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Shale Gas


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On 04/03/2022 at 10:05, countryman said:

It’s all very well with these eco warrior’s constantly banging on about the future, we have real serious problems right now.


they dont like fossil fuels, they don't like nuclear, they don't like cars and wind turbines are a blot on the landscape. What do they like?

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On 09/03/2022 at 09:53, derbyduck said:

unfortunately its not that easy to open a coal mine, it takes years to sink a shaft, then there needs to be the coal prep plant, rail links and the mines that Michael  & Margret closed down where destroyed and not capped off for further use ,pumps where turned off and under ground workings and shafts have been flooded, opencast mines would be cheaper but the Nimbeis would not like that, peat could be used to fire power stations as in Ireland , but Monty Don would be against that !

Typical politiclal decision, destroy everything from our past that could possibly be of use in the future?

We have no need of enemies without we are being destroyed from within for some unfathomable reason other than the wqrped political will to do so?

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On 08/03/2022 at 13:03, B725 said:

We can't afford net zero it's just a dream by the wealthy but the poorest end up paying, the wind turbines make a lovely picture to our countryside don't you think, they don't work with no wind and turned off if it's too windy. 

Invest in shale gas to give us cheap energy and then some of the profits can go towards so called green energy. 

It's a bit like electric cars no one factor's in the huge energy cost's of production but expect the people with less or little money to just jump on board that simply cannot afford it. 

100% agree.  Relying on other countries to supply anyhting is fraught with danger..e.g.  chips for building cars etc., if our education system is so good why don't we have such an industry here.  Yes go for fracking, eventually it will run out but by then we will have harnessed the equivalent of the sun.....very close now but many years to go yet.

Hydrogen another fuel ... big problem is the oil companies control everything.  I remember the battery business being held back because the supplies needed to shift the old stuff first.

Whatver we need to be as indpendant as we can possibly be. 

One thing needs changing and that is the stupid 6 ntr strips growing nothing and doing no help to wildlife whatsoever. IF there is a need for wildlife havens then with modern large machinery, corners of fields are difficult to use and if each field corner was fenced of and planted then a small copse would be provided in each corner and where four hedgerows meet it would be a nice little haven.  Think wheat shortage, how many further tons of wheat could be grown just on these 6 mtr strips, no need to import it half way around the world.


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47 minutes ago, Westward said:

I find this a somewhat patronising comment which is like the we know better than you mentality of the climate alarmists who sneeringly use expressions like "Climate change denier".

Most people of my age group agree that the climate is different today from when we were kids. Winters are milder and wetter, whereas summers are dryer and about a month or so longer and there's a lot more wind.

But I have to insist that my view is most certainly not "limited" and I suggest you get a copy of "There is no climate crisis" by David Craig. It's available in book form or on Kindle. As far as I know it's the only information source that uses real data and real analysis over real time scales rather than the "adjusted" figures and highly selective data from the likes of NASA and the IPCC, as well as deliberate data manipulation by some scientists due to confirmation bias. It's worth noting that of the 140 or so climate models developed by scientists over the last 20 years, not one has ever produced an accurate prediction.

In my opinion the above book should be compulsory reading for the government, for the hysterics like XR, the IPCC and all school children over the age of eleven. Maybe that would open a few peoples minds to the greatest and most costly misconception the modern world has ever seen.

But you didn't find an earlier response to me patronising, interesting. I don't think pointing out that vehicles and electric cars, which seem to be an infatuation for some are only part of the story is patronising and a bit of a limited view of a much wider context and factors.

Can you honestly say that book swayed your opinion or just contributed to your own confirmation bias on the subject.

This topic has become as polarised as religion and I really don't think politicising it helps either camp.

I totally accept there are open questions on the overall topic and as laymen on the subject, which we all are unless, we are actively contributing to the scientific advancement on the topic then we have choices to make, the outcome of which will be personal and driven by numerous factors weighted uniquely for all of us.

But let me ask, yes or no, do you think - in the big scheme of things - it's actually a good idea to extract fossil fuels from the ground and burn them?

57 minutes ago, B725 said:

I agree with you but as I have said before at this moment in time we simply cannot afford to do it, self sustained cheap gas is what we need now and use some of the profits to expand the relevant greener industries 

Not arguing against that, arguing against dropping all sustainability action plans.

