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Very civilised from a "big thug" 😂


It's a result that your neighbour has "laid out" your other neighbour and you think he deserves a pint for doing so ?


I'm glad I don't live in your street.

And if you didn't have a licence you'd have assaulted him yourself. Lovely place your from I bet lol

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Really? Someone has been slapped for gardening?


I'll be in the **** when we start harvesting until dew point.

That bloke, the courier, wants nicking and dealt with, where do you live to get punched in the face for gardening? *** me


Good job these delicate types don't live in our village. We were draying silage trailors up and down the village untill 3am last week and whine from the foragers could be heard for miles. You know what though, instead of complaining several residents brought us out flasks of tea and cakes.

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I no where your coming from davyo but the bloke who assaulted him must be a numpty to new born baby an assaulting some one that would be the last thing anyone would do whats is defence he's been strimming all day ? So i hit him he sounds a bigger clown than the bloke strimming and to laugh about it is sad .i no 5 hours is bad but i don't think he's breaking any laws .

Edited by Shooterluke
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Wow,just been to the news agent and got the crack of one of the neighbours.Apparently courier mans wife had asked him twice to stop using the strimmer as baby was crying.Then when courier man comes home he asked,and an exchange of words took place.Courier man then said "can't wait to go on holiday to get some quiet time"strimmer man replied "pity you all weren't in Tunisia last week" resulting in one fence kicked down and strimmer man lying flat out on the lawn.

Edited by Davyo
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So strimmer man is going about his lawful business and is assaulted and people seem to think this is acceptable behavior, yet if he had been out shooting and had been assaulted we'd possibly have the same people screaming for the assailant to be prosecuted.

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Wow,just been to the news agent and got the crack of one of the neighbours.Apparently courier mans wife had asked him twice to stop using the strimmer as baby was crying.Then when courier man comes home he asked,and an exchange of words took place.Courier man then said "can't wait to go on holiday to get some quiet time"strimmer man replied "pity you all weren't in Tunisia last week" resulting in one fence kicked down and strimmer man lying flat out on the lawn.



Ohhhhh! A situation to bite your tongue I think.


Might have a new born but things be even tougher for his Mrs n Kid if the idiot gets himself banged up or sacked with a criminal record.

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Would have made more sense to have mowed the lawn with a lawn mower? That way it would be done in minutes, not hours.

I actually can sympathise with Davyo, albeit you are allowed to make noise up to 23:00 or whatever, it's hardly practical, especially if it wolud have been a job better down with a proper tool for the job.


Where I live, my neighbour hasn't got a lawnmower and her lawn gets long and her boyfriend tries to strim it but I usually just lend them my mower for 1/2 hour, saves on a lot of annoyance...


Not surprised the idiot got knocked out though for being so rude to especially the distasteful comment...

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jesus...bit rough up north isnt it?


Down here in Cornwall it would be more like "knock at the door" "right on r e steve, gonna be strimming all bledyy avo, mind do e?" "no problem Dave, you crack on, if it gets annoying I'll let you know"....some time later...."Yoooo Dave... thats enough now!"....."right on pard, I'll do e dreckly"...."fancy a beer do e Dave?" "that would be bledy ansome Steve"


I love conrwall.

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Some people don't have fac or sgc or jobs where a caution for assualt and criminal damage matter so much.


He probably weighed up the options and banged him out knowing his life will go on unchanged.


And for now at least it will be a lot quieter, full marks to him, but definitely not an FAC/SGC holder. As we have all been emasculated by popular PC misperceptions! :good:

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When reading this thread at first I thought courier mad had gone way to far, but I must admit if someone told me it was ashame me and my family had not been part of a mass murder I would have struggled to hold myself back.


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Is the courier a mate of burnley Dave?? After his door smashing episode I believe he went on to knocking the milkman out for chinking the bottles together and then did all the bin men in with a rounders bat for rattling the wheeley bins up the path,


Knocking a guy out for gardening is nothing compared to BD LOL


What a thread another PW Classic ,lmao





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