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Rifleman or shotgunner..or both?


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I'm toying with the idea of selling my T3 to fund a shotgun purchase, which has come as a surprise to me really because as far back as I can recall I've been mad about rifle shooting. From an early age all I wanted was my own rifle and viewed ( more or less ) shotguns as quite basic agricultural tools, up until about my mid-twenties or so when I got involved in clay pigeon shooting.

I joined the cadets at school simply because we got the opportunity to shoot full-bore military rifles like the No4 and the FN/FAL, and whilst I did my fair share of flying in gliders and Chipmunks, given the choice I would always head for the range rather than the hangar.

I really enjoy deer shooting but enjoy wing shooting more, and have no doubt I will in the future replace it with another T3 (or perhaps something else), but it just made me wonder, do you regard yourself as a shotgunner or a rifleman?

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I was always into rifle shooting, both before , during and after Military service. Then I was introduced to shotguns. It's a completely different form of shooting, but a very enjoyable one. So, I would class myself now as both rifle and shogun shooter

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Shotguns and rifles as pest-control tools, but air rifles for cheap plinking fun :D


Started off with air rifles, spring and then PCP, moved onto shotguns, then made the step up to rifles. A few months ago, I fancied another spring air rifle for some target shooting, so treat myself to a Weihrauch HW98 .177, and I absolutely love it to bits. It's funny how nice it is to go back to your roots

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I would part with my CF before I considered parting with my RF, which I couldn't bear to be without. Best mate would lay and shoot at targets all day, whereas I now find it boring unless shooting at things such as reactive targets like fruit or vegetables, but if given the choice between a days deer shooting or wing shooting, I think I'd plumb for the latter. Strange how ones interests change.

Saying all that, I love a prowl around farmyards with a good air rifle.

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Shotgunner because that`s all I have atm. I`ve only ever put about 25 rounds through a rifle and bizarrely even less with an air rifle. FAC is on the cards in the near future though, I really fancy getting into rifle shooting. However I think shooting clays and pigeoning/vermin control with a shotgun will remain my primary focus and love.

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Bit like, 'what goes round comes round' for me. As soon as I could stand and swivel from the hips without falling over I had a fishing rod put in my hands. Just a few years later went in to the local ironmongers to get a penknife (Father would have been locked up these days) for fishing but we came out with an air rifle for my birthday. But fishing it was until later when I was posted to North Devon and got myself a shotgun. Now I'm doing both until much later when I started work as a warden on a range which looked very similar to Watership Down. One thing lead to another and it's then deer as well with the fishing now virtually defunct. No deer now, the biggest rifle is the Hornet for fox. Hit 65 and figured it was about time that I tried fly fishing as opposed to sea. So, shotgun and rifle but the rods are getting used more and I can quite see that in a couple of years I'm going to be back where I started.

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As I don't have a FAC I guess I am a shot gunner , but funnily enough if I could only have one gun it would be an air rifle



Agree with this even having FAC the one gun I would never part with is an air rifle I still love hunting with them even on permissions where I can use FAC as there is nothing like trying to get within airgun range of a rabbit for a sense of accomplishment.

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like many i started with airguns about 25 years ago... stopped a while back but started again when i got my SGC 3 years ago.. i dont have a FAC yet (but am applying) but have used rimfire and centrefire as my shooting partner has them


if i had to pick one type of gun i would pick airgun as even though i fire very few shots from my airgun, especially when compared to my shotguns i still have that deep love for them i had when i started

Edited by kiffy
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