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4 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

https://www-express-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1002606/Brexit-news-UK-EU-no-deal-hit-Brussels-harder-latest-Theresa-May/amp?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1#amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.express.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuk%2F1002606%2FBrexit-news-UK-EU-no-deal-hit-Brussels-harder-latest-Theresa-May

Reality starting to kick in for the EU?

I just hope the EU continue to be so unreasonable it forces a no deal, it would be far better than any "deal" Theresa the appeaser and the rest of her remainiac friends will come up with.

+1 Our balance of trade with the EU is £70 billion adverse (some say £100 million adverse) no deal is not going to be our problem. 

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Apparently we have been using our security services to 'bug' EU commission meetings, so we are in the know about EU strategy.
Quite how this is supposed to have helped us in negotiations is a mystery, as we continue to flounder like a landed fish.
The evidence ? None at all really , besides the fact that we seemed to know about EU press releases a few hours before they are officially announced.
Its the stuff of James Bond I tell ya ?

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7 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Apparently we have been using our security services to 'bug' EU commission meetings, so we are in the know about EU strategy.
Quite how this is supposed to have helped us in negotiations is a mystery, as we continue to flounder like a landed fish.
The evidence ? None at all really , besides the fact that we seemed to know about EU press releases a few hours before they are officially announced.
Its the stuff of James Bond I tell ya ?

Is this a proper story or something from the daily sport?

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2 hours ago, Rewulf said:


Looks like the EU are cracking up to me, afraid of their own paranoia and scared as reality bites. It seems blatantly obvious to me that the UK has friends within the EU who are sharing information as they get it.

Interesting article as always, thanks rewulf.


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A little update to the 'spy' story.


To my mind, now that we are reaching the endgame, the accusations of British intransigence, coupled with some wild stories of subterfuge are going to come thick and fast.
The carrot is dangled of a possibility of a 'deal' then snatched away.
Its an age old game, designed to make you run in circles and exhaust your opponent.

The information gleaned from our supposed bugging of the EU commission meeting, is that Mays Chequers proposal, was rejected by  Brussels sprouts before it was even announced.
So did May run it past them first, or were they bugging us ! ? ?

Either way it transpires that Chequers was ,is ,and always has been a non starter, dead.

So Canada plus or No deal ?
Keep in mind Canadas deal took 7 years ? and ours would be even more complicated due to proximity and existing ties, ex pats ect, I think the Canada type deal is also a non starter, even if it was , theres no time to implement it .

No deal sounds like ,and probably is the most attractive option.
The EU are not going to like this, and are highly likely to want to cause as much damage as possible to our economy and reputation.
Accusing us of spying on them could well be the start of this.

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5 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

That was what we voted to do after all. 

Exactly, our own government told us there would be upheaval, plagues of frogs, locusts and blood rain.
The end of days would surely follow.
Yet we still voted for it .
Some people say its because we are stupid, I say its because we are not stupid.

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4 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Hooray, we can only hope.

It might cause a few years of unrest but a clean break with Europe is well worth it.

Where the landmass is situated geographically, it's simply not possible to have a 'clean break' with Europe. It's not like the UK has drifted to somewhere off the Galapagos. - we're  a European country and have been since Roman tones. 

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9 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

Where the landmass is situated geographically, it's simply not possible to have a 'clean break' with Europe. It's not like the UK has drifted to somewhere off the Galapagos. - we're  a European country and have been since Roman tones. 

I'll bite, there is ocean all around us which makes us an island, simple.

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On 05/08/2018 at 13:35, hambone said:

It does not matter who is negotiating! The EU want to hurt us to try and stop others leaving, it is simply not in their interest to help us. I do not think it will take long for 'no deal' to bite European countries (German cars, French wine etc) before they want to resume trade. Why give them anything voluntarily when they are being obstructive? 


I see some Remaining Group is re hashing the old line of illegal expenses to try and make believe the vote was illegal so making it null and void. What about the 9 milliion/billion whatever it was Cameron spent sending out all those pro EU leaflets ??   They are all now starting to panic and will try anyhting to de rail it.

On 03/08/2018 at 16:37, Gordon R said:

Carney is one voice in the bank of England. he might be the head, but does everyone agree with him? He should not be involved in politics. If he says he is merely giving financial advice, I would need to see a polygraph strapped to his arm.

I understand he is a Canadian ????????????????  Is this true and if so what the devil is he doing in that job.

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21 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

Where the landmass is situated geographically, it's simply not possible to have a 'clean break' with Europe. It's not like the UK has drifted to somewhere off the Galapagos. - we're  a European country and have been since Roman tones. 

I suppose we had the EU in Roman times too did we ?

The whole concept of Europa is meaningless, there is no European identity as such, no language, just a collection of nations and cultures.
Do you feel affinity with Romainians, Italians ? Unless you have close relatives or descendants of course you dont, Its like me having holidays in Spain and saying I feel Spanish.

The whole EU/ European citizen thing is a construct to try and pull you away from who you really are.
It works well on some countries like Germany or Belgium, as they as a country, havnt existed that long, Germany was just a collection of states 150 years ago, with many different languages, Belgians are similar, as are many other 'European' countries.
Its easily testable, ask someone if they are an EU citizen first or second, if they answer the former you could say they are embarrassed of their country of birth, enough to want to profess citizenship of a country that doesnt exist !
The UK is different, we have a proud heritage, a long line of monarchy, and pride in what we have achieved , often in adversity...ask an Englishman what his citizenship is.

