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Can you trust Corbyns Marxist party with our gun laws?

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I think if Labour gets into power it will be a disaster for pretty much all of us. Jeremy Corbyn is an outspoken anti-hunting individual who would keep the ban on fox hunting and also seek to ban other 'blood sports.' Since most hunting is carried out with firearms and shotguns you can bet that Labour would bring everything hunting and shooting under one big umbrella, and as we all know Labour is the party that likes to ban everything. Hunting would be attacked and then I bet any money you like gun ownership would be next. It would either be 'there's no need to have guns at home' or they would use terrorism as an excuse. Guns would either be banned or keeping them would be restricted to clubs and farms effectively banning private possession. This is my prediction anyhow and Labour have been very vocal in the past about more bans and restrictions and there's a very real chance they could win this next election. What do you think?


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Teresa May strikes me as a bit of a control freak and, I believe I have read, is not terribly keen on private firearm ownership.


However, given the state of the opposition parties with Labour offering us the Abbottpotamus as choice for Home Secretary, I struggle to find any other party other than the Tories with whom to side.

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If Corbyn gets in we will get shafted on so many ways on so many levels. Remember he has a lot of antis and sabs among his supporters and disarming the proletariat is one of the cornerstones of the Communist Manifesto.


But you won't have to worry, they would destroy the economy and none of us will be able to afford to shoot anymore.

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If Dianne Abbot counts the votes and Labour do manage to get in, there will be many more, much larger problems to worry about that this. Examples being an awful grasp on economics by the whole party and even worse policies affecting the economy. And a simply DIRE plan for defence and the MOD. Whilst I agree they could pose a big threat to our sport, it is a very minor problem in the grand scheme.

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I honestly believe May is deliberately trying to lose it to skewer Brexit, her totally unnecessary calamitous manifesto directly impacting her core voters and refusal to debate supports the theory (alongside her refusal to say the personally supports the leave vote). She is a traitor in our midst just like Corbyn. UK Politics has never been in a worse state.

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To be fair though the Conservatives have caused shooting more damage than anyone else up to now .


Quiet you, we're making stuff up about what happens when the communists take over. Can't have people saying things like that!


The sad state of affairs is that the only reason things wouldn't get worse under the Maybot is because the "right" people (read upper echelons of society) have key influences in the party.

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I see a trebling of the License Fee and the day after the new ticket is paid for state confiscation of all privately owned firearms with no compensation payments as comrade Jezza says we are all rich toffs because we catch our own tea .

Commisar crankie will jump into bed with jezza :sick: so the peoples republic of scotland can rule itself but still wreck England,s laws as it will be a "special" independance where they can vote on us but we need a passport to visit.Bit like the current setup .

Cant wait for the rest of eastern europe to move here with Jezzas unskilled visa for non worker,s and their families ,think of the jobs it will create in social services ,paying out the benefits and finding them social housing to live in :no:

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Quiet you, we're making stuff up about what happens when the communists take over. Can't have people saying things like that!


The sad state of affairs is that the only reason things wouldn't get worse under the Maybot is because the "right" people (read upper echelons of society) have key influences in the party.

Mmm,they didn`t influence Hogg & Hurd.......

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I honestly believe May is deliberately trying to lose it to skewer Brexit, her totally unnecessary calamitous manifesto directly impacting her core voters and refusal to debate supports the theory (alongside her refusal to say the personally supports the leave vote). She is a traitor in our midst just like Corbyn. UK Politics has never been in a worse state.

Sadly I can see a grain of truth in the whole thing ,as you say. I`ve always said that I`d only believe Brexit when it`s delivered.

Trust any politician ??????

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Unfortunately I and my wife will have to vote our Tory MP back in. He has been sitting pretty for far too long. Skidded round a situation where he didn't quite undo the brown envelope ..cash for questions and can't look you straight in the face and has all sorts of weird ideas... BUT .. we will have to vote for him. Voted UKIP before but this time we need to give as much support to getting out of the sleazy corrupt EU ASAP and I can see only Mrs May doing that.

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My biggest worry is people my ages and under, they seem to lap up the free this free that manifesto that corbyn is waving round. And they all blame tories for the current state of play, one girl I work with, who is 25 even came out and blamed Thatcher for where we are today, another who is a green supporter is fully in support of scrapping tridant to release money. And feels people with loads of money should hand it out.

Edited by ShootingEgg
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I can only say I really hope that labour don`t get in. I am concerned how well they seem to be doing though ! :/


Talk of a hung parliament, could go into cahoots with the SNP.


Little Crankie on a one with Brexit, Independence, Air Rifle Law, Fishing, & Shooting + Corbyn....huh.gif.pagespeed.ce.lsZUOTgcCw.gif

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How is he doing so well now? Is everyone thick? May should just make up a load of figures, £1000 to everyone that votes conservative, then deal with the fallout after she's won. Same as JC is doing really.


I'm starting to worry now, time to change all your cash to dollars and hide it in your pillow.


Then keep your guns handy for when abbot erases all terrosist and criminal DNA from record, open the borders, and support terrorist organizations.


And brexit? He wants to play a game of poker, but show everyone his cards before he plays.


Worried :(

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I'm not into politics and don't vote,so as stated many times on here I'm not allowed and opinion on politics(no freedom of speech apparently). But id like to ask one question (before i get told i can't)is everyone more bothered about gun law than the Future of the country?

If you could have a party that could guarentee the perfect outcome but guns would have too go.Would you sacrifice your sport to live in a perfect economy?

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