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Don't believe the lies that other party's such as Labour and Conservative and media are saying about UKIP. From now until election day (Thursday 7th May) UKIP will be releasing video's stating there policies and reasons why you should vote them in. If you only ever vote once in your life but you want change, this is the year for you to vote and vote UKIP for your local council, UKIP for you parliamentary candidate and UKIP for your government.


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Always have done....but its going to take a long time for Labour and Tory die hards to see the light and then if UKIP ever did run the country they would be blamed for the hard times we will go thru to put things right again.

A bit like some in society are doing with the Tories currently?

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Well, watching that video has completely banished any hazy thoughts I had about looking at UKIP !


Out of fairness though I have had a look at a comparison of all the parties polices - it is quite depressing that the only two parties that show any form of credibility (especially towards the economy) are the old two of Labour and Tory. All the others are just scary. Have a look at the list of polices here:



Edited by MrM
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I had breakfast this morning with my local lib dem parliamentary candidate.


I have a group of 16 business owners, we meet regularly for breakfast and this year I have invited along all our local candidates to meet us.


I've never had a meeting before where a candidate just blatantly disagreed with the views of the group. She wasnt open to feedback at all. At one point she said "we would end up with a bunch of racists and get what we deserved" when asked about immigration, overcrowding and wage deflation.
I asked a question about to the cuts to disabled benefits. She agreed they were wrong but wouldnt be doing anything to re-instate what has already been taken away.
I'll be voting for Nigel.
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would love to, but there is no way i'm risking letting ed and the rest of his cronies in through the tradesmans entrance...


which is what will happen if people dont start looking at this realistically. ukip just dont have enough support to flat out beat the other two major players.


this is statistically a two horse race, and yes, voting UKIP will send a strong message... but, it will also lend a helping hand to labour.


voting UKIP = short term win, long term loss (IN MY OPINION)

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Thats been the way for so long im afraid, thats one of the reasons why it will never change,


Do what you've always done, and you will get what you've always got.


Or Try and make a change.


Or just take it all as it comes and shut up. (not directed at you Bret)

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Thats been the way for so long im afraid, thats one of the reasons why it will never change,


Do what you've always done, and you will get what you've always got.


Or Try and make a change.


Or just take it all as it comes and shut up. (not directed at you Bret)

:good: Its fine mate, everyone has their own opinion.


i may get hung for saying this, but i dont personally think that cameron has done too bad on some things. there are certain things that have happened though were i wonder who ties his shoelaces in the morning...


the current government had a hell of a job with the **** that they inherited from labour, it was never going to be a quick and easy fix...

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I think a lot forget about the LibDem Albatross that has hung round the Tories neck for 5 years.


Personally I'd like to see a Tory/Ukip coalition just to remind the Tories who they are.


:good: Its fine mate, everyone has their own opinion.


i may get hung for saying this, but i dont personally think that cameron has done too bad on some things. there are certain things that have happened though were i wonder who ties his shoelaces in the morning...


the current government had a hell of a job with the **** that they inherited from labour, it was never going to be a quick and easy fix...

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Don't believe the lies that other party's such as Labour and Conservative and media are saying about UKIP. From now until election day (Thursday 7th May) UKIP will be releasing video's stating there policies and reasons why you should vote them in. If you only ever vote once in your life but you want change, this is the year for you to vote and vote UKIP for your local council, UKIP for you parliamentary candidate and UKIP for your government.



UKIP for me poor film though but they don't have the money of the other big parties. YET!

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