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37 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Not arguing against that, arguing against dropping all sustainability action plans.

Not drop them - not at all - but lets not go running to the future with our hands tied behind our backs and concrete wellies on - everybody want's things to be better - but at the realism of everything being worse in real terms as we are now experiencing??

My statement actually covered more than just cars - but they are a prime example of the madness of this agenda that we are being fed..

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I’m all for living as sustainably as possible, recycling etc etc etc, but the entire ‘green/eco’ movement inevitably became politicised as it is simply used as yet another stick with which to beat government policy, the modern day CND if you like. 
I worked in the sustainable Tradis/Passiv house industry, and to be seriously green requires serious money; it isn’t something your average working man could afford, and to be honest, if you consider so called carbon footprints, the most sustainable house is one which already exists.
Some of those I built houses for are amongst the most hypocritical people I’ve met, and those who claim to be living ‘off grid’ are amongst the worst. They aren’t living off grid at all, they’re consuming but at a slower rate ( which is quickly negated by population growth ) their greatest priority having more to do with saving money than saving the planet. It may be a tad more sustainable but that isn’t their incentive for making that move. 
The only people living off grid are living in mud huts with no running water or electric, and no one wants to live like that…..not even them. 
Live the life you want, but have the decency to allow others to do the same, even those who aspire to have what we have. Not everyone can afford or even cares about eating or living like you. 

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This is all academic.

Any Government pushing an expensive net green agenda (and I think we can agree that it is punitively expensive in the here and now) just won't stand any chance of getting elected / re-elected. That will soak into Tory party HQ and someone will tell Boris to put his gobby missus back in her green box, for now.

Well meaning, well heeled people from the intelligent classes telling everyone else how much of a good idea net green is and how we should all be going along with it, won't change the fundamental fact that people won't knowingly vote themselves substantially poorer. The end.

Watch this space, net green is going to end up on the back burner soon as bigger problems present.

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7 minutes ago, Mungler said:

This is all academic.

Any Government pushing an expensive net green agenda (and I think we can agree that it is punitively expensive in the here and now) just won't stand any chance of getting elected / re-elected. That will soak into Tory party HQ and someone will tell Boris to put his gobby missus back in her green box, for now.

Well meaning, well heeled people from the intelligent classes telling everyone else how much of a good idea net green is and how we should all be going along with it, won't change the fundamental fact that people won't knowingly vote themselves substantially poorer. The end.

Watch this space, net green is going to end up on the back burner soon as bigger problems present.

I really do hope you are correct.

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13 minutes ago, Mungler said:

This is all academic.

Any Government pushing an expensive net green agenda (and I think we can agree that it is punitively expensive in the here and now) just won't stand any chance of getting elected / re-elected. 

cost of living now is so expensive gump and co couldn’t win a raffle let alone an election 

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1 hour ago, Mungler said:

This is all academic.

Any Government pushing an expensive net green agenda (and I think we can agree that it is punitively expensive in the here and now) just won't stand any chance of getting elected / re-elected. That will soak into Tory party HQ and someone will tell Boris to put his gobby missus back in her green box, for now.

Well meaning, well heeled people from the intelligent classes telling everyone else how much of a good idea net green is and how we should all be going along with it, won't change the fundamental fact that people won't knowingly vote themselves substantially poorer. The end.

Watch this space, net green is going to end up on the back burner soon as bigger problems present.


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On 04/03/2022 at 10:46, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, cannot see Putin ever going to the Hague, or any of his murderous generals 

Hello, have to agree, has Thunberg gone into hiding ? The future for our young generation will be very difficult for many, 

She's busy writing (being told what to write) a book about how I saved the world, it's mainly for people with blinkered vision 

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On 11/03/2022 at 12:49, Vince Green said:


they dont like fossil fuels, they don't like nuclear, they don't like cars and wind turbines are a blot on the landscape. What do they like?

Fusion mate good honest no confusion fusion....im going to slip a fusion reactor in the old suzuki when things get tight and petrol reaches £15.gallon...no illusion fusion...thats the way forward

failing that ..it will be baked bean gas...(BBG)

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