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Car blocking a drive


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Would you shoot the tyres out,slash them or just be boring and let the air out the valves?

Why would I do that I am not a vandal just use a match stick the press on the valve so that if the have an electric pump it will take them half an hour to pump them up and perhaps make them think again before they block someones drive in future.

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Why would I do that I am not a vandal just use a match stick the press on the valve so that if the have an electric pump it will take them half an hour to pump them up and perhaps make them think again before they block someones drive in future.

Pigeon watch gold

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Why would I do that I am not a vandal just use a match stick the press on the valve so that if the have an electric pump it will take them half an hour to pump them up and perhaps make them think again before they block someones drive in future.


I just think the first 2 options sound so much more exciting.

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Get two mates to come and block their car in for comedy value and deny all knowledge of owners of said cars... Make them wait 24 hours before moving it

i did similar at mine when a idiot parked blocking my car in, so I parked my other car in front so he couldn't move his and when he came round all irate demanding me move my car I told him I couldn't as I had a drink so was over limit and he'd have to wait until I was sober again.

Caused a lot of humour in my street as the same guy had been doing it a lot over a short period of time.

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i have a school at either end of my street , the roads and drives are blocked twice a day , for around 20/30 minutes each time , i generally ignore it and dont worry too much , however , i have on several occasions , blocked in the offending drive blockers with my cars , and left them blocked in for , 10 minutes if they politely ask me to move and promise not to block my drive again , or overnight when theyve threatened/abused me . houses nearer to the school regularly find people parked on their drives .

Yes, a friend used to also regulary find cars parked on his drive as he lived near a school and he too would block them in for any length of time depending on his mood. The women though couldnt see any harm in what they were doing and he'd block the same ones in over and over.

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I used to have someone regularly park his car on my drive and not move it. I parked behind him and when he got shirty about me using my own drive and demanding I move it as he could get out I told him that it wasn't going anywhere till next time i use it again.

His face was a picture. Especially when I didon't move t for 3 days. His wife asked nicely and I moved it.

Edited by GingerCat
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If it's a dropped kerb then it shouldn't be blocked however try telling that to people dropping their kids off to school.


What would cause a reaction is somebody parked on my drive, that's private property,no if's or but's, it's part of your home and property, no excuse for anybody other than people visiting\family or friends to park on somebodys drive, christ that is just blatant ignorant ***** and importantly you do not know what they are doing, they could be loading their car\van with your valuables. Seriously, anybody who thinks that is ok needs to get some manners, perhaps pitching a tent on your lawn, having a cook up and having a few beers is also ok....haha

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I used to have someone regularly park his car on my drive and not move it. I parked behind him and when he got shirty about me using my own drive and demanding I move it as he could get out I told him that it wasn't going anywhere till next time i use it again.

His face was a picture. Especially when I didon't move t for 3 days. His wife asked nicely and I moved it.

Why did he think he could park there?

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I had this as a regular problem at a previous house, dropped kerbs and a white painted line that people would park on. According to the police a white line is "advisory", dropped kerbs mean nothing. Blocking you in may be considered an offence, blocking you from getting on your driveway is not. Either way they aren't keen to take any action. The last time it happened I called the police and then parked in front of the offending car until the driver came back, when he came back and reversed up to try and get out I pulled forward until he was completely blocked in, touching bumpers back and front with my neighbours car and mine. The neighbours old Volvo wasn't moving and neither was my car so he was stuck. The pcso who attended tried to reason with us but gave up eventually and left us to it after giving the offending driver a lecture. That was on a friday afternoon, I eventually moved my car the following monday morning. and the idiots car was gone within an hour.

From my experience there isn't much you can do without breaking the law yourself so be careful! At the same place I have jacked up a car on trolley jacks and shifted it to the middle of the road, no witnesses but apparently I could have been prosecuted!

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Has anyone that have posted here saying how easy it is to do so actually moved a car on a trolly jack?

There is a set of garage floor rollers you buy for pushing cars around in showrooms! Jack the car up and slip one under every wheel and the car just scoots around with a shove! Granted its long winded! But wont damage the car!

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Yes but that is not as simple as using a trolly jack with its small wheels and simply moving the car like many have suggested. In addition to this a showroom has a nice smooth floor have you looked how rough most road surfaces are? I suspect that even using the car movers you have mentioned you would struggle.

Edited by sportsbob
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