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The Game Shooter Certificate

Conor O'Gorman

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A couple of years ago, BASC launched a new Game Shooter Certificate as a sensible and solid knowledge foundation, on which all other game shooting expertise could then sit. 

We have now taken this popular course and turned it into an immersive and engaging online course. On average it takes around two hours to complete and gives you the confidence to improve or sense-check your knowledge in all the key areas. There is then the option to take a practical session with a BASC coach to put the theory into practice.

You can complete the theory side in your own time, from the comfort of home with a brew, or take each module on your phone while commuting. You may want to stop at the theory part and while we encourage you to undertake the practical sessions, it really is up to you.

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Really !!!!. 

£150 for a certificate. 

Is this something else from your good ideas section. 

How long before you lot realise your becoming more distant from the members with every post you make and email you send. 

We need action to fight our corner not giving them more ideas to make our sport harder. 

We wouldn't be where we are now if BASC did the job there paid for. 






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2 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

A couple of years ago, BASC launched a new Game Shooter Certificate as a sensible and solid knowledge foundation, on which all other game shooting expertise could then sit. 

We have now taken this popular course and turned it into an immersive and engaging online course. On average it takes around two hours to complete and gives you the confidence to improve or sense-check your knowledge in all the key areas. There is then the option to take a practical session with a BASC coach to put the theory into practice.

You can complete the theory side in your own time, from the comfort of home with a brew, or take each module on your phone while commuting. You may want to stop at the theory part and while we encourage you to undertake the practical sessions, it really is up to you.

Click here for more information:


Click here to book a place:



Shades of the GWCT. Will the successful applicants get a nice enamel badge like they do?

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3 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

A couple of years ago, BASC launched a new Game Shooter Certificate as a sensible and solid knowledge foundation, on which all other game shooting expertise could then sit. 

We have now taken this popular course and turned it into an immersive and engaging online course. On average it takes around two hours to complete and gives you the confidence to improve or sense-check your knowledge in all the key areas. There is then the option to take a practical session with a BASC coach to put the theory into practice.

You can complete the theory side in your own time, from the comfort of home with a brew, or take each module on your phone while commuting. You may want to stop at the theory part and while we encourage you to undertake the practical sessions, it really is up to you.

Click here for more information:


Click here to book a place:



How many pheasant partridge grouse woodcock duck and geese to you get to shoot on the practical side of the certification ?

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1 hour ago, Rim Fire said:

Before you know it will become a legal requirement before you can acquire a certificate and only run by BASC  

This is exactly why we are over run with deer.........the DSC1/2 put so many experienced stalkers off shooting. Hundreds of pound to do the same as you were beforehand. Sounds like desperation on the BASC's part.

Edited by 8 shot
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1 hour ago, mellors said:

Really !!!!. 

£150 for a certificate. 

Is this something else from your good ideas section. 

How long before you lot realise your becoming more distant from the members with every post you make and email you send. 

We need action to fight our corner not giving them more ideas to make our sport harder. 

We wouldn't be where we are now if BASC did the job there paid for. 

Excuse the pun  but - BANG ON. I actually find it a little desperate and embarrassing for the "leading" shooting protection body to be touting such garbage. Struggling to bring to mind any battles that you have won in favour of the common shooting man?


Excuse the pun but.....BANG ON.

Edited by bruno22rf
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5 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

A couple of years ago, BASC launched a new Game Shooter Certificate as a sensible and solid knowledge foundation, on which all other game shooting expertise could then sit. 

We have now taken this popular course and turned it into an immersive and engaging online course. On average it takes around two hours to complete and gives you the confidence to improve or sense-check your knowledge in all the key areas. There is then the option to take a practical session with a BASC coach to put the theory into practice.

You can complete the theory side in your own time, from the comfort of home with a brew, or take each module on your phone while commuting. You may want to stop at the theory part and while we encourage you to undertake the practical sessions, it really is up to you.

Click here for more information:


Click here to book a place:



The shooting community is facing:

  • Rising prices of a day's shooting which prices out the average shooter
  • More expensive application and renewal costs
  • Rising prices of clays and cartridges
  • Decreasing land availability and access for shooters
  • Proposed legislation that would make owning shotguns as restrictive as owning rifles
  • A lead shot ban, compounded by the useless UK manufacturers not making steel cartridges that meet shooter expectations

And you think that what's needed is a 150 quid course on shooting etiquette?

If you're short of cash, how about addressing any one of the aforementioned bullet points and get more people into shooting? 

I dislike BASC a little bit more with each passing day. You may well be the biggest shooting organisation, but you're also the most useless.

