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WHO Chief brands rollout of vaccine programme in the UK and other countries grotesque

Raja Clavata

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Well I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion and whilst I get the point about needing the entire world vaccinated in order to reduce mutations, this seems just a tad OTT to me:


Especially coming from the head of the organisation who made a farce of the investigation into the origin of the virus in Wuhan.

Can you imagine the absolutely justified outrage if we were shipping off millions of doses to the third world before we'd taken care of our own - political suicide.

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I’m sure Sierra Leone’s vaccine development and clinical trials are well underway. Some countries lead and further science / medicine, some have to ride on the coattails of others. 

Imagine being broke at a bar with your pal. He’s getting the rounds in for everyone, then you are complaining that you’ve already finished your drink. 

Edited by WalkedUp
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11 minutes ago, henry d said:


He’s a Marxist who put more effort into avoiding use of the term “Chinese virus” and making sure no one criticised China than he did stopping the spread, he praised China’s “control” of the outbreak when in fact they were lying and disappearing people and we could all see that and  he was China’s pick for the WHO...maybe it’s his political beliefs that align him so closely with China, but I will be amazed if his beliefs haven’t been reinforced with $millions of Chinese “contributions”. 

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Its not as though any other country wasn't free to buy their own vaccine (as we did) and set up their own mass vaccination programme (as we did)

We haven't done anything that other countries couldn't have done, they just didn't 


Edited by Vince Green
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1 hour ago, henry d said:

Just conjecture then

Conjecture ?
Do you want a signed confession of all wrong doings before they can be considered  NOT conjecture ?
You do realise that someone , or something that has done something wrong, illegal or immoral....Generally doesnt leave a trail of evidence that leads to their demise ?
There is the ASSUMPTION , not just by the casual poster on PW , that 'teddy' is actually a bit of a wrong un.
Now obviously , if it were provable, he would not really be heading up a multi billion dollar organisation, with considerable influence...He would likely be in prison.

Call it conjecture if it makes you feel better, I call it no smoke without fire.



Interestingly , mr j, savilles guilt is 'conjecture' by your logic, as he never admitted guilt, or was tried and proved in court.
Or is that different ?

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7 minutes ago, discobob said:

Or wee McCrankee is innocent when it was really "not proven" 

I think the whole world and its dog knows wee Jimmy is guilty as sin, and it will come back to bite her eventually.

She has actually insinuated the women levelling the allegations at Salmond were NOT 'dealt with fairly'
Does that mean they were assaulted then ? Or is it conjecture ?:|


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2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

 they just didn't 

Which is standard practice for African countries. Sit around wailing until someone else supplies the vaccines, which will immediately be stolen by the army using roadblocks with armed guards and then sold back to the charities who paid for them in the first place and shipped them in.

Sorry, just conjecture!

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I looked at the WHO website, lots of info there, probably too much, but what I took away from it was that a year ago an international body was established-COVAX- to fund a vaccine program. individual countries signed up and either paid a deposit for vaccines or paid in full at an agreed amount. This was to enable companies to develop vaccines. part of the sign up agreement was that each country was initially allocated enough vaccine for 20% of its population and the vulnerable/weak/old and health professionals were first in line.

WHO states no one is protected until we are all protected and ethical and fair distribution of the vaccine is essential.

I am surprised that England has the amount of vaccines that we have,  considering the terms of the agreement. A lot of the countries struggling to get vaccines signed up a long time ago to covax and paid their subs.

I think the media and government say things that make it look like a decision has been made in number 10 or parliament when in fact they may just be complying with a legally binding contract....(takes cover)

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