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Russian attacks


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Think its a case of the US getting upset that they aren't the world's un required police that they seem to think they are. Yes, Russia got their butts kicked in Afghanistan ( a place that will be ruled by tribal factions for the next 200 years as it has been the pervious 200 ). They had major problems in Chechnya which led to some awful atrocities. The Russians held huge territories due to their expansion, lost some through war ( Poland ) some through the contraction of the iron curtain. Trouble is and always will be that the yanks try to expand in utterly the wrong way. They despise colonialism yet put guns on the ground with predicable results.A big country with a very narrow view of the world outside their borders.

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No such thing as good bombing but this situation is now so desperate that Moscow and even perhaps China can't just sit by and watch what happens. Kerry's reaction yesterday was as predictable as a morning ffaart, someone has decided to stop yet another country from being destabilised beyond the point of no return, yet another leader deposed, yet another lawless bloodscape created............America doesn't like it, who'd have thunk it ?


ps. whatever you do don't consume the official news too literally.

Edited by Hamster
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it was obvious Putin was moving his hardware in to back Assad,and at the end of the day Russia,s having bucketloads of problems with their own Muslim population.Putin probably thinks sort out Isis for Assad and he,l stop it spreading to nearer home.Whatever the pros, n cons he,s got the nacho,s to do it it and the more the merrier .When an organisation thinks its fine to machine gun innocent holiday makers and kidnap christian school girls and marry them off to islamic murderers than its time for the big boys of the world to step up to the plate.Russia /China and the Us have big enough armed forces to sort this bunch of robbers/rapists and nutters out.they also have the clout and finances to improve the lot of most middle east country,s so they dont need to follow this twisted view of Islam.If they get their heads together this could be sorted ,but its a big IF

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Iraq was ruled by a dictator so was Libya and now Syria but they all kept there own in check the west and Russia knew who these people was now they have got rid of them all the minority terrorist groups are coming out no leaders no targets etc mYbe should have left them alone ???

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They all need a rod of iron, thats the way they work.

Rob in Saudi Arabia, Your hand comes off,, twice and you cannot hold your OWN, Literally..

still public executions,, Heads Roll..

Not much crime there really... WE are The Barbarians:

Look in the paper and on the News,, As Above:

When Blair and cronies Destablised the Middle east it was a wake up call not to do it again.. We Never Learn:

Now Russia is Sabre Rattling once again, The Old Guard is Back, Might a well be Kustchoff..

Feels as though he has no Clout so Rears The Old Bears Head and shuffles all the maniacs in the army to head up..

Notice all the planes and attack helicoptors flying in Norfolk lately. Bombers from Russia flying all round the British NO fly zones

Work it out for yourself, its not hard:;

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Nobody's going to defeat ISIS without having a ground offensive.


The west won't put boots on the ground. They have no stomach for it.

The idea that a few US servicemen are captured and filmed being beheaded or burnt alive is, I suspect a major consideration. If it were to happen the anti muslim backlash would be nigh on uncontrollable.

The west won't support Assad so are limited to a few targeted airstrikes.

Putin, on the other hand will, and is now, supporting Assad. He's supplying equipment and training to Assad's forces on the ground while his air force gives them the air support needed. The Assad army are in effect Putins 'boots on the ground'.

The west should have made a decision as to who poses the greater threat to their security, Assad or ISIS.

Putin has made his decision...and I think he's called it right.

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Iraq was ruled by a dictator so was Libya and now Syria but they all kept there own in check the west and Russia knew who these people was now they have got rid of them all the minority terrorist groups are coming out no leaders no targets etc mYbe should have left them alone ???

Absolutely. And although the people were not 100% happy they stayed where they were.

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It's a "good" old fashioned proxy war. Putin is all about rubbing the wests nose in it.


He is going to go after the western backed militias as well as IS and will then say he had no choice because of the wests dithering, whilst conveniently propping up Assad and holding on to his naval base at Tartus.

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Nobody's going to defeat ISIS without having a ground offensive.


The west won't put boots on the ground. They have no stomach for it.



The reason there is no ground offensive or a serious aerial one ;) is that the West is hoping that the country is broken up into several ungovernable parts, the same as Iraq, Libya and soon to be Afghanistan.


I don't deny for one minute that Assad is a bad geezer, that the Iranian ruling regime are flawed to the core, that Gaddafi wasn't ideal dinner party material but what the hell does that have to do with America ? They are in no position to talk about morality to anyone.

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Interesting to note that the Russians are dropping a lot of old dumb bombs, not the high end accurate weapons that we and the Americans use.


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Well they wouldn't want to get out their finest silverware for just anybody...

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I don't deny for one minute that Assad is a bad geezer, that the Iranian ruling regime are flawed to the core, that Gaddafi wasn't ideal dinner party material but what the hell does that have to do with America ? They are in no position to talk about morality to anyone.


Good point.

They never seem to worry about atrocities and bad leaders in Africa do they?

I tell a lie ,Libya ,mmm wonder why that was then...Oh yes oil.


The US has tried to bring democracy and order to Afghanistan and Iraq of late,see how they turned out.

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Nobody's going to defeat ISIS without having a ground offensive.


The west won't put boots on the ground. They have no stomach for it.

The idea that a few US servicemen are captured and filmed being beheaded or burnt alive is, I suspect a major consideration. If it were to happen the anti muslim backlash would be nigh on uncontrollable.

The west won't support Assad so are limited to a few targeted airstrikes.

Putin, on the other hand will, and is now, supporting Assad. He's supplying equipment and training to Assad's forces on the ground while his air force gives them the air support needed. The Assad army are in effect Putins 'boots on the ground'.

The west should have made a decision as to who poses the greater threat to their security, Assad or ISIS.

Putin has made his decision...and I think he's called it right.


pretty much this imho

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I find it amazing that watching the coverage of the bombings on the news last night that the Russians released footage of a couple of bombs that missed the target by 100 yards and landed in a nearby field.

The intended target marked with a cross hair didn't even lose a roof tile. Waste of aviation fuel and scrap iron.

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I think the trouble with Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc... is regardless of the which factions and individuals you end up supporting with weaponry, money and training. The truth is that the good people of these countries aren't the ones running around with guns.


There are no good options of who to support, despite what the media would love to portray, "Syrian Rebels", "Iraqi Army" or maybe even the "Shia Militia" who have been drafted in. I'm afraid the West is responsible for this almost entirely and it more than likely will come home to roost.


The saddest thing is that hundreds of thousands of innocent mothers, fathers and children have been massacred by all sides. If anyone was serious about sorting it out they would have done a lot more rather than repeat the mistakes of the past.

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