Edited by Smudger687
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1 minute ago, Smudger687 said:

The shooting community is facing:

  • Rising prices of a day's shooting which prices out the average shooter
  • More expensive application and renewal costs
  • Rising prices of clays and cartridges
  • Decreasing land availability and access for shooters
  • Proposed legislation that would make owning shotguns as restrictive as owning rifles
  • A lead shot ban, compounded by the useless UK manufacturers not making steel cartridges that meet shooter expectations

And you think that what's needed is a 150 quid course to tell the naive about shooting etiquette?

If you're short of cash, how about addressing any one of the aforementioned bullet points and get more people into shooting? 

I dislike BASC a little bit more with each passing day. You may well be the biggest shooting organisation, but you're also the most useless.

BASC is aware of all these issues and does not do one thing at a time, there are myriad concurrent projects and campaigns on key issues. You likely see the updates on the key issues I post on PW. The course may not be of interest to you but it is to others - it is what it is.


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2 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

I don't know, but I will ask what is involved and update you.


Hi Conor

I like BASC - you know i do - but to come on here without such info is not good is it really ?

As above i understand training can be a positive but i do wonder if we are indeed putting up far more barriers ourselves 

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2 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

BASC is aware of all these issues and does not do one thing at a time

GSC1 seems like another money spinner and all in a 2 hour online course for £150 . I expect soon to follow will be the GSC2 .

Ideal for those certificate hunters and a shrewd move should section 1 requirements for shotguns dictate that good reason is fulfilled by possession of one of these bits of paper.

Only to be expected I suppose when future changes will probably see a move from quantity to quality ie the move from many members to very few ,hopefully for BASC they’ll have deeper pockets.

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Yet BASC members pay to train the Police on various subjects for free, just glad I am not funding it!  Farcical TBH.  The Certificate is simply a money earner and totally not needed.  Virtually every shooter of Game in the UK does so without one and would not benefit from one in any shape or form but as an aside £75 an hour for an on line course wow what value for money not!!  Get pally with the Police with free training, agree to Shotguns becoming section one and introduce a course that the Police may attach as a condition for a SGC Grant much like DSC1.  Totally shameful IMHO.

Edited by Weihrauch17
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9 hours ago, jall25 said:


Hi Conor

I like BASC - you know i do - but to come on here without such info is not good is it really ?

As above i understand training can be a positive but i do wonder if we are indeed putting up far more barriers ourselves 

Conor O Gorman this man i have quoted have stuck up for BASC on every thread possible but even Jall25 can see this is just a  money making  scheme and what dose it get you  with the DCS1  it has now become with some forces you wont get a deer calibre rifle without doing the DSC1 first which was first introduced by BASC i believe and the same will happen with this course you are promoting  

Edited by Rim Fire
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26 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

Conor O Gorman this man i have quoted have stuck up for BASC on every thread possible but even Jall25 can see this is just a  money making  scheme and what dose it get you  with the DCS1  it has now become with some forces you wont get a deer calibre rifle without doing the DSC1 first which was first introduced by BASC i believe and the same will happen with this course you are promoting  



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43 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

Conor O Gorman this man i have quoted have stuck up for BASC on every thread possible but even Jall25 can see this is just a  money making  scheme and what dose it get you  with the DCS1  it has now become with some forces you wont get a deer calibre rifle without doing the DSC1 first which was first introduced by BASC i believe and the same will happen with this course you are promoting  

^^^This, it will become another stick for the police to beat those wanting to become new shooters with.

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I can see the justification of courses to encourage participation in our sport when many lack the guidance of parents or relatives or are not rural based and have no contacts to enable participation however if BASC was working for shooters it would provide these online courses free and probably reap a benefit from doing so. The problem is when police forces insist that these courses are a minimal requirement to obtain your shotgun certificate and BASC capitalise by charging for them thus creating yet more obstacles to engaging in our sport. Could this indicate a gentrification of the sport when what is needed is a broader support base to oppose the challenges ahead.

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18 hours ago, Old farrier said:

How many pheasant partridge grouse woodcock duck and geese to you get to shoot on the practical side of the certification ?

The practical session is undertaken by a BASC shotgun coach with suitable game shooting experience. It involves the fundamentals of the BASC safe shot award, ensuring that candidates can demonstrate safe use of a shotgun. As well as the opportunity to practice shooting clay targets guided by the coach. All equipment will be supplied by BASC, candidates are also welcome to bring their own gun.

BASC training courses help to promote and protect shooting and related activities by establishing and maintaining high standards through training, education and best practice. For a full list of what is available click the weblink below.


Also, have a look at our events page:



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