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Bring back the death penalty?


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The point of prison is to rehabilitate offenders to attempt to make them productive members of society. Some people don't deserve a place in society, some are beyond rehabilitation. It's costs a fortune so no point wasting time and our taxes on those individuals in my opinion

And yes it's much too comfortable in prison currently

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No political party will ever moot the return of the death party,but sentences should reflect the crime, people should respect the law, or go in mortal terror of breaking it, no "special" wings, or prisons for paedos,,terrorsts ?, life, in solitary, & no parole, same child murderers, cop killers .Gloves off.

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The ultimate deterant has never worked. If it had worked there wouldn't have been any hangings. When you look back at all of the hangings, some were out and out evil people who were straight out guilty, and some were subsequently found to have been innocent. They can't be got back and the ones that were guilty would still have killed anyway. Most hangings were of people set up to control and put fear in the masses so that the people at the top of the tree stayed there. Capital punishment has never worked on the people who were going to kill anyway. Hittler, Stalin, idi Amin, Pol pot, Sadam Hussain and all of his murderous henchmen. None of them were concerned in the slightest about the consequences of their actions. All of the people on death row in the states ECT ECT. This is a non starter. The other day there was an article about the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivic (spelling) who is being kept in solitary and it is reconed that it is worse than being executed. This is worth reading. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_the_United_Kingdom

Edited by fortune
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they have got it very easy in prison.thats why a lot go back in.

I think it's for more to do with the fact that the majority of people in prison have very poor education, backgrounds and life opportunity and come out of prison with even worse options for work etc.


If you've got a terrible life, no job, no family, no income then what's the loss of going inside? You'd be better off returning to a life of crime as for many of them it's their only means to have a decent income.


These aren't the type of people who've ever had the opportunities to get to a level where they're going to get a decent job earning a great wage. I've worked with lots of youthes who are headed down that path, LOTS of them had such bad upbringings as toddlers they can't even count or read. You can't go get a job if you can't even count!


For a fair amount of people in the country, the sad fact is that for their skills and abilities, the best they're ever going to do is either a life on benefits, a life of crime or a combination of the two!

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For select cases I would bring it back. I wouldn't waste the money on housing some people. Done and dusted and rid the planet of them.


Brady, Hindly, Sutcliffe et al. They don't deserve any form of life.

Whole life term in solitary, with nothing is no form of life

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I think it's for more to do with the fact that the majority of people in prison have very poor education, backgrounds and life opportunity and come out of prison with even worse options for work etc.


If you've got a terrible life, no job, no family, no income then what's the loss of going inside? You'd be better off returning to a life of crime as for many of them it's their only means to have a decent income.


These aren't the type of people who've ever had the opportunities to get to a level where they're going to get a decent job earning a great wage. I've worked with lots of youthes who are headed down that path, LOTS of them had such bad upbringings as toddlers they can't even count or read. You can't go get a job if you can't even count!


For a fair amount of people in the country, the sad fact is that for their skills and abilities, the best they're ever going to do is either a life on benefits, a life of crime or a combination of the two!

A few fair points there. When I was younger crime was a career choice, luckily I followed a different path, some of my mates didn't. Not that I had a bad upbringing, just the area I'm from. Edited by Gonk
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The argument can never stand up. In its simplest form, A murders B, the state convicts A and the evidence of a crime is overwhelming. The state cannot now kill A, because what A did to B was wrong in the view of the state so the state would be no better than A if the death penalty were carried out. It's wrong to kill people, and that's all there is to it. It's one of the 10 commandments.

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Chain gangs are the answer. Make em work hard labour putting back into society, feed them bare basic food and water. Just enough for them to be able to function and work.


Wouldn't be many want to go back in.


Prison is to easy, tv all meals made nothing to pay for, everything done for them. For some life inside is better than outside.

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agree with figgy about chain gangs or something similar,the death penalty for all i believe in it will never be brought back because every party thats in power are afraid to bring it back or even hold a vote on it,incase it were to voted in,the same applies now to the racism thing,every bloody thing is racist,prisons are way to soft,sentences are to leniant with parole and good behaviour,as for the full life sentence,why should decent people have to pay a fortune to keep murders,terrorists alive for the rest of their lives when theyve snuffed out somebody elses

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I'm in the opinion that certain crimes deserve hanging.


Terrorism, Child Murders, Serial Killers, those that can be banged to rights with DNA etc, there's a few mentioned above.


Prison is to easy, tv all meals made nothing to pay for, everything done for them. For some life inside is better than outside.



The recent Panorama Documentary of a prison in Northumberland highlighted how much of a cushty life they had there.

Edited by Bazooka Joe
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