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we are doomed,,...(E.U)


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Well, yes, I think the above is right ....... I do not believe MP's really care much about the electorate - other than to secure their votes to keep their own (well paid, very well expense compensated, exceptionally well pension provided and basically 'part time') jobs


Few other full time jobs get so few hours, such generous expenses schemes, so much time off, superb pension (fully non contributory) - oh and pays a minimum of £76,000 a year above all expenses.

100% bang on in my eyes! :good:

I'm just guessing here that not many take cheese and pickle sandwiches to work and don't get time to eat them

All the best


:lol: Again, spot on in my eyes...

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The whole idea of meeting all these furriners all over the the UK,,Britain,,,..

Is to get them ALL FIGHTING FOR SCRAPS,,..

That way he takes the Country to bits slowly, Then get the unions and that parasite corbyn to run a descimated country (And thats without being in power)..

The god help us all..

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It's never a good position entering any negotiation having badmouthed the other party, if I was May I'd be reigning in those loose ministerial lips. Successful negotiation is a compromise that suits all parties, where each party win enough concession to make those they lose ground on acceptable, or sellable, to their support.


I think ,with respect, you are missing the point.

The EU do not want us to leave, and will do just about anything to stop and reverse the article 50 process.

If that means courting the devolved assemblies ,promising things they cannot deliver, and using underhand tactics,threats and general bullying, they will.


Because Boris used playground language, they are insulted ?

They know the game, and will play it as they see fit.

A UK with a successful Brexit deal cannot be allowed to happen in their eyes.

If we go ,others will follow, then the EU project will fail, they know this.

Thats why they are so hard line about everything, no single market, no trade deals without a massive (plucked out the air figure) 'divorce ' payment, the list goes on.


As I said ,they want us to walk away, with the resulting aggro from the opposition and media, if they can destabilise the UK ,they will.

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I think ,with respect, you are missing the point.

The EU do not want us to leave, and will do just about anything to stop and reverse the article 50 process.

If that means courting the devolved assemblies ,promising things they cannot deliver, and using underhand tactics,threats and general bullying, they will.


Because Boris used playground language, they are insulted ?

They know the game, and will play it as they see fit.

A UK with a successful Brexit deal cannot be allowed to happen in their eyes.

If we go ,others will follow, then the EU project will fail, they know this.

Thats why they are so hard line about everything, no single market, no trade deals without a massive (plucked out the air figure) 'divorce ' payment, the list goes on.


As I said ,they want us to walk away, with the resulting aggro from the opposition and media, if they can destabilise the UK ,they will.

Spot on, they're scared others will follow, so will do anything for brexit to be a disaster, and the problem we have is our so called leaders don't see that we hold almost all the cards (mainly because most don't want us to leave).

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Parts of this thread remind me of an "Any Questions" radio discussion about whether MPs deserved a pay increase, during which the late A G Street said:


“You can see in the local paper any number of advertisements for farm-hands, plumbers, typists, cleaners, washers-up and so forth, but have you ever seen an advertisement for a politician? Politicians are surplus to requirements.


There are at least 10 times as many would-be politicians than seats in the Houses of Parliament, and when there is a surplus of something, the price should go down. And the deposit should go up.


For example, at the moment there’s a surplus of milk, and the price has gone down. But while you can still make useful things from a surplus of milk, such as butter and cheese, if any of you can think of a single thing you can make from a would-be politician, I’d like to know.



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if any of you can think of a single thing you can make from a would-be politician, I’d like to know.



Thought carefully about this one - and couldn't really think of anything, though there were some possibilities

  • Traffic/parking warden (for a private car parking company) - because they also seem to hold everyone else on contempt
  • Waiter in a McDonalds (because there aren't any and they wouldn't have anything to do (and they excel at that)

More suggestions (as long as not serious) welcomed!

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if any of you can think of a single thing you can make from a would-be politician, I’d like to know.





Thought carefully about this one - and couldn't really think of anything, though there were some possibilities

  • Traffic/parking warden (for a private car parking company) - because they also seem to hold everyone else on contempt
  • Waiter in a McDonalds (because there aren't any and they wouldn't have anything to do (and they excel at that)

More suggestions (as long as not serious) welcomed!


Soylent Green.

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Nice to see Tony Bliar negotiating for us to stay in the EU ,hang on a minute unelected war criminal doing a deal with the eurocrats to keep us in .Where the hell does his mandate to do this come from and who is he representing ,self serving parasite go to wormwood scrubs and get a room cause of and reason ISIS came into being how dare you try and keep us in the fascist superstate

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Nice to see Tony Bliar negotiating for us to stay in the EU ,hang on a minute unelected war criminal doing a deal with the eurocrats to keep us in .Where the hell does his mandate to do this come from and who is he representing ,self serving parasite go to wormwood scrubs and get a room cause of and reason ISIS came into being how dare you try and keep us in the fascist superstate



i saw it on TV....the hairs on my neck stood up...and switched off..................if he and all his anti brexit scumbags suceed in making us stay in the EU....people will take to the streets...converge on parliament and burn it to the ground..............

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It's quite amusing to watch the media reporting the vitriole, anger and death threats MP's are experiencing at the moment, and listen to the likes of Vince Cable and other MP's bleating and wringing their hands, wondering why!


Do they not see the contemptible, self serving, free loading, lying, idle, devious, thieving, corrupt, toe rags amongst their number.........and not recognise why?

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i saw it on TV....the hairs on my neck stood up...and switched off..................if he and all his anti brexit scumbags suceed in making us stay in the EU....people will take to the streets...converge on parliament and burn it to the ground..............


Either that ,or we will be seeing a lot of Brits calling it a day and leaving these shores.

I for one would have a serious think about it, my kids are old enough now to stay or come with me.

If I was 10 years younger, Id already be gone.

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Nice to see Tony Bliar negotiating for us to stay in the EU ,hang on a minute unelected war criminal doing a deal with the eurocrats to keep us in .Where the hell does his mandate to do this come from and who is he representing ,self serving parasite go to wormwood scrubs and get a room cause of and reason ISIS came into being how dare you try and keep us in the fascist superstate

For the first time I can remember I found myself shouting at the radio!

How I detest that man! We had a referendum and the result was to leave; and this piece of dirt is now attempting to undermine that vote and reverse it!

The confines of forum rules prevents me from expressing what I really think of this loathesome being.

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For the first time I can remember I found myself shouting at the radio!

How I detest that man! We had a referendum and the result was to leave; and this piece of dirt is now attempting to undermine that vote and reverse it!

The confines of forum rules prevents me from expressing what I really think of this loathesome being.

ho boy can i think of afew choice words for this medling muppit, alas also not printable.

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For the first time I can remember I found myself shouting at the radio!

How I detest that man! We had a referendum and the result was to leave; and this piece of dirt is now attempting to undermine that vote and reverse it!

The confines of forum rules prevents me from expressing what I really think of this loathesome being.



:lol::lol::lol: so you have started doing that now...........join the club.. :good:

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That idiot Clegg was on TV yesterday talking total rubbish, I thought he was history now but he still keeps pumping out the same old line.



the trouble is these ex muppets keep popping up and everyone believes them.............people have short memories...

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