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How are you voting this Thursday?

Doc Holliday

How are you voting this Thursday?  

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  1. 1. Which party will get your vote?

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How,s your tax bill in Saudi m8 ,lower than most of us il guess ,keep spouting your facts from Liebour HQ as after 13 years of those dimwits in power we were left with an empty treasury and 5 million people allowed in to vote Liebour to quote our teflon tone .And i dont remember the NHS improving in that time either

Edited by clakk
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27 billion loss on rescuing the banks.




167 billion on a 'deterrent' that is, for all practical purposes, useless.



16.5 billion to maintain the lowest corporation tax in the G7



It's probably best to vote Conservative as they obviously have access to a 'magic money tree' that the Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Dutch, and Danes don't.


The entire house of commons voted on Trident and it went through with a large majority, it's not as if one party alone voted it through is it?

Just a silly argument ...

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27 billion loss on rescuing the banks.




167 billion on a 'deterrent' that is, for all practical purposes, useless.



16.5 billion to maintain the lowest corporation tax in the G7



It's probably best to vote Conservative as they obviously have access to a 'magic money tree' that the Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Dutch, and Danes don't.


I still want to know how the foreign policies of Sweden, Germany and Belgium led to them having terrorist attacks.

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Voted UKIP for a number of years but this time I believe it important to put Mrs May in power to see through Brexit and will be voting Conservative. Anyone who votes for Corbyn and his cronies really do need help, please seek counselling before it is too late. Look back at history. Every Labour government in my memory has left this country in a dire state.


Explain how a 'deterrent' is a waste of money ??? The self same 'deterrent' was sneaking about in the South Atlantic and seriously frightened the Argentinian Navy into staying in port by it's sheer presence. OK it did announce it's intentions in no uncertain manner.

Edited by Walker570
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27 billion loss on rescuing the banks.




167 billion on a 'deterrent' that is, for all practical purposes, useless.



16.5 billion to maintain the lowest corporation tax in the G7



It's probably best to vote Conservative as they obviously have access to a 'magic money tree' that the Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Dutch, and Danes don't.




You've selected the numbers that you wanted to see. You missed the following in the IFS article


"It is also important to remember that, as highlighted above, official policy costings do not take account of the long run effect of tax rate changes. In the same way that we would expect rate cuts to be less costly in the medium to long run because lower rates boost investment, we would expect rate increases to be more expensive because they reduce investment which, over time, would translate into the UK having a smaller capital stock".

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Tory, my blood runs cold at the thought of a labour government and what would happen to this Country at this most fragile time.


Whilst the BBC have done a great job of making Labour look viable and exciting, I am praying to god that the Country can see just how far backwards the left will take us all.

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Explain how a 'deterrent' is a waste of money ??? The self same 'deterrent' was sneaking about in the South Atlantic and seriously frightened the Argentinian Navy into staying in port by it's sheer presence. OK it did announce it's intentions in no uncertain manner.


"The Deterrent" refers to nuclear powered ballistic missile subs carrying Trident to deter nuclear attack on the UK and NATO allies in a strategic context. You're thinking of attack submarines designed to go after other combat vessels in a tactical context, which is a different capability altogether.

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@clakk -no tax in Saudi. But why am I still on Saudi? I'll tell you. It's because Teresa May made my family statelesss when she slipped through legislation (without a Commons vote) that makes it necessary for me to put up a £63,000 bond before I can bring my family back to the UK. My kids can trace an unbroken Scottish lineage going back to the 1700s; they're native speakers; they play rugby and are proud to wear the jersey, but because their mother isn't an EU citizen they're being forced to grow up in Saudi because their father can't both tie up £63,000 in a government and buy a house in the UK simultaneously which I have to do to bring the complete family back to the UK.


For years I paid taxes in the UK. In my whole life, I never took one penny in benefits of any kind. The state didn't even my for my education. But I go abroad to work for 5 years, get married, and then all of a sudden Theresa May tells me I'm exiled umless I want to split my family.


The Conservative MP I wrote to (he used to be my flatmate at university) wrote back and told me that I was 'collateral damage' of legislation brought in to stop people from the Indian subcontinent using British citizenship in dowry negotiation. Like that has anything to do with me.


It's a hell of a thing not not to have a home, and as far as I'm concerned, I've been betrayed by my owm government. I'm not naturally Labour - why would I be - but it was the Conservatives, and specifically Theresa May, who has trapped me and my family in Saudi.


I would vote Labour (if I had a vote) because a Labour government is the only way I'll ever get my family out of the Middle East and home. There a lots of things I might not agree with Corbyn about, but he strikes me as a fundamentally decent human being. Can't say the same about May, Johnson, et al.

