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There needs to be checks and balances with this. I know of three clay shooters who have had problems with their licenses due to messed up divorces. Bedfordshire police are revisiting old complaints and revoking licenses. 
 apparently the woman who had been complaining didn’t realise she was in an abusive relationship and would have done if she was asked these questions???

Edited by Stimo22
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What concerns me is that those forces are acting outside of the relevant guidance for the issue of SGC/FACs which is a bit of slippery slope and ripe for abuse by those (both within and outside of) forces who wish to see an end to private gun ownership. If the process is being used with immediate partners and has now been opened onwards to immediate family, what is to stop it being used with extended family, neighbors, prominent members of your community? And now they have tied this in with domestic abuse, any resistance to it will be seen as pro domestic abuse and pro irresponsible gun ownership. What is to stop other forces employing more draconian methods in an attempt to weed out unsuitable potential gun users? Driving license style tests before license grant? Guns need to be stored at a police approved armory and police supervision while used for the first 5 years of ownership?  

My wife is quite an intelligent person, works a biomedical scientist but is as green as they come when anything shooting, guns, fieldsports or the countryside is concerned. I am quite worried that she could innocently answer what will quite likely be loaded questions incorrectly and see the end of my certificates unknowingly. 

IMO, this is what BASC is there for. They, along with all of the other national shooting orgs, should be putting up quite firm resistance to any further changes to process for the application of certificates before individual forces start running rampant with this sort of process abuse. Before we know it the application process could be very different from force to force through self imposed rules and processes. 

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Mentioned this to my OH, who said the only time she feels threatened by me is when I’ve had a few IPA’s, as the resultant ‘wind’ can be horrendous! 😂

On a more serious note, I’m assuming the local plod will be round to confiscate the cutlery if/when they discover an abusive husband, partner etc.

And on an even more serious note, what happens to the wife/partner in the abusive relationship once it has become known to not only the police, but also the abuser that she is the reason his renewal was turned down? Or indeed when a new applicant goes ballistic with his wife/partner because he has been turned down? Even if she manages to convince him she didn’t say anything, who is anyone of that demeanour going to take out his disappointment on? 
I totally agree 100% that anyone prone to abusing his partner shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near firearms, but victims rarely want it known they are. 
Yet another attempt at an aris covering exercise which will only work with the compliance of the person who has the most to fear. 

Remember, when seconds count the police are minutes away. 

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I believe the same woman in this article is the same woman who was campaigning for a ban on guns being stored at home. This isn’t promising with a Labour government looming.


I dread what the response will be if there’s a shooting incident with Labour in power.

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Loaded questions indeed.

'Does your partner have a fascination with non licensed weapons such as cross bows or knives?'

I know it probably means abnormal fascination, but anybody being asked that question would probably say 'yes' if their partner says they love archery.  Is that the end of their certificates if taken out of context by an over excitable FEO?

Edited by jan8p
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1 minute ago, jan8p said:

'Does your partner have a fascination with non licensed weapons such as cross bows or knives?'

Guilty already!

I have a nice collection of old folder penknives that have been handed down from my ancestors including my great grandfather's nicely engraved silver folder which was a 21st birthday present from his parents, my grandfather's nice small folder from his parents, again engraved, several of my father's pocket knives - so yes, I have 'a fascination' with knives.  My collection also includes a few more modern (again folders) items like Swiss army types and multitools.  I am even a member of a 'multitool' forum.

As a keen cook, I have a nice selection of quality cooking knives - as we (quite a number of us are cooks or do game preparation) have discussed elsewhere in these pages - that could also go down as being 'fascinated' with knives.

Not guilty on the crossbow interest though.

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5 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Guilty already!

I have a nice collection of old folder penknives that have been handed down from my ancestors including my great grandfather's nicely engraved silver folder which was a 21st birthday present from his parents, my grandfather's nice small folder from his parents, again engraved, several of my father's pocket knives - so yes, I have 'a fascination' with knives.  My collection also includes a few more modern (again folders) items like Swiss army types and multitools.  I am even a member of a 'multitool' forum.

As a keen cook, I have a nice selection of quality cooking knives - as we (quite a number of us are cooks or do game preparation) have discussed elsewhere in these pages - that could also go down as being 'fascinated' with knives.

Not guilty on the crossbow interest though.

Might as well surrender your certificates now, you're screwed, you psychopath! ;)

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Insp Davies said: "We’ve had seven cases during this trial where we've either refused or revoked a licence; that is seven cases that potentially could have gone on to domestic abuse homicide

They potentially could still go on to be domestic abuse homicide but by a knife rather than a firearm.


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56 minutes ago, jan8p said:

Loaded questions indeed.

'Does your partner have a fascination with non licensed weapons such as cross bows or knives?'


