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Anyone else just having a quiet night in?


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Was going to be just me and the wife while our lads went out with their mates, but my eldest has just broken all sprint records to puke in the bathroom :sick: so there will be three in tonight,knew i should never of had those couple of chips he left at tea time(i am a ticking bomb) :o :bye2:

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My two daughters and their friends are upstairs getting ready to go out , so a quiet night of worry ahead for me & mrs H.

I have arranged to meet an old friend for a beer tomorrow so looking forward to that.


All the best to you all




same here..my daughter has gone out with her boyfriend who always seems to get in trouble and my lad is going out to town with his mates,it will be the first time either have them have not been home to see the new year in.....just been round to the corner shop for some milk only to find three idiots fighting each other...not even 8 yet



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I don't like people much either. :D

Me and the missus are stopping in (as usual) Kids are grown up and off out.

Just had a taste of vodka, no more drink now until Feb at the earliest (see my signature for details on that one)

Will be making a curry when she's finished doing whatever it is she's doing in the kitchen.


Plan to go off out early in the morning. It's so nice for everywhere to be deserted in the morning, no traffic at all.

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Yeah just staying in with the mrs! No drink either, on call for the fire brigade!


I'm the same, on-call for the Fire Service, so staying in with her in doors the youngest and the two dogs. My eldest had just headed out, so there will be one in the house with a bad head in the morning :rolleyes::sick:


Don't suppose I have been out on a New Years Eve for about 18 years, and haven't missed it :no: I always found the pubs were full of people who on a normal day wouldn't give you the time of day, but New Years Eve were all over you like a rash and acted as a best friend, then a couple of days later would pass you by without so much of a hello or kiss my a%s :no:


Happy New to one and All on Pigeon Watch :friends:

Edited by KPV4
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Yep, I'm staying in. Never been too fussed about new year. Also find that there are too many idiots who cant handle their drink around these days and tonight will be a prime night for those sort of people.


Had a takeaway curry with the mrs and kids. Got a few cans chilling but will only drink a couple when I'm in the house.


Happy new year to all, have a safe and enjoyable new year :good:

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