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Hating on other innocent peaceful Muslims for the actions of a few terrorists is exactly what ISIS want you to do, it's their best way of recruiting more members into their twisted little army and you are playing right into their hands by doing so. These people are terrorists hiding behind a religion, nothing more, nothing less. United we stand divided we fall

Well said.

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Hating on other innocent peaceful Muslims for the actions of a few terrorists is exactly what ISIS want you to do, it's their best way of recruiting more members into their twisted little army and you are playing right into their hands by doing so. These people are terrorists hiding behind a religion, nothing more, nothing less. United we stand divided we fall

Well said that man :good:

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As its degenerating into anti Muslim rhetoric,

How come this topic is still running?

Muslims don't want people killed,psychos do.

Hmm.... are you suggesting we should embrace them?


I think we would be far more tolerant lF we hear the peaceful one's condemning the atrocities but that's very unlikely to be fair to them and us.

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Be interesting to see if they were home grown or "innocent" refugees (there does seem to be a lot of young men in those boats coming from Syria)


Just been confirmed, at least one of the attackers came as a refugee from Syria through Greece, in October....

I hope they will learn something from this.

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Good call Zapp. I went into Sutton this afternoon and there was a marked increase in police prescence as well as private security teams.

A good friend works in the international security industry and his view is that our specialist security services are more on the ball than we could ever guess. 7/11 gave them a huge wake up call.

I hope there is no back lash against Muslims, it wasn't the local shop keeper or the doctor or the optician, it was lunatics high jacking religion for perverse ends. I hope they get their just deserts in the next life

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We're living in bad times can't blame 99.9 percent of Muslims it just the few that tarnish the barrel sad but true the government's were warned that Isis were going to infiltrate migrants to get into Europe that is just what they have done I put the blame on Murkle and co idiots being goody two shoes has put us all at risk

Edited by chris1961
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I saw this on Facebook, it seemed quite appropriate...


Wise words 'Can i just take this opportunity to remind you all that Mr Mohammed from your local shop wasn't involved in last nights attacks on Paris. Neither was Mrs Azeer from Lloyds Bank or her family. Kamal from down the road has never been to Paris, and his brother Abdul, the taxi driver, was watching the news in horror along with everyone else.

The people behind last night's attacks weren't Muslims, they were extremists using religion as vindication for their cowardice.

Please, I urge each and everyone of you, do not lay blame at the doors of the innocent just because of what they believe. They are no more to blame for Paris than you are.

We are one world and one family. Treat each other as such, because what happened last night should bring us closer together, not make us lash out against our neighbours for a perceived religion affiliation'

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Some of the attackers will no doubt be born and bred in Europe. Whilst I believe the vast majority of Muslims do not support such acts I do believe a significant percentage will be aware of the more extreme members of their community. Anyone linked with extremism should be exempt from the human rights bill. "Refugees" from the middle east should be housed in safe and sanitary prison style camps in the country they land, not allowed to traverse the EU in search of rich pickings. ISIS must have been laughing hysterically as the left wingers welcomed their fighters with open arms, hidden amongst so called refugees.

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ISIS must have been laughing hysterically as the left wingers welcomed their fighters with open arms, hidden amongst so called refugees.

I'm sure ISIS were but Angela Merkel is leader of a cetre-right party. You can't blame everything on the left (no matter how satisfying that may be).
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