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A weekend with Old farrier. What a legend

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Where do I start?

I am the worst person to buy a Christmas present for as I am not bothered by Christmas or birthdays. I would much rather people saved their money and if they insisted on getting me something, then a pint would be enough. I know I'm a miserable sod.


This Christmas just gone, the good lady, with the help of magman, organised for me to have a day with Old farrier in his forge. She had heard me talk about OF's prize he donated to last year's charity shoot and how I would have loved to have taken up the challenge. Sadly during the raffle, that prize had already gone or I didn't see it :(

Anyway, when OF joined us on the Crown Shoot late last year, Amy began to hatch a plan :ninja:


I awoke Christmas morning and when it came around to open the various gifts (mostly tat, (I wish people would save their money)) off the extended family, I was handed a Christmas card from Amy, which contained the gift of a day with Old farrier. My face was a picture and was really excited :yahoo: The good lady had worked her magic and found a gift for the person who has to be the hardest to buy for. Thank you sweetheart :wub:


This weekend were the chosen days to venture down to the Isle of Wight and meet with OF and see what we could knock up.


Friday: this involved the journey from North Wales, a ferry crossing from Portsmouth,


navigate across the Isle of Wight, check in to the accommodation (which was absolutely fantastic),a quick libation, then Old farrier came across to meet us and then took us for a walk along the clifftops with the dogs.



He was a perfect host and guide, enlightening both Amy and I to the local history.

Later Friday evening he and his wife joined us in the pub for a evening meal where we chatted about many things including the day in the forge the following day.



Saturday and time to bash some metal.


After a good night's sleep (must have been the ports), Nigel joined us for breakfast in the pub. Once the full English was consumed we headed over to his forge. I was like a kid in a sweet shop, excited by all the little bits and bobs mixed in around the tools. A good honest working workshop.


Nigel explained what processes I would need to do as the metal warmed in the fire. He asked how I would like to be guided through the process, "do you like to be told, shown, or have your hand held". With a new process, I have always preferred to be shown so I can see "live" how to do something, so that is the way we proceeded.


The aim of the day was to make something practical and functional. As I have open fires in my little cottage, and after discussing ideas the night before, I stepped up to the challenge of a ram's head poker, a bit like this one.



The process started by flattening the end of a round bar and drawing it out.



Next was to split the now flat area and extend them further.



After that, the the nose was formed by bending the round part of the bar back on itself and weld it together.


Then it was time to add some features to the face, eyes nostrils and a monocle. The monocle was a artistic way of hiding a mistake that would have left one eye lopsided :whistling:


Time to shape the horns. This took great care as there was a risk of ruining all the hard work done so far by breaking one off or burning them away in the fire.



After a few tweaks, an extra twist and a pointed end, this was the finished article.


and again at Stonehenge on the way home



The Good Lady even had ago and made the basic parts for the next project a coat, hat and dog lead hook.


We still had a bit of time left and finished with this door knocker made from a horseshoe.




The time we spent in the forge with Nigel was amazing. He has the patience of a saint and has a great way of showing/teaching people new skills.


The weekend continued but I will leave that for another day.


I would like to thank The Good Lady for finding a Christmas gift for someone who is a nightmare to buy for. I would like to also thank, magman and Old farrier for helping Amy find me a Christmas gift that I will always remember and use for years to come.


I can't thank Old farrier enough for the experience and for his time and patience.

This would have to be the best Christmas gift I have ever received.


Nigel, you are a legend :good:


to be continued...

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I think that once again this is a shining example of why it really can be so good to take part in the charity shoot, I've known Mark for a number of years and Rob for a year or two before the first charity shoot, I think it's fair to say all 3 of us have forged some good friendships through, both, attending and donating prizes for the charity shoot.


What's not to like about it, get involved!!

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Just a bit of the story so far there's more to come so just a little bit from me

First though I would like to thank you for your kind comments much appreciate them


This trip and experience was plotted and planned long before Sabs posted his Xmas thread with the help of members of the crown shoot

Now I'm not sure if it was ment to be a preasant or punishment 😗

However as you can see Sabs rose to the occasion and went for it

As you have worked out we met for a bit of a chat the night before and sort of worked on the project for the day


Utube and a 5 minuite video later and jobs a good one

Sabs can tell you how long the 5 minuites was 😂

It took a few minuites in the forge to work out his skill level and learning curve

Anyone whose met him will know what I mean 😗

And he was off

I personally think he achieved a great deal in the day

Mastering the basic skills and creating 3 artistic functional pieces of metalwork

His face when the rams head started to come to life priceless

I will leave it to Sabs to tell you more as it was his day

Thanks for rising to the challenge and who knows what there plotting for you next ?

All the best



There's more 😎

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