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As a very much self confessed addict to tramadol (9years plus)I am now happy to say I'm free :yay:

For the past 4 or 5 weeks Iv'e been comming off from 8-10 a day to nil since mid week last week.For as much as they helped me to cope with pain,I'm glad that it is finally done with.The past while has been a living hell,why don't they tell you this before they get you hooked on them,and this can be in less than a week.

The side effects of withdrawal are shocking,headache,sweats,shivers,itchy skin,flu symtoms,runny nose,sneezing,shortness of breath,loss of energy,loss of appetite,squirts,insomnia the list goes on, and Iv'e felt them all but have few now.

You have to come down small bits at a time every couple of days,but you will suffer,really suffer.It's the first time for almost 15 years I have been drug free :yahoo:



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You have my greatest sympathy . About a year ago my wife was prescribed Tramadol for severe pain . She had only taken them for about a week and said that she was not feeling very well and had a problem staying awake . I called the doctor in and she called an ambulance and hhad her admitted to hospital as an emergency case . After doing all the tests she was dianosed as having a severe reaction to this drug tramadol a very potent pain killer derived from Heroin I am not surprised that you have become addicted to it .


How ever I wish you the very best of luck .


Harnser .

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Tramadol is one of the worst pain killers you can be prescribed. I was on 8 to 10 a day for heaven knows how long until I suddenly had a reaction to the which came close to killing me. I started feeling very sweaty and light headed and my skin started peeling off my face. I was also getting very dizzy and unsteady on my feet. My friend who was visiting at the time thought I was having a heart attack and phoned the ambulance. By the time the ambulance had arrived I had been violently sick, bringing up loads of blood and had collapsed on the bathroom floor which is where my mate and my qwife found me. I was rushed to hospital and stayed there for 40 hours.

Anyone who is prescribed Tramadol should ask about alternative prescription pain killers, they can be lethal!

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The side effects of withdrawal are shocking,headache,sweats,shivers,itchy skin,flu symtoms,runny nose,sneezing,shortness of breath,loss of energy,loss of appetite,squirts,insomnia




So no worse than when the wife says you're going clothes shopping with her then?





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My wife was on Tramadol for a couple of weeks after a small operation on her foot. She said it made her feel lousy and tired but did kill the pain. They do seem addictive as she struggled to get of of them.


Good for you after being on them for so long.

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this drug tramadol a very potent pain killer derived from Heroin I am not surprised that you have become addicted to it .


Its actually a synthetic morphine, I hate the stuff, i was given it when i had gallstones....hated how it made me feel. LIsa was given it for her back, shes hilarious on it, shes never taken anything stronger than a paracetamol she gets all giggly and clingy but it gets rid of the pain! :yes:


Ps nice to see you back Harnser

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Interesting reading all the above,


I've been on a 150mg controlled release dose taken morning and night, recently begun to wonder if I was having some adverse side effects ie dizzyness, nausea, sudden sleepiness, then I was admitted to hospital with question of having had a mild stroke, had monster blood pressure though.


Im beginning to think the Tramadol is no longer as effective as it once was, so was already considering asking about stopping it or changing to summat else before getting admitted to hospital, think I'll get right onto the Drs' in the morning.

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I asked to try tramadol, after taking dihydrocodeine for years for arthritis, and suffering badbouts of constipation. The tramadol for me is not as effective, either not seeming to work at all or taking hours to partially kick in. I am always in constant pain but at different levels. See the rheumotologist in October and will have to go from there.

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I'm on 8 a day for pancreatitis and gastritis, been on them for about 8 months this time. Do get withdrawal if I don't have any all morning :blink:

Pain gets bad by lunchtime so I have to start taking them, same every day: pain subsides in the early hours then starts again after I've had breakfast/digested it! Nothing else works anywhere near as well (except morphine in hospital) :oops:

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I had to take tramadol for several years for back pain. I did have the nerves done one time quite successfully so I decided to kick the drug, which isn't easy! I spent 2 days on a sun lounger in Cyprus in 35deg heat wearing a tee shirt, jumper and wrapped in a beach towel :blink: . I did it though.


Eventually you find that you need pain relief again and so the journey down the slippy slope returns. Unfortunately tramadol does nothing for me anymore so I've moved up to the next level of oxycontin/oxynorm. Now I'm not looking forward to kicking these ones at all - I get the cramps, sweats and shakes in a matter of hours after skipping a dose :o ! My Doc was reluctant to prescribe these, but I have to admit they are much better than tramadol - might be worth asking your doc about them if you are struggling with the effectiveness of tramadol?


Well done for the OP anyway. I've been there so I know how difficult it is :good: .

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I was prescribed tramadol after the op when I broke my leg last year then again each time they took out a pin and plate. I only took them the night imleft the hospital to help me get a good night sleep, then on the last op I was suffering with nerve pain through the night for weeks after and my gp said to take the tramadol again. I did this one night when my wife was working away and had a couple of drinks in the house and went to bed, the next day I felt like I'd been hit with a cricket bat, couldn't come round! I had to ring the nhs direct num as I thought I'd done myself in! A couple of days later I was fine again though, certainly wouldn't recommend them though! After a bit of research I found out that ODB the rapper from the Wu Tang Clan died from a tramadol/cocaine overdose and tramadol is also used as a drug for getting high!

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I asked to try tramadol, after taking dihydrocodeine for years for arthritis, and suffering badbouts of constipation. The tramadol for me is not as effective, either not seeming to work at all or taking hours to partially kick in. I am always in constant pain but at different levels. See the rheumotologist in October and will have to go from there.


That was partly the reason I was moved on to Tramadol,I had been on dihydrocodeine for a long time too but the widrawals from that was hidden with the introduction of the tramadol.

My problem was,I lost a leg :o I had fought a long time to try and keep it but I got septicemia and almoast died from it so it was a lost battle.I have now done that much damage to whats left of my knee it has now reached the stage of needing replaced,but Iv'e not got enough stump to do this,only alternative is loose another bit or live with it ,I chose to live with it and ended up a junkie on a cocktail of daily drugs .Things are a lot better the past few days but I just can't sleep,it's after 3 in the morning before I start to nod and I'm up again between 4 and 5 am


thanks everyone for listening



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I'm on then too, 8 a day along with paracetamol for arthritis and shoulder damage. To be honest they don't do a lot for me, they take the sharp edge off the pain but that's all. I was given Naproxen as an alternative but within a few days of starting them I was geting very severe cramping in my legs every night.


Seems the older I get the bigger the bag of meds is when I go to the chemist!. Just been put on 50mg of Amitriptyline anti-depressants, to help ease my IBS, had to make sure GP put they were for IBS not depression in my notes in case there's a problem at renewal time.

Edited by phaedra1106
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been taking tramadol for 5 years but only 4 day along with cocodamol 30/50

worse side effects for me are itchy sensation , cant stop talking , make me feel excited/nervous / nauseas and cant sleep very well.


one of my springers as been on them for 8 months after 2 cruciate ligament ops , vet says there safer than long term anti imflams ( rymadal )

no wonder shes so hyper :rolleyes:

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