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Elderly people and driving


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Question No1. What would be the reduction in accidents, nationally, if people were not allowed to drive before their twenty fifth birthday as opposed to people not being allowed to drive after their seventieth birthday.


Discuss the pro's and con's fully and give viable statistics to support your answer. Graph paper can be used.

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Question No2. Give your estimations as to the outcry from those under twenty five if the legislation discussed in question No1, above, were ever to be bought into law.

Kleenex tissues can be used to support your answer.

Question No3. Discuss, fully, the financial and social problems that would occur if the legislation proposed in question No1, above, were ever to be bought into law.

Please answer to the nearest billion pounds.

Edited by Grandalf
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No. I fully expected you to come back.


Forgive my cynicism, but I find it hard to credit. Perhaps you have a video of the occasion. I'm sure that a responsible person, such as yourself, immediately engaged the driver in a lively debate and suggested he stopped driving. At least, I think you will have taken his number and reported your concerns to DVLA and the Police.


Then again, perhaps not.

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There are also countless incidences of teenage lads around here killing their mates as passengers, while either under the influence of drink or sheer lack of maturity, including one of a 'boy racer' running off the road another young female driver, whose car overturned and careered down a banking to wedge in the river. She survived but the other car didn't stop to aid her.

All have happened locally to me and are easily verifiable.


Happens here on a regular basis Scully.




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Forgetting all the stories of boy racers and middle age lane hoggers this thread is about elderly people and driving. Its very simple if an elderly person can no longer drive to a reasonable and safe standard due to lack of mental of physical capacity then they should not be on the road. IMO it is the responsibility of friends and families to get these elder people off the road as they are the people who see them day in day out and hear of all the little knocks and scrapes and close calls.


Testing at 70 will do nothing to help, testing every 5 years will do nothing to help. My grandad is 76 and less than a year ago I would of trusted him to drive my children from Lands end to John o Groats....last month we took the decision as a family to take his car away from him. Fortunately he came round to the idea quite quickly. When you got older a lot can happen very quickly in a very short time so any reasonable level of testing will not be suitable instead educating older people and their families, friends, doctors, carers would be a lot more beneficial use of the money,

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What an interesting thread and not untypical for PW. Knee jerk reactionary statements and ill considered opinion, i.e. stupidity.


I see young folk behind the wheel that make me cringe and I see old folk behind the wheel that make me cringe and I see lots of middle aged folk that make me cringe too.


I think what concerns me most is when people, of any age, look at driving to be some sort of inferred right and just a mechanism of getting to where they want to be, instead of being an act in itself that arguably requires a greater level of concentration and responsibility than any other tasks that they may perform.


There is no magic formula to establish if someone is going to be good or bad at driving, we have a practical and theoretical test that is supposed to do that, yet obviously fails as we still have bumps and crashes.


Ultimately we all have to make a choice of whether we should drive or not, that can be based on whether we had a good enough nights sleep, whether we have had a pint or several or whether we can see or not and everything in between. Thankfully we live in a country that still has some elements of self responsibility and we don't need to have everything legislated on our behalf, although sadly that is shrinking and going by the comments of many on here it should be further shrunk such that we need the state guardian to give us permission every so often to say that we are still good.


Straying slightly off topic, the furthering of our nanny state is not caused by politicians it is caused by people who wish to willingly cede their individual responsibilities to the state by whining and crying that anything and everything should be legislated for. Take a good hard think about what you are asking for.


A driving test every 5 years, good grief :no::no::no:

Fantastically astute Sir If I may say so?

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As I normally write in every thread about driving.


Buy roadcraft and the highway code, read them, put into practice prefrably by having some advanced driving lessons. Be smoother, faster and most importantly safer than you thought possible.




AT LAST, someone with some sense !

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I think if you wear a flat cap or any hat of any description whiles driving a car that has a roof,then you should be made to do a retest & have a lifetime ban on wearing a hat.


Also anybody driving wearing a baseball cap ( mainly Young people ) should be sentenced to house arrest and banned from all fast food outlets . Driving a BMW convertible with a baseball cap should be a life time ban on using a car radio and audio system .



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AT LAST, someone with some sense !


Well to be fair you mentioned it first :good:


Even if people just implemented a couple of things from the book like observation and planning, collisions would be reduced dramatically. From what I see day to day most people must only look at the boot of the car in front and **** all else. It's no wonder there are so many collisions.



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Also anybody driving wearing a baseball cap ( mainly Young people ) should be sentenced to house arrest and banned from all fast food outlets . Driving a BMW convertible with a baseball cap should be a life time ban on using a car radio and audio system .



The youngsters round here call baseball caps chav hats and wouldn't be seen dead in one.

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I witness very few old people driving badly compared to the amount of youngsters & the middle aged.We counted the amount of drivers on mobile phones that passed us one day on the A19.A distance of 25mls,if I remember correctly it was about 17,oh and one was doing paperwork.Not one of them was elderly all either youngsters or middle aged.

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Why bash old people ? How would we feel if people started pushing for a law to be passed that you couldn't hold SCG/FAC unless you passed strict medical examinations plus extensive paper and practical firearms examinations every year at £1000 a pop.

How's about once your 65 you are put to sleep,save a fortune for the NHS & they could scrap the state pension & the winter fuel allowance.Bloody hell we will all be old one day & some poor souls won't even get that far with cancers and the like,get a sodding grip and make the most of life because in 20 or 40 yrs time you'll all be the ones that will be driving around all over the place & getting slagged off by young people.

Edited by Davyo
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I think this is how a lot of people on here assume 70 year olds are like.


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Not far out there, although it seems to be the younger set who moan like mad about carrying their gear over fields to set up their hide, :lol:

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I work in a bodyshop which is usually full of vag and bmw cars

We without doubt repair a disproportionate number of audi a4 and bmw 3 series cars mostly frontal impact belonging to men 30-50 years old

I am always hearing about kids crashing all the time which is quite odd as if this was the case we'd be packed to the rafters with corsa's

We store cars as well so there goes all the kids cars are write offs argument

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