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Townies at their best ??


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Its pathetic how people that do not agree with certain things in life think tney have the God given rights to enforce there belief's.


We had a similar problem 25 or so year's ago in Burton On Trent I was manager of Baxters Butchers and the precinct manager together with the council suggested we removed whole carcasses from display, we lost quite allot of trade that we had for bulk freezer orders for side's of beef, sides of pork and whole lamb's.


Bunch of annoying,muppets.

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What makes a townie?? I hate that excuse.

It's just people being idiots that straight away are labeled townies.


I remember my ex's mate looking horrified when I let my daughter play with a dead trouts head :). She poked it's eyes and pulled inside to make it's mouth open lol and it's called learning.

We also grow vegetables in the garden and my kids love it . The neighbours 8 year old son came round and didn't believe me that potatoes grew in the ground .

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It is an ever creeping tide of decaffinated, fairtrade, nitrogen/clingfilm wrapped, antiseptic-wipe-everything, antipasti?, anti-bloodsports, anti-whatever-from-the-tabloids-want-us-to-be-anti-on-this-week, mass-murderers have ECHR rights too, society that we live in. I don't like this news story from the butchers, but we are in a minority, best speak up where you can but don't be too surprised by these complaints. I would like to have seen the shop open a debate on locally sourced and real food with all their customers.

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So sad.

I know of a town dweller who moved to the country to a nice sizey house and with lots of land (I was working as a pest controller back then) who had a panic attack because he saw a mouse and was asking me al sorts of "why are they targeting me" type questions.
Incidentally, he also hated the noise of the farm next door, a gas gun that went off really insensed him, and he hated the smell of manure. He should have possibly just stayed in the city.


Definitely the type to complain about seeing a real animal in the butchers.

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I'm not sure that it is "reasonable" to label all of the complainants as "townies", I would prefer to see them call/labeled as "uninformed"! As Team Tractor said he even came across someone who didn't believe that potatoes grew in the ground!

I know that I am a bit long in the tooth but I can easily remember the times when it was almost "traditional" for a butcher to have all types of game and rabbits etc hanging in the feather and fur both inside their shop window and in some cases outside the shop. That is how people could see where their meat was coming from and that it was fresh and of good quality without any added preservatives or artificial colourings! - Not grown ready wrapped in cling film/plastic wrap and saturated with all sorts or "E Numbers" and other "artificial addititives and preservatives" like you get in the supermarkets nowadays!

I personally believe that nowadays that due to "political correctness" or whatever other reasons nowadays children in schools are not taught and shown anything about where the meat and vegetables they eat comes from, and this is depriving them of a valuable part of real life education.

The secondary school I went to (After being chucked out of grammar school for not doing homework etc) had their own large garden plot where we were taught all about horticulture (Including being expected to dig, prepare and sow/plant and tend it etc ourselves) and a small livestock area where we were no only taught all about breeding poultry - We even built our own incubator to help us to learn how to rear our own poultry from scratch. We were also taught all about breeding rabbits and goats as well as learning all about animal husbandry and of course how to humanely slaughter the chickens and rabbits (When necessary some of the pupils, myself included, were expected to do this) and to skin/pluck them and dress them ready for the oven, and I should add that being in the heart of the countryside very few is any of the pupils seemed the slightest bit squeemish about learning and getting hands on experience with sort of things!

I really count myself extremely fortunate to have had such an education, but I can see a great many parents throwing their hands up in horror or boycotting any schools that offered that sort of practical education to their pampered kids that aren't even able to blow their own noses without assistance nowadays!


Edited by Frenchieboy
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Does not surprise me at all.


I'm not from the countryside by any means, but have been surrounded by people heavily involved from a young age, due to my father being a farrier and owning horses, we would watch the hunt etc.

was introduced to beating at around 14 i would guess, and it all went from there.


I met my girlfriend almost two year ago now, she is from a London suburb. Until she met me she had never seen a cow, worn wellies, seen a deer cross the road, heard of dogs being trained to retrieve/flush/herd. She doesnt understand so much that we just take as common knowledge it really is in a way quite sad, because she obviously hasn't ever been taught about it.


I think there needs to be a class in schools that teaches children about British history, tradition, what happens in the countryside, the countryside code etc etc. then there wouldn't be a hunting ban and all the other anti hoo-har

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More and more people are going over to becoming vegetarian I can see that these people would not want to see animals bodies hanging in shop windows but having said that it is there problem to deal with and they should not have any say in what the butcher puts in his window but I must say from a personal point of view I do not like to see animals heads pigs and the like.

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It's the "think of the children" argument that always gets me, most kids would be curious/ fascinated by it, in my experience. I'm sure a lot of the people complaining are meat eaters who don't like to think about where there sausage come from. I think it is really important to remember that "if you want to have a feast, you have to kill the beast", this helps us remember and value where our meat comes from. I think it is an important lesson, I don't know if it should be taught in schools or not, but in a butchers shop like this, most definitely.


