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Finding stuff in the field.


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ive found a few bits in the past....we found a electric till in a hedge was empty a suitcase with porn and womens cloths dumped.....my favorite was a rope swing over the brook some youths had built...... somebody climbed up and cut the top so it was barely together. Next time over the fields the rope was in the brook. Id of liked to seen them come off it lol


oh and reggiegun snogging fox's dirty ******

Edited by SPARKIE
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Quite a few bits of fishing gear, lures, boxes of flies, priest, a rod on one occasion (phoned all local angling clubs and nobody claimed it), one penknife. My mate however returned from the recycling skip on one occasion with a large box of magazines, perfect for a student house full of lads in their early 20's!!



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Mates FIL once found a life grenade digging in his back garden , local papers came out after bomb disposal and said his garden was a unloading bay in the war ,the rail way is at the bottom of hte garden, my section came across a bomb in Ireland in 86 I was twenty feet away, sas was informed and captured two escaped players couple of days later, one was dispatched in the encounter the other caught and taken back to prison

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I found this in a field full of wheat , lucky it was not cold out.


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You may need to brush up on your crop I.D.

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