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The generosity you ladies and gentlemen have shown in taking the time to read this thread, sign the petition and offer words of encouragement is staggering.


Thank you, each and every one of you, thank you so much!






*edited for inserting a rude emoticon by mistake!

Edited by Munzy
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Dig a few small ponds and fill them with newts, then a badger set or two and fill your outbuildings with bats.

That should stop them.


Personally I would take the money and that is speaking as a farmer. I do understand the attachment to the land but farmers really have a habit of clinging on when it makes little sense.

I wish you the best of luck and hope it turns out OK for you and yours.

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You have to really see where these people are thinking. Somebody had to think of this idea, SO it’s not so much that the idea was thought of or that the idea was proposed. Its why was it proposed? There has to be a reason. There is a reason for everything. People don’t do things for no reason. What are the reasons that they want your land? Its up to people like us to make sure there is no overstepping of authority. No doubt someone is getting something out of this but what AND you prove it. What have Peel holdings got that somebody want as a trade back. Is this the council or a person that thinks that they can get the snout in a trough? Who is involved with the re-rating of your land? AND Why was it done? These are the kind of things that you should consider because don’t for one moment think that you will get a level playing field. It’s their game and you are an amateur always several moves behind the agenda. They are the predator and you are the rabbit.

Best wishes and get your thinking cap on.

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