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"Boris bikes" cost 140m, revenue around 1m a year, cycle super highway cost 50m revenue 0, and the promise no cuts to the fire service was swiftly followed by closing 10 fire stations and taking away an additional 13 fire appliances.

He was protesting against uber until some of his chums shoved several million pounds into it and told him to back off, good boy Boris, if we aren't a laughing stock already putting Boris at the head of government will seal the deal for us, he is a complete tool and only gets away with half the things he does because he is comical and easy to laugh at, I'm not a tory fan and couldn't stand Cameron either so me wishing he was back shows how pitiful the other prospects must be!
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We are now getting the media response that Trump had and in some respects is still having but things are a changing in the US. The Democrats are now being shown to be a right dodgy bunch, criminal in fact right down to the head of the FBI. Our media is no better. Read anything from ANY of the papers and it will be blown out of all proportion or a total fabrication.

With regard to a change of PM which I believe will happen although it is now proved that the manifesto was rigged to produce the result it did. Advisers are history thankfully. Having seen and heard David Davis interviewed on how the situation will proceed with Brexit then I warm to him making a good job of taking the reins. 'Smiling Assassin' springs to mind. Boris is too tarnished I'm afraid. If he got the job in the first place I think he could have done a better job.

Edited by Walker570
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He was protesting against uber until some of his chums shoved several million pounds into it and told him to back off, good boy Boris, if we aren't a laughing stock already putting Boris at the head of government will seal the deal for us, he is a complete tool and only gets away with half the things he does because he is comical and easy to laugh at, I'm not a tory fan and couldn't stand Cameron either so me wishing he was back shows how pitiful the other prospects must be!

Don't even look into the missing millions of the now "not going to happen" garden bridge project. It's got Boris' prints all over it.

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Johnson could head up a strong team and with the right Deputy Prime Minister (which May hasn't got), he is known as a good organiser and motivator of people.

He had a fair record as Mayor of London.

In most major undertakings the figurehead is well supported by strong teams that ensure things run smoothly.

There is a lot of truth in the old saying, "Do you want to speak to the Boss, or the people that know whats going on ?".

:lol::lol::lol: by whom??? :lol::lol::lol:


I like Boris, I bet he's a good laugh in the local having a few beers. I really don't think he could be worse than any of the others.

He is great fun for a few beers but PM :lol::lol::lol:

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Well I saw a bit of news tonight before heading for work, George Osborne couldn't have looked happier.


As for Boris who knows, looks a lot like trump so that might help with keeping in with the yanks, but the bloke can talk and put on a show which it seems TM can't and its definitely cost her.


A lot of seats were very very close, so a bit of banter and charm could have made it better.

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dont matter what we do or think............the media barons will decide who goes in number 10 or who goes out of number 10............the "vitriol" that is coming out of the media now is just way out of order....ive never seen or heard the like before....its like a feeding frenzy....



They want mrs M hung drawn n quartered how dare she be P.M when super Jezza has 50 odd M.p,s less and a good plan to ruin the country



Who cares there all from the same tree

This :good:

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We are now getting the media response that Trump had and in some respects is still having but things are a changing in the US. The Democrats are now being shown to be a right dodgy bunch, criminal in fact right down to the head of the FBI. Our media is no better. Read anything from ANY of the papers and it will be blown out of all proportion or a total fabrication.

With regard to a change of PM which I believe will happen although it is now proved that the manifesto was rigged to produce the result it did. Advisers are history thankfully. Having seen and heard David Davis interviewed on how the situation will proceed with Brexit then I warm to him making a good job of taking the reins. 'Smiling Assassin' springs to mind. Boris is too tarnished I'm afraid. If he got the job in the first place I think he could have done a better job.

Where has it been PROVEN the manifesto was rigged to produce this result?


I for one would like to see this proof ...

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Where has it been PROVEN the manifesto was rigged to produce this result?


I for one would like to see this proof ...


I don't believe the manifesto was rigged. The Con. Party fought this election based on Brexit and the fact they thought Corbyn was unelectable. A number, in fact most, of the Con parties manifesto promises were well received by the public but imo the manifesto wasn't that well publicised, instead May chose to fight the campaign on a personal level and it backfired.

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Were not picking on her, just pointing out what went wrong.


It's now her own government, she did actually win the most votes.


Just not quite the landslide we all expected, didn't realise quite how many nieve people there were out there believing what labour were peddling

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Its really not very nice the way that you all are picking on your leader Mrs May after all you all voted her in not me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You vote for the best you've got that doesn't mean you think the sun shines out of their butt and they can never do any wrong!


Lots of people within Labour criticise their leader, didn't they have a vote of no confidence?

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AND I THOUGHT IT COULD NOT GET ANY WORSE AFTER THE ELECTION :rolleyes: :rolleyes: , ANY COMMENTS PW MEMBERS ???? ???? ???? :hmm: or will TM hold fast and in the great british tradition, CARRY ON REGARDLESS? ???? ???:)

hello, thankyou for all your replies, will be an interesting week in politics, i see Gove is back for a start, hows that work after being sacked by TM last year ? bit like the TM apprentice show, your fired !!!!! year later, your hired !!!! i will reserve judgement when i see the new line up. :hmm:

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hello, thankyou for all your replies, will be an interesting week in politics, i see Gove is back for a start, hows that work after being sacked by TM last year ? bit like the TM apprentice show, your fired !!!!! year later, your hired !!!! i will reserve judgement when i see the new line up. :hmm:

Gove has already stabbed Boris in the back once no love lost between them. A smart move by TM if she wants to split the hard line Brexit vote in a leadership battle.

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