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I read in the papers today that the RSPCA will no longer try to prosecute hunts for any infringement while hunting with dogs . Apparently they are finding it hard to get evidence to prosecute . It has cost the massive amounts of money in court fees for lost prosecutions . They said that it wasn't fair to pay for these cases from donations .

I think their problem has been calling the scum bag antis into court to give evidence . Apparently the lawyers have been ripping them to pieces and proving them to unreliable . It's good news for all field sports.


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I would much prefer the society to; prosecute thugs keeping dogs in poor conditions, help sort out batty old ladies keeping 30 cats in a one bedroom flat and find new homes for abandoned horses.

A lady I used to work with called them out to deal with a rabbit with mixy, I told her to call me next time and to not waste the time/money of the RSPCA.

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The failed court cases have made RSPCA a laughing stock, I used to have respect for what they did within reason but now? No support from me or my family because of the money they have wasted pursuing pointless prosecutions. They aren't an animal charity anymore, they are a political lobbying force with no respect for the countryside and little knowledge of it either.

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Actually had a visit at home the other day from the RSPCA, while I was out at work. Somebody had reported seeing a magpie in a trap, and they came out.

It was an older man, with a 20-odd year old girl in tow, from what my wife said. He asked about it, and my wife explained that yes, I run larsen traps, and the call birds are supplied with food, shelter and clean water, and checked at least twice a day. He asked if they could see the trap (note, didn't 'demand' as some of them have been known to do), so that he could show the girl how they operate. My wife took them up the field to show, he showed the girl how they operate, explained to her the legislation under which they are used, thanked my wife, apologised for taking her time, and they left.


Does mean that I've moved the trap now - although I'm not sure how someone could have seen it from anywhere where the general public should have been.

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The failed court cases have made RSPCA a laughing stock, I used to have respect for what they did within reason but now? No support from me or my family because of the money they have wasted pursuing pointless prosecutions. They aren't an animal charity anymore, they are a political lobbying force with no respect for the countryside and little knowledge of it either.

Spot on ...don't expect it to change either , the latest two elected to the board are complete antis ..vegan plastic sandel types !!

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the mad bint :ninja: has been elected to the board and is a rabid anti with a published agenda ,itl kill the R.S.P.C.A .theyre down to 11,000 members and falling.so the remaining members have a lot of knitting to get them balaclavas out for the lads n lasses that do the damage :oops:

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I think their problem has been calling the scum bag antis into court to give evidence . Apparently the lawyers have been ripping them to pieces and proving them to unreliable . It's good news for all field sports.


The problem with the antis is they never let little things like facts, figures and the truth get in the way of a good moan. The amount of tripe I've heard the antis come out with lately is hilarious. Wishing death upon children because they had a photo with a gun and a fox, stating hunters have "criminal tendencies", boycotting supermarkets because they had a shooting magazine on display, and even worse, boycotting supermarkets because they source products from inside the badger cull zone. How foxes have a right to kill a chicken, but you don't have a right to kill a fox, because the fox "was there first". Some even compared pest-control to the slave trade. How and why? They claim to be all liberal and tolerant, but these are the least tolerant people in the world when you don't agree with them. How can a judge trust them, when they're jibbering rubbish like this?

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I think that quote was a bit tongue in cheek .



I didn't mean wear a balaclava in court, should have made it clear, sorry. I meant if a sab said they witnessed something at a hunt, but they were wearing a balaclava when witnessing said event, how would anyone know they were actually there.

Could have been anyone in a balaclava and the sabs just send someone that can actually hold their knuckles clear of the floor as witness.

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The last twice I've been in Morrison's, there has been a bloke there rattling a collection tin for the RSPCA, so they can't be boycotting all supermarkets...


Oh, and I didn't donate, though I do have immense sympathy for animals kept in cruel conditions... It's just a pity that the RSPCA have lost their direction.



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they are trying to protect their cash flow

Greece has got better books about how not to spend money,,


RSPCA,,,the Royal seal of approval should have been well stripped by now,


they are money wasting goons,,,,,bit like the labour party really

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Talk about wasted funds, I had two patrol cars and an RSPCA inspector in his van stop me on a farm lane and question me about using live pigeons for decoys, reported by a woman walking her dog, amazing how lifelike those turbo flappers are, wonder what that incident cost, they kept me for questioning for over an hour before letting me go, just a pain in the gluteus maximus. :yahoo::yahoo:

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The RSPCA gave the Labour Party over £1,000,000 in the run up to the 1997 election...

Where is your evidence for this? You may be getting confused with the Political Animal Lobby who did do just that - and the then director, Dr Richard Ryder, is now an RSPCA council member.

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