused by immigrants!


I agree we are too slack and that we shouldn't open our doors to people that in general will add less to our economy than they will remove, but is this seriously the biggest problem with our country? Must say I admire the Australians policies, a boat load of starving illegals in the sea begging to come in are told to go home if they want food!


For me the law id pass would be to bring back national service! The problem with our country is to many uneducated scum bags unwilling to work and want to live off everyone else. And these filth then end up breeding with other similar filth many times, thereby creating a new multiplied generation of scum which think the way of living is normal and acceptable! I think it's a massive problem which is simply ignored and the foreigners blamed! The large number of foreigners here are so to work, and the ones that aren't and are just here for benefits should without doubt be sent packing!


The downward spiral of our country is caused by a benefit system designed to be abused and which frequently ignores the people that need it!


I could go on and on about it but it would end up sodding me off of the rest of the day.


Bring back national service!


From a ****** off 26 year old that wants to make sure he's bringing his son up in a great country!

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Though the idea of bringing back National Service undoubtedly had its merits I fear that it might be unworkable in this day and age.


If what we hear is to be believed then it certainly straightened out a few ne'er-do-wells in its time.


Maybe a programme of national (but not necessarily military) service could work for people aged between X and Y who have been on the dole for Z amount of months or years..


This might also tie in with a 'living' as opposed to minimum wage however.

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Separate taxation from property ownership. Each individual pays there own share. Something along the lines of a poll tax, wonder if it would work ?



Bin the winter fuel allowance for the oldies, costing too much and most live too long now anyways


Repeal the hunting act


And put Otter back onto the list, the hounds need a bit of warm weather exercise


That should do it



Now where did I put my copy of the Guardian ?

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Nice to see real progress in your thought process, why not look towards prevention rather than cure?

A noble thought Henry and I have to confess that over the years, due to sensible debate, I have gone from "Hange em High" to life imprisonment.


We have been trying to change the prison population for many years but the draw of drugs, the easy money that comes with it and lack of support on release all contribute to pulling people back into crime.


Support on release would be my proposal. Not sure what can be done beforehand.

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I'd like to see the arming of all Police as routine, and all law abiding people having the right to arm themselves for self defence if they so wish.

I once thought the return of National Service would be a good thing, but that was before I had kids. The thought of my son being sent to some far flung corner( or anywhere really) at the whim of our present day politicians for the sake of a lost cause fills me with dread and loathing.

I'd like to see those convicted of child murders executed, and otherwise for life to mean life, which would do away with convicted murderers murdering again on early release.

I'd like to see a overhaul of the benefit system,possibly with a voucher scheme similar to that which existed during rationing, in the hope it would return to its intended purpose of being a starvation preventative rather than a way of life. I know it wouldn't prevent abuse of the system, but that exists now, but at least vouchers stipulating a food item may prevent money meant for food being squandered on fags and drink, but I doubt it.

I'd like to see the legalisation of Goverment run brothels also. Everyone knows it goes on, it is the worlds oldest profession and can't be controlled by any means as an unlawful activity so the Government may as well try and get most of it out of the backstreets and seedy dives and gain some revenue,and it would do me some good also as at the moment if I didn't pee through mine it would have sealed up by now!

There's also drugs but I think next to religion it is one of the most difficuilt subjects to come to any conclusions on while one of the most devastating drugs we have is totally legal.

Anyhow,there's loads I could think of, but that'll do for now. :)


I'm just going to the shed...I have several tin hats in there; one of them German (WWII) if anyone's interested.

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Support on release would be my proposal. Not sure what can be done beforehand.


Support on release is the best way forward for most as they lack the will power to avoid going back to the things that got them banged up in the first place. I was in Polmont (As part of my course) and a young lad did not want to go home when his time was up, even though he loved his parents dearly, because he knew when he got home there would be an Aladdin`s cave of drink and drugs provided by his parents as a welcome home party and so the same cycle would repeat itself.



There's also drugs but I think next to religion it is one of the most difficuilt subjects to come to any conclusions on while one of the most devastating drugs we have is totally legal.


The drugs world is about to change dramatically due to legalisation of cannabis in some US states and the rise of so called "Legal Highs". The latter is a going to be a major problem as we do not know the long term consequences, the former will have a knock on effect due to societies "I want it now" attitude and soon we will see this becoming the norm across the globe which will mean knock on effects for those who do get hooked on the effects of newer weed strains.

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