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Jackdaws today

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I was desparate to get out on the pigeons, but despite a good drive round with the bins yesterday all I could find were some crows on freshly sprouted maize at the side of a wood on the shoot where I beat. I didn't really know what to expect as I've never bothered much with crows  but I really wanted some shooting. I had a phone round today and couldn't scrounge any crow decoys off my mates, so I just set up a dozen pigeon shells and waited. 

First action was a couple of pigeons. Good start! Then nothing, but I was about 200m away from the line the crows were using. Packed it all up and moved. Good decision! I had a fairly steady stream of birds over me and as my crow pattern started to build I started to pull them in. 

I ended up with 38 jackdaws and the two pigeons. Lost about half a dozen in the wood behind too. A couple of left and rights, so pretty happy. Challenging little birds and faster than they look - I'm sure some dodged through the middle of the pattern too!



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Corvid shooting is my favourite anytime, Is that a very nice looking SIde by Side I see by the hide, is that new :hmm:

Good bag of Jackdaws they are very sporting and yes I think they can fly through the pattern :lol:

Edited by AYA117
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im plagued with 8 jackdaws in my garden...they wreck and empty the bird feeders....muscle in and steel all other food......they are like a bunch of destructive yobs.....the time is coming when they will ascend to a higher plane...

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29 minutes ago, ditchman said:

im plagued with 8 jackdaws in my garden...they wreck and empty the bird feeders....muscle in and steel all other food......they are like a bunch of destructive yobs.....the time is coming when they will ascend to a higher plane...

hello, out with the 77 and superdomes ditchman?

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20 minutes ago, JDog said:

If I remember correctly your backstops are limited. Put the bird feeders on the lawn and head up to your bedroom with the air gun.

By the way the Jackdaws are the black coloured birds with grey heads. 

they have a system.............2 of them rag the bird feeder one of them on the side and one upside down...if they cant pull it off the branch they rag the fat balls and they fall to bits and fall on the grass where the other ones are waiting to snatch up the broken food.....i put 5 fat balls in the feeder at 7 in the morning and by 10 in the morning the same day, they had all gone....the fat balls usually last a week and a half....i will wait till i gat the mercury mod S back fit a taticle sight to it....then its going to be jackdaw armegeddon......

i do not like shooting birds in my garden...but this has gone too far..............

Last year i decieded to let all the borders and around the tress go back to nature...i scratched in some wildflower mix and left it...not a lot happened last year...but this year all i do is prune (lift) the trees and cut the grass..............it is a wildlife heaven....i must have increased the bird life and buzzy things by 100%............very very pleased with the result....

apart from the jackdaws....i dont mind 1 or 2 visiting...but this is too much....everybody in the village is complaining about them...

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23 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

SWMBO and I were discussing this today whilst walking the mut and agreed the numbers seem to have exploded and some of the farmers are complaining of damage.

Just wait until the winter barley lodges. Then you will see some Jackdaws.

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I guess they are protected the same as the other corvids and pigeons . (Ie they are on the general licence .) And you need to fullfil the terms of the licence to take them .

I dont think stealing bird food (hey they are birds too ) would fulfill the terms. ? 

Ps your not alowed to bait birds to shoot them .

So i guess , even if you could prove they are doing crop damage or nest raiding 

,shooting them off a feeder would be baiting them and hence illegal 

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A strange thing the 'General licence' more rubbish from Europe! Correct me if I am wrong ( I am not ) is Europe not the place that shoots Thrushes and sells special cartridges for the shooting of migratory birds, what crop damage do they do ? 

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37 minutes ago, mossy835 said:

one rule for them, and one for us,

Only because they just go shooting, over here there are too many people over analysing everything. We have a perfectly good Wildlife and Countryside Act, what you can and cannot shoot and when, stick to that and you will not go wrong. Oh! and check this out http://browning.eu/catalogues/winen/#     and go to page 80, yes there really is a recommended cartridge for larks and the biggest agricultural pest of all time, the ROBIN 'where legal' so do not tell me that Jackdaws have any protection at any point under the General licenc

PS I know you did not say they were 'protected'

Edited by AYA117
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On 29/05/2018 at 09:42, ditchman said:

im plagued with 8 jackdaws in my garden...they wreck and empty the bird feeders....muscle in and steel all other food......they are like a bunch of destructive yobs.....the time is coming when they will ascend to a higher plane...

I have a very similar issue and plan on resolving it tomorrow morning when I get in after nights. They eat all food put out and bully the little birds away. 

Edited by GingerCat
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Over the last few years the jackdaw population has increased  dramatically this is mainly due to the mild winters of late  also we see more  farms    changing to organic . These places are  free meals for jackdaws they raid the meal stores , enter the free range poultry houses and steal the eggs , sheep and beef  field feeders are a favourite place also the piggeries . Where you see sheep in fields you also see rooks and jackdaws ,the most destructive period is when the barley  starts to ripen  ,if you get a flock of 100 plus jackdaws and rooks on ripen barley it is not long in  taking out a half of acre ..


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On 29/05/2018 at 09:42, ditchman said:

im plagued with 8 jackdaws in my garden...they wreck and empty the bird feeders....muscle in and steel all other food......they are like a bunch of destructive yobs.....the time is coming when they will ascend to a higher plane...

The same here Ditchers.. That time will be 5am in the morning here, loaded and ready to go?

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On ‎29‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 10:48, ditchman said:

they have a system.............2 of them rag the bird feeder one of them on the side and one upside down...if they cant pull it off the branch they rag the fat balls and they fall to bits and fall on the grass where the other ones are waiting to snatch up the broken food.....i put 5 fat balls in the feeder at 7 in the morning and by 10 in the morning the same day, they had all gone....the fat balls usually last a week and a half....i will wait till i gat the mercury mod S back fit a taticle sight to it....then its going to be jackdaw armegeddon......

i do not like shooting birds in my garden...but this has gone too far..............

Last year i decieded to let all the borders and around the tress go back to nature...i scratched in some wildflower mix and left it...not a lot happened last year...but this year all i do is prune (lift) the trees and cut the grass..............it is a wildlife heaven....i must have increased the bird life and buzzy things by 100%............very very pleased with the result....

apart from the jackdaws....i dont mind 1 or 2 visiting...but this is too much....everybody in the village is complaining about them...

I'm disappointed in you ditch man, a simple solution would be to put your fat balls in an enclosed bird table, just put inch and a half ish mesh around the outside, the little tits robins finches won't bat an eye lid they'll land go straight through and feed safely, the big bullies will move on if they can't get an easy feed. And if they don't, you tried your best before shooting them.


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General Licence GL05 is available for use by relevant persons for killing Jackdaws for Public Health or Public Safety.

The amount of mess they cause which can encourage vermin is IMHO sufficient reason to use it under Public Health.

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