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New Cabinet - Do I Notify the Firearms Department?


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I'm upgrading from a 3-Gun Cabinet to a 5-Gun Cabinet today, but unsure about whether I need to notify the Firearms Department?

When my FEO came round she mentioned that if they see that I am now in possession of more than 3 Guns then they'll come round and check the new Cabinet, but I've had a quick look on the internet for other forum posts but cant find anything.

Do I need to notify the FD about a new cabinet, and in doing so should I expect a visit to check its bolted down well enough?

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What about "legality" of taking out the 3-Gun they approved, and now storing my guns in the unchecked new 5-Gun Cabinet? I dont want to be breaking any rules by putting Guns in a Cabinet that hasn't been checked to be secure, yet I cant fit the new one in without taking out the old one.

Edited by George88
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1 hour ago, George88 said:

What about "legality" of taking out the 3-Gun they approved, and now storing my guns in the unchecked new 5-Gun Cabinet? I dont want to be breaking any rules by putting Guns in a Cabinet that hasn't been checked to be secure, yet I cant fit the new one in without taking out the old one.

So just tell them and confirm in writing and their decision. Better safe than sorry.

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At last visit about a month ago my FEO told me I should have informed licensing when I added another cabinet, so they could send someone to check it. It hadn’t occurred to me to do so. 
Anyhow, despite checking all serial numbers against records, he left without even checking any cabinets were secure! 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Scully said:

At last visit about a month ago my FEO told me I should have informed licensing when I added another cabinet, so they could send someone to check it. It hadn’t occurred to me to do so. 
Anyhow, despite checking all serial numbers against records, he left without even checking any cabinets were secure! 🤷‍♂️

That was my experience as well . Moved house in August and notified cumbria police and sent my Fac for the change of address  They would not return my  fac back to me until they came and checked my cabinet. The new man who has taken over never even touched the cabinet or looked in it ? 

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I've never bothered to tell them and had no problems. All i've ever done is told them when i've either bought or sold guns.

Although one of my pals got nicked for something and i had to  collect his guns from the police station.

A while later the police rang me to say they were coming round as they thought i had 9 guns in a 2 gun cabinet .

When they saw i had 2 cabinets they did say why didn't you tell us you had 2 cabinets. 

I said more to the point if you thought i only had 1 cabinet why did you release the guns to me.

No more was said. 

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My feo told me explicitly on my SGC visit that he could see I knew how to fix a cabinet to the wall, and wouldn't need to check any additional cabinets. That said, he did come round again for my fac visit to check my arrangements. At the time I hadn't fastened the cab for separate ammo onto the wall but I explained where it was going and he said fine, he'd trust me to have it attached properly before I had any ammo in it. 

I'd probably advise them out of courtesy in any case, at least then the ball's in their court and if they want to check it they can.

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Very force area specific .
Nottinghamshire ask that you inform them, and are usually content with pictures of location , fixings being emailed to them.

If you change address though , they come out and give you the whole home interview all over again, cabinets checked , gun and ammo inventory, just like a grant or renewal.

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