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Jodie Marsh goes hunting. TV heads up.


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I think instead of all the hate towards the "anti" maybe you guys should watch the program first.. Its actually Rachel showing Jodie what is done and why.. And from what i've heard jodie has an open mind and now actually see's shooting pigeons as protecting her food etc... No point having anti's if some of whats been said on here is how peoples attitudes are. We will nail our own coffin..



she seems to have entered into the spirit of things and had her arm camouflaged anyway good for her for giving it a shot

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We should all simply be congratulating Rachel on getting the message across to a "City dweller media type" with a public profile, to the extent that she's relaying the message


The more people that see shooting as "allowing the food we eat to have the most natural , free range existence possible" the better.


Perhaps if we can create a few more converts amongst the media types we could get into reality TV properly and get to watch "The Great British Shootoff" on a Saturday night ! :lol:

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Shaun nails it, we are our own worst enemy at times - in fact most of the time




Honestly... "vocal vegan celebrity challenges her views on hunting and goes on record saying that it is grossly misrepresented" - cue the snarky comments!


People are always complaining saying that what we do is never portrayed in a positive light, and that our message never gets across to the general public. Yet here is as good an opportunity as we are ever to have make that happen - someone who (like her or not) is acceptable to a large swathe of everyday folk, apparently putting across the point that people have it all wrong when it comes to hunting and putting game on the table, but people are still wading in and criticising!


We should be giving stuff like this our support. There has been a slow but steady momentum behind building support for game etc since the River Cottage shows started which has helped begin making it more mainstream, but that was always, dare I say it, still a bit aspirational and middle class (as excellent as it was). If this is a step toward bringing the message to more of the populace that game as food and hunting in general are healthy and positive things, then that can only be a good thing.


I like Jodie Marsh, even though I havent always agreed with her views. I hope she continues to spread the word that what we do is being misrepresented - I think seeing for herself and then speaking her mind on this is a pretty brave thing to do given that she has a large following in the animal rights lobby, and we all know how vicious they can get.

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It's a shame I will miss it as I don't have sky.


From the clips I've seen on YouTube, it looks like Jodie was giving typical 'anti' opinions, but when she was given an answer she was actually thinking about what they were saying, and therefore looks like she might change her view on things


As others have said, we need more of these type of shows with known celebs seeing what it's all about.


Hoping that it will appear on YouTube or something.



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Yes, it was better than I expected. I thought Rachel came across very well and is obviously very passionate about the sport.


Would have preferred to see more actual shooting - was that a Krieghoff she was using on the pigeon?


Jodie's face when they were dressing the munty was a picture!

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Yes was a Krieghoff, the only thing I would've preferred to have seen was if there was more people from the shooting community involved in the programme so people could see those who shoot are from all walks of life

The point of the programme was Jodie Marsh meeting Rachel Carrie and each other putting over their points of view which they BOTH did,


If anything I thought Diggory Haddoke could have come across a better,


He seemed to be quite short tempered at one point,


All in all I enjoyed it, Jodie had her outlook on hunting challenged and by the end at least accepted why it's done rather than just dismiss it out of hand,


No doubt she will be critized by other veggies and vegans for this program as she was by members of this forum before it was even aired,


Oh and whether she "aged well" has no bearing on the show whatsoever,



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