Thats me scuppered then! 😂

Note to self….Remember to tell OH not to mention the drawer full ( literally ) of at least 30 folders and sheath knives in the gun room, plus the gralloching set hanging up behind one of my jackets, plus what is left of my bayonet collection upstairs and a 10” Damascus Bowie type knife. 
There are also two obsolete calibre handguns. 
Bill Harriman must be pooping himself! 🙂

Wait ‘til mate finds out; he has sabres and a couple of Nazi dress daggers! 

He has a fiancé but they don’t live together so this probably won’t affect him. 🤷‍♂️

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4 minutes ago, rbrowning2 said:

Insp Davies said: "We’ve had seven cases during this trial where we've either refused or revoked a licence; that is seven cases that potentially could have gone on to domestic abuse homicide

They potentially could still go on to be domestic abuse homicide but by a knife rather than a firearm.


Quite. The annoying aspect of all this for me, is that the rozzers know it will impress or placate an unknowledgeable general public and or politicians looking for an easy fix, deflect criticism from their shortcomings and cover their backsides, whilst doing absolutely nothing to address any real issues. It’s literally meaningless. 

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19 minutes ago, Scully said:

Quite. The annoying aspect of all this for me, is that the rozzers know it will impress or placate an unknowledgeable general public and or politicians looking for an easy fix, deflect criticism from their shortcomings and cover their backsides, whilst doing absolutely nothing to address any real issues. It’s literally meaningless. 

Very well put, I wonder what any of the Shooting Organisations are doing about it for their Members?

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26 minutes ago, eightlittlebits said:

Is the questionnaire available somewhere? All I see in the article is a fuzzy picture.

not sure there are any actual forms yet, think its more of an interview at present, take a look at the statutory guidance for chief officers of police.

interesting that this document recommends checks where there is an indication of domestic abuse, as set out in paragraphs 2.54 – 2.59.

read down from 2.54...https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/statutory-guidance-for-police-on-firearms-licensing/statutory-guidance-for-chief-officers-of-police-on-firearms-licensing-accessible-version-from-1-november-2021

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3 hours ago, Rob85 said:

Any opportunity to gather information is welcome...

While I'm not one to put on the tinfoil hat, that part of the statement sounds rather orwellian to me


She is some piece of work she has a few court cases against her i was told by one shooter she refused him and toild him if you dont like it take take us to court if you got 10k to lose 🤷‍♀️

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7 hours ago, udderlyoffroad said:

And yet you still typed the previous 2 sentences.


The nothing to hide...trope has been demonstrated to be a fallacy so many times that invoking it should only be done with recourse to sarcasm or irony.


What’s wrong with what I typed??? 2 sentences???

nothing to hide trope, what would you suggest?? 

I think you may need to reevaluate the situation at hand and see how serious domestic violence can be. 

10 hours ago, Red696 said:

He won’t have watched or read it..  


a domestic abuse victim is nowhere near as valuable to some blokes as their shooting seem to be.  If that bloke had kept his licence and then gone on to murder her the same people moaning about the questions would be slagging off the police for not removing his licence sooner…

I’m absolutely gob smacked by some of the replies to this thread, I bet non of them that have replied would go on to tell their Feo what they really think. 

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10 hours ago, ilovemyheckler said:

My feeling is that this is just another attempt to find an excuse not to issue/renew a license.

Will the FEO just send out the questionaries or visit the shooters partner? 

My wife was a lifelong "city" girl until she met me and was initially horrified when I told her I was a shooter. Although over time this has changed especially when I bring home birds I don't think she would be to bothered if I gave it up. So if the FEO was to ask, for instance, "are you comfortable having guns in your house?" what if she were to "I would prefer them not to be stored in the house"

A good reason not to renew?


I recently called my FEO (Gloucestershire) to enquirer about applying for a firearms license and the conversation went like this;

Me - I am thinking of applying for a firearms license (I already have a SGC) what is the process?

FEO - We are looking to reduce the number of licenses in Gloucestershire not increase them. What do you want it for?

Me - Deer stalking and target shooting. I am a member of a local target shooting club.

FEO - You would need your DSC1 first

Me - I have it

FEO - We would prefer it if you had your DSC2

Me - I am happy to work towards my DSC2 but as it is a more practical qualification it would be easier to do this with my own gun

FEO - Do have permission to shoot on any approved land?

Me - I am a member of BASC so would use their land and stalk with an experienced stalker until I am confident enough to stalk on my own

FEO - It would take a long time to process from receipt of application, probably 18 to 24 months



Well that FEO needs to leave their job, all made up rubbish to try and out you off.

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10 hours ago, Westley said:

I also know of 3 shooters who lost their guns, due to a divorced and vengeful ex wife. Of course women never lie, do they  ?

I know someone (gun owner) whose relationship with his wife as been a bit fiery over the years (not physical) but they are still together after 40+ years, she is anti gun but tolerates his hobby, if it were up to her there would be no guns in their house, she only needs to hint during the interview that she is not happy about him having guns in the house and he could be facing some serous questions from his FEO.

If they open this up to other members of your family, as suggested, one wrong word from any of them could put you at risk of having your ticket suspended or worse losing your ticket or refusal of grant.

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