Where was the sense of being European when Germany rolled over 90% of Europe in the 40s ?
The gratitude for helping liberate them didnt last long did it ?
Where was Europe when the Yugoslavians were murdering and raping each other in the 90 s ?
Why was a fellow European helping arm a South American country against us in the 80 s, where was the unity then ?

I can think of plenty of other examples of Europeans being anything but good allies in many other situations, theres one going on right now, where our 'friends' in Brussels are plotting against us, but I think you get the drift.

The feeling of camaraderie and brotherhood you seem to think encompasses Europe is an illusion.

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7 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

I suppose we had the EU in Roman times too did we ?

The whole concept of Europa is meaningless, there is no European identity as such, no language, just a collection of nations and cultures.
Do you feel affinity with Romainians, Italians ? Unless you have close relatives or descendants of course you dont, Its like me having holidays in Spain and saying I feel Spanish.

The whole EU/ European citizen thing is a construct to try and pull you away from who you really are.
It works well on some countries like Germany or Belgium, as they as a country, havnt existed that long, Germany was just a collection of states 150 years ago, with many different languages, Belgians are similar, as are many other 'European' countries.
Its easily testable, ask someone if they are an EU citizen first or second, if they answer the former you could say they are embarrassed of their country of birth, enough to want to profess citizenship of a country that doesnt exist !
The UK is different, we have a proud heritage, a long line of monarchy, and pride in what we have achieved , often in adversity...ask an Englishman what his citizenship is.

Where was the sense of being European when Germany rolled over 90% of Europe in the 40s ?
The gratitude for helping liberate them didnt last long did it ?
Where was Europe when the Yugoslavians were murdering and raping each other in the 90 s ?
Why was a fellow European helping arm a South American country against us in the 80 s, where was the unity then ?

I can think of plenty of other examples of Europeans being anything but good allies in many other situations, theres one going on right now, where our 'friends' in Brussels are plotting against us, but I think you get the drift.

The feeling of camaraderie and brotherhood you seem to think encompasses Europe is an illusion.

100% could not have put it better.....ask the relatives of those killed by Exocets in the South Atlantic ..see what response you get.

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I have to ask, why are we so worried about people who decide to leave these shores and make a home on the Continent ?   IF, they have to live over there because their employment takes them there then that is a bit different but if I suddenly decided to up sticks and move to Spain or New Zealand for that matter on more or less a permanent basis I would not expect any special treatment.  They obviously want their cake and eat it.

Edited by Walker570
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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

I suppose we had the EU in Roman times too did we ?

The whole concept of Europa is meaningless, there is no European identity as such, no language, just a collection of nations and cultures.
Do you feel affinity with Romainians, Italians ? Unless you have close relatives or descendants of course you dont, Its like me having holidays in Spain and saying I feel Spanish.

The whole EU/ European citizen thing is a construct to try and pull you away from who you really are.
It works well on some countries like Germany or Belgium, as they as a country, havnt existed that long, Germany was just a collection of states 150 years ago, with many different languages, Belgians are similar, as are many other 'European' countries.
Its easily testable, ask someone if they are an EU citizen first or second, if they answer the former you could say they are embarrassed of their country of birth, enough to want to profess citizenship of a country that doesnt exist !
The UK is different, we have a proud heritage, a long line of monarchy, and pride in what we have achieved , often in adversity...ask an Englishman what his citizenship is.

Where was the sense of being European when Germany rolled over 90% of Europe in the 40s ?
The gratitude for helping liberate them didnt last long did it ?
Where was Europe when the Yugoslavians were murdering and raping each other in the 90 s ?
Why was a fellow European helping arm a South American country against us in the 80 s, where was the unity then ?

I can think of plenty of other examples of Europeans being anything but good allies in many other situations, theres one going on right now, where our 'friends' in Brussels are plotting against us, but I think you get the drift.

The feeling of camaraderie and brotherhood you seem to think encompasses Europe is an illusion.

Beat me to it, absaloutly spot on.

Since when was the European Union a country.

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3 hours ago, Retsdon said:

Where the landmass is situated geographically, it's simply not possible to have a 'clean break' with Europe. It's not like the UK has drifted to somewhere off the Galapagos. - we're  a European country and have been since Roman tones. 

I of course meant, the European Union, you know, the fictitious United States of Europe with it's unelected supreme leaders and with it's sights set on having it's own army and that already has courts that reign supreme over other country's.

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8 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Oh you're trolling again, looking for a reaction.

No I'm not trolling. I'm just pointing out that Britain is situated in Europe and as every single country surrounding the British Isles is a member of the EU or EEA, it is not possible to have a 'clean break'. Sooner or later some kind of mutually acceptable relationship will need to be arrived at. In other words, a 'no deal' Brexit is a fantasy. The question is simply whether that arrangement is arrived at in an  orderly manner before the UK officially leaves the EU,  or later, with a perpetual 14 mile tail back of lorries on the M20 as a backdrop for negotiation.

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