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Pigeon Watch and discussion topics, and trolls.


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Yeah. And actually, compared to some of the recesses of the internet, PW doesn't have anyone nearly as bad as they could be. Some trolling gets carried across forums and social media; someone could get trolled from forum, to facebook, over twitter etc. purely out of spite

I've just been reading up about trolls and trolling. Most interesting and quite sad.

When I was a boy a troll was a thing with scruffy gingerish hair a punchbag face, usually wore tartan , carried a baseball bat and lived under a bridge. You could even buy plastic replica ones for the mantelpiece.

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I've just been reading up about trolls and trolling. Most interesting and quite sad.

When I was a boy a troll was a thing with scruffy gingerish hair a punchbag face, usually wore tartan , carried a baseball bat and lived under a bridge. You could even buy plastic replica ones for the mantelpiece.

I was a troll when I was 5 - I was the one under the bridge in the Billy Goats Gruff. Simpler times

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why do trolls always live under a bridge...................dosnt matter what part of the country you come from ....its always under a bridge ... :hmm:


trolls on the internet.....are generally people who get their kicks out of being unpleasant to other people without getting any comeback....it is impossible for the internet to deal with..............i think PW generally does a good job in controlling it....................most of the people who are termed "trolls" are just ordinary people who engage their mouth before their brain............and by that time the damage is done...............i was TROLLED on here in 2008......very unpleasant it was too...it was BANNED a day later.........

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im lucky enough to have been on pigeonwatch from the start (i joined in 2002 and was member no 60 iirc).


it was a site filled with guys that were into fieldsports , if two people did the same thing differently , they wouldnt have a hissy fit and fall out , they would generally share information then go and give the other guys method a try.


if a user asked a question (even if it was a daft one) , they would get gentle guidance in the right direction , not abuse.


pw only had one moderator in those days , because it only needed one moderator , because members were polite and respectful of each other.


pw has evolved in much the same way as the world has evolved in the same time span , sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.


i think the mods on here do a cracking job , especially considering some of the cack that they get thrown at them sometimes , they give up their own personal spare time , to keep the site moving along as smoothly as possible , i may not agree with some of the bannings , but i also dont know the reasons behind them, and i can pretty much guarantee that their will be good reasons.


i know quite a few members that never post (or who have stopped posting) , because of the grief and aggravation , its a massive shame because the site and the shooting world in general is poorer for their lack of input.


ive made many good friends during my time on pigeonwatch , and i hope to carry on doing the same well into the future.

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im lucky enough to have been on pigeonwatch from the start (i joined in 2002 and was member no 60 iirc).


it was a site filled with guys that were into fieldsports , if two people did the same thing differently , they wouldnt have a hissy fit and fall out , they would generally share information then go and give the other guys method a try.


if a user asked a question (even if it was a daft one) , they would get gentle guidance in the right direction , not abuse.


pw only had one moderator in those days , because it only needed one moderator , because members were polite and respectful of each other.


pw has evolved in much the same way as the world has evolved in the same time span , sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.


i think the mods on here do a cracking job , especially considering some of the cack that they get thrown at them sometimes , they give up their own personal spare time , to keep the site moving along as smoothly as possible , i may not agree with some of the bannings , but i also dont know the reasons behind them, and i can pretty much guarantee that their will be good reasons.


i know quite a few members that never post (or who have stopped posting) , because of the grief and aggravation , its a massive shame because the site and the shooting world in general is poorer for their lack of input.


ive made many good friends during my time on pigeonwatch , and i hope to carry on doing the same well into the future.

I agree with your sentiment Mel, I've been on here now a few years and used to post much more frequently. I've backed off from posting simply because I can't be ***** having some handbags at dawn discussion or if I were to ask a daft question having it rammed back down my throat..

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im lucky enough to have been on pigeonwatch from the start (i joined in 2002 and was member no 60 iirc).


it was a site filled with guys that were into fieldsports , if two people did the same thing differently , they wouldnt have a hissy fit and fall out , they would generally share information then go and give the other guys method a try.


if a user asked a question (even if it was a daft one) , they would get gentle guidance in the right direction , not abuse.


pw only had one moderator in those days , because it only needed one moderator , because members were polite and respectful of each other.


pw has evolved in much the same way as the world has evolved in the same time span , sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.


i think the mods on here do a cracking job , especially considering some of the cack that they get thrown at them sometimes , they give up their own personal spare time , to keep the site moving along as smoothly as possible , i may not agree with some of the bannings , but i also dont know the reasons behind them, and i can pretty much guarantee that their will be good reasons.


i know quite a few members that never post (or who have stopped posting) , because of the grief and aggravation , its a massive shame because the site and the shooting world in general is poorer for their lack of input.


ive made many good friends during my time on pigeonwatch , and i hope to carry on doing the same well into the future.

Exactly what you said I have also been here a long time and seen the changes over the years, funny thing out of all the forums I am a member on this is the worse for people disrespecting others when there views do not match.


Also as another member stated that on most forums off topic is out the way at the bottom and not used much where here it's the main bit

Edited by roadkill
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It still is a great forum. One of the few hunting / shooting / fishing forums that still majors in technique and skills rather than endless "What (insert piece of equipment) should I buy?" Or endless discussions about equipment by Walts people who obviously never seem to use it.


Long may it continue :good:

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Trolls do exist, the can hide behind the anonymity and hit out but they soon give themselves away. I get sad when certain mods resort to locking threads like the George Michael because it is, to me, a cop out.

Sure its going to be a controversial subject but "the real cost of fame" is a highly charged subject. Being gay in the public eye shouldn't be a problem but it appears to have been to him. that's much more discussable than the price of cartridges or which winter tyres are best for an L200.


