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SGC on me or in the car?

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I always carry mine after getting a pull a few years back for a spot check whilst gun was on back seat and licence was at home got a lecture off the officer in charge.


theres always the option to carry photo copys if you don't want to loose the originals

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So 1 against it, 1 for a photo copy (which sounds like a good idea to me, I hope it is the sane fior the police).


been debated many times on here and you will always get a similar split.


Just be aware of section 48 of 1968 Firearms act http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/48 and then make your own mind up :good:


Basically it seems isn't an offence to not produce your FAC/SGC but if you don't the police are entitled to seize your guns until you do. There is a good argument that this is out of date and with modern radios, computers and whatever they should be able to check you have the correct paperwork and send you on your way. This relies on 1) Just hope you don't get someone having a bad day and 2) make sure you don't fail the "attitude test".

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Mine lives in the pocket of the gun slip unless I am crossing the marsh, then I leave it in the truck for the flight.

Pigeon shooting then I will mainly walk to the hide so gun in slip on my shoulder..

With the rifle it is 90% at night so it is in the slip park up the truck on the farm and walk from there..





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Licence and permission slip stay with me when I have the gun out.


Just seems to me that having it there with you can prevent undue hassle from the plod.

If you feel comfortable with having it in the house/safe then fine.

I like having it near me so I know where it is at all times.

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Never take either. Farmer is always available by phone if they needed to talk to him and don't see the point of carrying my license with me in the car or on my person.


Been pulled over once by armed police (my mate was driving on the phone) and they didn't ask any questions about the guns even though we told them we were going shooting.

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I am sure David will correct me if I am wrong - I think BASC advise carrying the original document with you at all times when out shooting.


I am sure it saves much time and agro if they can just see all the information showing the legitimacy of any guns in your possession if you are stopped/checked.

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I carry a copy of my SGC in my gunslip with the name and address blanked out in case I lose it. That way the finder will not know where the guns are stored. This practice is based on advice I received from the BASC.

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I carry a copy of my SGC in my gunslip with the name and address blanked out in case I lose it. That way the finder will not know where the guns are stored. This practice is based on advice I received from the BASC.

That "blanking" is an interesting point.


Anything from BASC that I read did not state a "copy of"


Hope David can clarify....

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Since experiencing the long wait for a replacement licence, when I had one water damaged to extinction, I now carry a copy of my licence, plus copies of shooting permissions, farmers phone numbers, etc.

I would also add, that in over 50 years of shooting, I have never been approached by the Police, or asked for my licences, or sight of any written authority.

I think that puts me in the company of the vast majority of shooters. :)

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Never take my licenses with me-leave them in the house. Plod can check if your licensed so no need to take your paperwork.





"Plod" can also sieze your guns until such time as you produce a valid certificate. Okay if you are in your Home area, not so good if you are a fair distance from home !

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