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First time Conservative voter this time as no UKIP candidate. Even though I don't really want to vote conservative they appear to align most closely with my views after UKIP. My other options were Lib Dems, Labour, Greens and Apolitcal Democrats. I did quite like the Apolitical Dem guy in his interview I saw but I've chickened out and I'll go Conservative on the day.

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The worst scenario ever, vote for May who you just know will deliver a super soft Brexit like she has been told if she doesn't manage to throw the election like she is trying her hardest to or vote for Commie Corbyn and his terrorist appeasing cabinet who will offer a second vote on an awful deal offered by the EU which will cancel Brexit and in the meantime he will fill us full of even more third world scum. What a state British Politics is in, we don't even have a UKIP candidate in Pendle.

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"The Deterrent" refers to nuclear powered ballistic missile subs carrying Trident to deter nuclear attack on the UK and NATO allies in a strategic context. You're thinking of attack submarines designed to go after other combat vessels in a tactical context, which is a different capability altogether.

If my memory serves, it was a Nuc powered, armed sub which did the Belgrano. Money very well spent and helped to shorten the war.

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Your bang on mate I'm 54 and heard all the lies before,once they are in they never fullfil anything they promised.Im only Voting as PW policy seems to be if you don't vote you can't talk about politics and it's my fault if it all goes tits up apparently according to one PW member.I mean how is one to live with oneself if I'm responsible for Brexit,NHS going tits up and the police buget slashed and now immigration.

You can name me I don't mind.


I never understand the I'm not voting idea, there politicians of different parties, someone has to run the country.


I don't agree or understand everything that gets said by them but in my opinion you vote for the things you agree with.


I'll be voting tory, I grew up in a labour strong hold, don't think anyone other than labour has ever been an MP for the area and they did squat for it.


When 45 commando were in Afghanistan labour spent more time discussing fox hunting than the marines.


They welcomed mass immigration and would do again.


Tory for me, could just be the best of a bad bunch but I'm thinking of my kids futures

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Sorry to hear about your situation Retsdon but i would still vote against Liebour as Motty said the Tories are turning around the economy and trying to control immigration whatever you think of them .I am an ethnic minority at work 60 brits over 400 eastern european,s so sorry but i want my country back for my children and grand children .

I work in a place that prefers immigrants over uk residents and thats wrong ,what chance has any of my grandkids got of finding a job if the unqualified visa scheme comes back under Liebour and the spend spend spend lunacy that brought austerity in after Liebour got kicked out

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Not sure if I'll get to vote. Have been called away unexpectedly and polling day coincides with the start of the biggest gypsy horse fair in Europe, or what used to be.

Getting in and out of town is no small undertaking.

General consensus is that turn out will be low for this reason.

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My cousin married a Yank. She's back home with their two kids and he's back and forth to Colorado every 4 weeks or so.


He's going for his green card and is jumping through all the hoops everyone else has to and there's a risk he'll be refused.


He's not ******* and moaning about any of it - it was his / their choice and they're making the best of it. Indeed, he accepts it was his doing / free choice.


Besides, I don't know anyone whose worked in zero tax Saudi who couldn't come up with readies when needed. No one goes there for the good of their health or the tan.

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Will vote DUP for the sole reason that if successful they effectively form a coalition with the conservatives.


I would prefer an independant northern ireland or united ireland but all the options for that have some other crazilly socialist ideas i cant consider voting for.

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Voting tory but must admit have been loosing faith in Mrs May as time has gone on. I just can't believe anyone believes corbyn and his mob are a viable alternative, farron is a joke on all levels.


I just hope people don't waste their vote on UKIP and back the tories, not doing so could allow labour a victory in the marginal seats.

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My cousin married a Yank. She's back home with their two kids and he's back and forth to Colorado every 4 weeks or so.

He's going for his green card and is jumping through all the hoops everyone else has to and there's a risk he'll be refused.

He's not ******* and moaning about any of it - it was his / their choice and they're making the best of it. Indeed, he accepts it was his doing / free choice.

Besides, I don't know anyone whose worked in zero tax Saudi who couldn't come up with readies when needed. No one goes there for the good of their health or the tan.

I have American colleagues at work. They can move their families back to the US without posting a $100,000 bond. I have Irish colleagues who, under EU law, can move their whole families to the UK without posting a £63,000 bond. If you think it's easy to save £60,000 while having to pay £12,000 a child per annum to have your kids educated in tbeir native language, come here and give it a go.


And, quite honestly, why the **** should I have to pay anything at all to bring up my own children in the country of my birth?

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**** me there is somebody on here who is owning up voting for the Greens. I thought we had enough head cases with people voting Libour or LibDumbs but the Greens! As somebody once said "proof that care in the community isn't working".

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