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when this raised its ugly head (a while ago)....it was surgested that the people of this country may pay/do Hommage to the new King........

now....looking further into it...Hommage is kneeling before your Lord  or your better....and basically giving your oath....this was in the time when you were a vassel or serf...yes a feudal slave..........

there is no way in this universe i would pay hommage to anyone even on the pain of death........

Buckingham palace then quickly changed it to Alligence................which i still feel very uncomfortable with.........i will pay alligence to my country/flag but no person.....

i think it goes to show that the monachy is moving with the times....but is held back by the bloody old buffer advisors who are usually more stuck up their own rear ends than the people they work for.............

just feel not right about the whole thing....wish they could have kept their gobs shut

rant over

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Nearly 42 years ago I signed on the dotted line and gave the oath for the next 11 years in Hm forces under the old late boss , Now with all of the c**p that's been coming out of the press it's not the same as it was , E.R II did what the country needed of her with not really a comment .

Edited by Andy H
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I respect the earth of my country .the rolling hills ,majestic  woodlands and wild beaches  .the people of this  landscape is a different matter  . That's a hot pot of discussion  .

As for the monarchy . King Charles has my alligence .


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I swore an oath 40 years ago, it has no expiry date.

“I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies"

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3 minutes ago, welsh1 said:

I swore an oath 40 years ago, it has no expiry date.

“I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies"

check out "heirs and successors"



dont get me wrong ..im not a republican...but im not an old die hard monachist............a President would be chosen from the political elite...a bunch of lyin...cheating...theiving...work shy..useless parasitic sewer rats

so thats the type of president we would end up with............just look to the french presidents that have been investigated for filling their boots whilst in and using their office to do so...........and not only french

we are better off with a monach who is the peoples champion who is politically aware and can keep his own council.................but this paying hommage does not sit easily with me..........it needs to be modernised...........

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The thing is no monarch has ever said "This is wrong" when a government has used its parliamentary majority to enact laws that are wrong.

Ultimately the British monarchy first duty is to itself, to preserve its own position. And if that means seeing "the people" thrown under the bus it sadly will concur and allow that law to pass.

What an elected president can do (in some countries) is refuse to sign off that law. It is something we now need in the UK.

For in reality we have now a president in all but name....Thatcher, Blair...and the unelected Brown, May, Truss...yet without the checks that an independently elected president  would give us.

In truth the worst of both worlds a system that delivers a parliament and a prime minister with no check on their power independent of them.



Edited by enfieldspares
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3 hours ago, Centrepin said:

I swore allegiance before I joined up, I think I was 15. As far as I know it has no expiration date.

Regardless of what you may now think or not, if you gave your word, you gave your word.

Utrinque Paratus 


3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Yes, I too swore my allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen 40 odd years ago.

I would struggle to do the same these days, I respect my country.


3 hours ago, welsh1 said:

I swore an oath 40 years ago, it has no expiry date.

“I swear by almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies"


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Im ambivalent, Was listening to a radio discussion and one man from Brixton said that after the riots lots of politicians and prince Charles turned up for photo shoots, Charles was the only person that returned and also funded/started several trusts and self help groups to help the residents 

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16 minutes ago, B725 said:

Nope ,Shooting show on Saturday for me. 

Me too….I think! Or Sunday. 🙂👍

Anyhow, I won’t be swearing allegiance to anyone, this weekend or any other. 
Edited: Sunday, Coronation BBQ on Saturday! 😀

Edited by Scully
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So with some of the views expressed above 


if in the vetting process for firearms licenses and shotgun certification 

you are asked your nationality and do you swear allegiance would you be inclined to change your mind 

just curious 🤨 

I believe that in America swearing allegiance to the flag gives you the right to bear arms as a American citizen 

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5 hours ago, ditchman said:

check out "heirs and successors"



dont get me wrong ..im not a republican...but im not an old die hard monachist............a President would be chosen from the political elite...a bunch of lyin...cheating...theiving...work shy..useless parasitic sewer rats

so thats the type of president we would end up with............just look to the french presidents that have been investigated for filling their boots whilst in and using their office to do so...........and not only french

we are better off with a monach who is the peoples champion who is politically aware and can keep his own council.................but this paying hommage does not sit easily with me..........it needs to be modernised...........

You don't have to pay homage, it's your choice,isn't a democracy a great thing.

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1 hour ago, Old farrier said:

So with some of the views expressed above 


if in the vetting process for firearms licenses and shotgun certification 

you are asked your nationality and do you swear allegiance would you be inclined to change your mind 

just curious 🤨 

I believe that in America swearing allegiance to the flag gives you the right to bear arms as a American citizen 

From what I've read on here in the past,  most would do whatever is needed to keep their ticket.

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1 hour ago, welsh1 said:

You don't have to pay homage, it's your choice,isn't a democracy a great thing.

you are quite right...and i relise that............i just think this shouldnt have been an issue....it is a ancient requirement which should have been binned in this day and age

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1 hour ago, Old farrier said:

So with some of the views expressed above 


if in the vetting process for firearms licenses and shotgun certification 

you are asked your nationality and do you swear allegiance would you be inclined to change your mind 

just curious 🤨 

I believe that in America swearing allegiance to the flag gives you the right to bear arms as a American citizen 

words and their meaning.............there are 2 camps on this......dont forget it is written in old English legal terms....the first camp believes the interperatation of "right to bear arms"....means (as it was written and described in England)...is the right to raise a militia.....

the 2nd interperatation is the American legal view as the right to carry a firearm

so we have a document that contains English legal speak that is part of a keystone of American democracy


which brings us back to the "Hommage/alegiance" question..........how it is interperated

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