Edit = Spelling

Edited by e2000e2000e
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I hope they have passed on the hate mail to the police and get cctv to record anyone abusing them in the shop. what do people expect to see in a butchers window?


Obviously what they see in the supermarket, meat wrapped and packaged to sweat in its own blood and full of chemicals.

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I'm not sure that it is "reasonable" to label all of the complainants as "townies", I would prefer to see them call/labeled as "uninformed"! As Team Tractor said he even came across someone who didn't believe that potatoes grew in the ground!

I know that I am a bit long in the tooth but I can easily remember the times when it was almost "traditional" for a butcher to have all types of game and rabbits etc hanging in the feather and fur both inside their shop window and in some cases outside the shop. That is how people could see where their meat was coming from and that it was fresh and of good quality without any added preservatives or artificial colourings! - Not grown ready wrapped in cling film/plastic wrap and saturated with all sorts or "E Numbers" and other "artificial addititives and preservatives" like you get in the supermarkets nowadays!

I personally believe that nowadays that due to "political correctness" or whatever other reasons nowadays children in schools are not taught and shown anything about where the meat and vegetables they eat comes from, and this is depriving them of a valuable part of real life education.

The secondary school I went to (After being chucked out of grammar school for not doing homework etc) had their own large garden plot where we were taught all about horticulture (Including being expected to dig, prepare and sow/plant and tend it etc ourselves) and a small livestock area where we were no only taught all about breeding poultry - We even built our own incubator to help us to learn how to rear our own poultry from scratch. We were also taught all about breeding rabbits and goats as well as learning all about animal husbandry and of course how to humanely slaughter the chickens and rabbits (When necessary some of the pupils, myself included, were expected to do this) and to skin/pluck them and dress them ready for the oven, and I should add that being in the heart of the countryside very few is any of the pupils seemed the slightest bit squeemish about learning and getting hands on experience with sort of things!

I really count myself extremely fortunate to have had such an education, but I can see a great many parents throwing their hands up in horror or boycotting any schools that offered that sort of practical education to their pampered kids that aren't even able to blow their own noses without assistance nowadays!



You might take heart from the fact that quite similar still occurs at schools outside the towns, with the exception of the killing (most of the kids here see that at home though).

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As per Frenchieboy's quote and


You might take heart from the fact that quite similar still occurs at schools outside the towns, with the exception of the killing (most of the kids here see that at home though).


When I was a pest controller I went to a few schools that were for the more 'troubled' child - within these (they were set out in the country) they had this type of set up too where the pupils would tend for the chickens and get involved in horticulture. They said it was very therapeutic and taught kids about "life in a way they can't read from a book"


They should roll it out to more schools. We dissected a cow's heart and lungs when I was at a secondary school but apart from that you don't learn anything else.

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Must admit can actually see the point a wee bit with this, can't see the point in displaying severed heads, fair enough rabbits in skin or birds in feather or even whole carcas's but the heads did seem a bit funny to me. Not everyone will want to see a severed head, while some folk may not want to see meat full stop i just think the heads were a step to far, some may see rabbits as a step to far too.


Mind i was at a lad i train dogs with's party, had an excelllent spit roasted pig, but 1 fella is was speaking to had to get his wife to pick up the meat for him, as he can't eat meat/fish that looks like an animal or fish.

Mental or wot? He fairly got stuck into the spit roast thou even thou he couldnae look at it


Surprised that display never broke any environental health laws? Was there not butchered meat below, i know deer and birds are not even meant to be in the same larder/chiller even thou both ae sold in skin


Bit worried now, mibee i'm turning into a townie

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Must admit can actually see the point a wee bit with this, can't see the point in displaying severed heads, fair enough rabbits in skin or birds in feather or even whole carcas's but the heads did seem a bit funny to me. Not everyone will want to see a severed head, while some folk may not want to see meat full stop i just think the heads were a step to far, some may see rabbits as a step to far too.


Mind i was at a lad i train dogs with's party, had an excelllent spit roasted pig, but 1 fella is was speaking to had to get his wife to pick up the meat for him, as he can't eat meat/fish that looks like an animal or fish.

Mental or wot? He fairly got stuck into the spit roast thou even thou he couldnae look at it


Surprised that display never broke any environental health laws? Was there not butchered meat below, i know deer and birds are not even meant to be in the same larder/chiller even thou both ae sold in skin


Bit worried now, mibee i'm turning into a townie

People buy severed heads to make Brawn.......in that respect it has as much justification to be there as does a chunk of sirloin.

I do hear what you are saying though.......it seems these days most people are happy to kid themselves their sausages were picked off the meat tree.

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