Some of the mods on this forum ought to realise why a lot of good people have left, this is a seriously good forum but we are adults not third form school kids.

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One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument"


There are a few who will start a topic just because they know it will cause arguments, or make a post that has nothing to do with the conversation simply to have a dig or argument with an individual.


FM/Adge was notorious for it. There are some others, they will disagree with someone on one topic then in a different section post after the person they have "fallen out with" having a little dig and it's got nothing to do with the topic on hand.

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Trolls do exist, the can hide behind the anonymity and hit out but they soon give themselves away. I get sad when certain mods resort to locking threads like the George Michael because it is, to me, a cop out.

Sure its going to be a controversial subject but "the real cost of fame" is a highly charged subject. Being gay in the public eye shouldn't be a problem but it appears to have been to him. that's much more discussable than the price of cartridges or which winter tyres are best for an L200.


Some of the mods on this forum ought to realise why a lot of good people have left, this is a seriously good forum but we are adults not third form school kids.

Ill have to defend the mods on that one vince.

Im not one to get uppity over gay or racist jokes at all , but some of the things that were being posted , were pretty bad considering that a guy had just passed away.

I saw some of the posts before they were deleted and they made me cringe mate , I felt embarrassed for the people that had posted them.

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In my view forums are like life, some will get on some won't. If your around long enough you will work out the whats what and who's who. If someones an eejit just don't bother with them.

PW is a great forum, i have learnt a huge amount from here, i have met lots of excellent people, gained some shooting and got a few bargains. All in one place.


You can't avoid unsavoury comments but you can ignore them, i can be a bit of a joker at times as a lot of us are but on the whole people know when and what is acceptable.

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troll the favourite word of some,if you dont agree with others take the easy route and label them a troll.i have been accused of being racist,a bigot and anti gay,does it bother me,not one jot,in my family there are some who are gay,one brother married a girl from barbados,all are welcome at my home and indeed do visit often,on the recent george michael thread there was one particulaly nasty comment that was totally uncalled for and most disrespectfull to his family and friends.that as far as i am concerned is as close to troll as you will get..this is a place for exchange of views and it should only be used for that,i have had many exchanges of views with people on here and am always up for a lively debate but insulting the dead is just beyond it.

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Ill have to defend the mods on that one vince.

Im not one to get uppity over gay or racist jokes at all , but some of the things that were being posted , were pretty bad considering that a guy had just passed away.

I saw some of the posts before they were deleted and they made me cringe mate , I felt embarrassed for the people that had posted them.


There was a real lack of class on that thread Mel before the posts got pulled.


I can do dark humour and am anything but a sensitive snowflake, but the comments were nothing other than trashy. No wit, no style.

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i commented on that topic, mine was left up so guess it was ok ? a couple of others were odd ( par for the course in one instance ) and one down right nasty.

If i disagree with what someone has posted i generally ignore it. Not sure there are any trolls on here to be honest.

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It still is a great forum. One of the few hunting / shooting / fishing forums that still majors in technique and skills rather than endless "What (insert piece of equipment) should I buy?" Or endless discussions about equipment by Walts people who obviously never seem to use it.


Long may it continue :good:


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A lot of the older members don't post as much as most have had a belly full of the same old topics.... A forums topics will rotate year on year and when ya have been on here 10 years there isn't much you haven't seen before. People come and go you make new friends Some old friends leave...life change's and so does the clientele of the page. People argue and get upset... threads get locked arch enemy's are formed but life still goes on for the forum.


The mods do a great job of cleaning the forums of spam and nobbers and should be commended.


I've met some real good mates from the meets (bisley weekend...Catton weekend...north vs south...and the various midlands meets) and even after 10 years still look forward to seeing them... all apart from Reggiegun.

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A lot of the older members don't post as much as most have had a belly full of the same old topics.... A forums topics will rotate year on year and when ya have been on here 10 years there isn't much you haven't seen before. People come and go you make new friends Some old friends leave...life change's and so does the clientele of the page. People argue and get upset... threads get locked arch enemy's are formed but life still goes on for the forum.


The mods do a great job of cleaning the forums of spam and nobbers and should be commended.


I've met some real good mates from the meets (bisley weekend...Catton weekend...north vs south...and the various midlands meets) and even after 10 years still look forward to seeing them... all apart from Reggiegun.[/quote


Poor old Reggie😲😲😲😲😲

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I've been around for a few months, and I mostly enjoy the experience around here. However, there's something I don't like at all and is the trolling.


Most recent examples are the celebrity death threads, which ends up being closed. It also happen on /other/ threads where there's a nice discussion, then a couple of troll arrive, and the topic gets closed.


Now, I'm not sure that moderators realise that, but closing a topic closes it to the trolls, but then they have won. And anyone who participated and took time to answer in a normal, civilised way have lost their time and effort. Closing a topic is basically insulting everyone who participated in a normal way.


It seems to be endemic around here, and I don't see people being banned/deleted or whatever for trolling. The same heads pops up again and again and do the same on the next topic.


I had one of my topic closed earlier last week because of the trolling, and the interesting thing is that I had received several PMs from people who are no longer willing to give their honest and constructive opinions on the forum because of the trolls. Instead of posting, they PM instead.


Does that add value to the forum discussion? Nope. Does closing topics of discussion on a discussion forum helps the forum? Nope.


Anyway, here's my rant. I'm sure in 2 pages and 45 minutes, and some abuse, it'll get 'closed' as well, and ultimately I'll join the brigade of lurkers who don't post, but before I do that I just wanted to state this.

Still open and running buze. What's your take? Edited by Whitebridges
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