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Paul -v- Heather.....

henry d

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......or rather Paul`s legal team -v- Heather, I can`t believe she is going to try and get the best deal by representing herself. Paul will have one of, if not the best teams of lawyers his vast fortune can buy and she, after being dumped by her team of lawyers, is going it alone.


Torn to shreds I would guess :good: I would dearly like to be a fly on the wall at the proceedings a case of pride coming before a fall, she was good enough to get into Paul`s life in the first place and secure a foothold (Sorry I had to !) but I doubt if she has the savvy to out maneouvre anyone in a decent law team, even the tea boy could get her wound up !


I think she`ll get a couple £M but the child will be well looked after.

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Me i cant stand either of them :good:

He has about as much charm, personality and wit as a dead rat, and she thinks having only one leg makes her something special!!....Well NOT in my book!!!!

They deserve each other! :(

Pity they couldn't be dumped on a remote island together NEVER to be heard of again!!! :good:

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Im not a fan of either party, but if I were him, i'd just give her the the 50 mil and make her sign a gag order to get rid of her quietly, then move on and learn from the experiance.

At the end of the day, he's got plenty of money and whats the point of going through all the hassle / publicity etc when all the greedy cow wants is cash?

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Im not siding with her, but theres two people in a relationship when its going well and still two when it turns sour.


I think Macca has one or two skeletons in his cupboard which are yet to see the light of day.


Personally I think the whole affair was doomed from the start. Macca was besoted with her as a quick replacement for his beloved and lamented Linda, and Heather didnt need a second invite when she saw the size of his.........wait for it.............bank balance.


I suspect she will get about 7.5 million and undertake not to bleat anymore as part of the settlement.


7.5 wouldnt dent his hair dye budget too much, and to be honest as old as he is, id sleep with him for a couple of million.


FM :lol:

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I'm not sure about either of them but I do know I couldn't live with a bird who takes a bed pan to bed because its too much agro to put her leg on if she needs to go during the night :lol:


She did marry him and had a kid with him and I suspect will need a lot of money to keep the child safe and live on so i'd expect to see her walk off with a large sum. One things for sure considering what the public think of her and what his media machine has done to discredit her it takes some balls to stand up to it all whatever amount of money is at stake.

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Ah they were made for each other.


If only the Court could order that they stay together for the rest of their natural lives :good:


Spot on :good:


He is nothing special, so what he was a beatle - he is a boring, non-shooting, ugly *** and she is a hooker turned model, who cares!


She deserves the money for having to be married to that **** for a couple of years.



Edited by BSA Shaun
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