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Dinosaur eggs?


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These things were found on my walk today a long way from the sea. I would like to say that they were found in a shallow depression lined with moss and feathers but that is not the case but they were found in an area where I have found fossils before.


Shall I crack one open and see?



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Definitely dinosaurs eggs 🤣

Probably pterodactyl get quite a few down this way 😉


Frequently nesting in cabbage patches

Nice to see the odd one about 😊


Downside is they're tendency to carp on the washing


I believe incubation is approximately 30 million years so best not to get them chilled 😂


Or they could be cannon balls


All the best


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Better than cracking one open I am going to try to hatch them off.


My investigations reveal that they may be the eggs of Compsognathus corrallestris a small dinosaur which inhabited Europe150 million years ago in the Tithonian age of the late Jurassic period. That dinosaur was about the size of a large turkey and those eggs are maybe just a bit larger than turkey eggs.


After 150 million years without hatching I have calculated that they need to spend twenty four hours in the oven at 100 degrees celsius to stand a chance of coming back to life so I will put them in the oven tomorrow and I will let the PW masses know how I get on.

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Better than cracking one open I am going to try to hatch them off.


My investigations reveal that they may be the eggs of Compsognathus corrallestris a small dinosaur which inhabited Europe150 million years ago in the Tithonian age of the late Jurassic period. That dinosaur was about the size of a large turkey and those eggs are maybe just a bit larger than turkey eggs.


After 150 million years without hatching I have calculated that they need to spend twenty four hours in the oven at 100 degrees celsius to stand a chance of coming back to life so I will put them in the oven tomorrow and I will let the PW masses know how I get on.

Which hospital will you be in if the oven explodes. :(
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