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Which Petrol Lawn mower?


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Im after a new lawn mower for the summer - so far i have considered-


Ryobi with Subaru engine - apparently a nightmare to start when hot


Honda - expensive


Mountfield with Honda engine - again £400


Husqvarna with Honda Engine - plastic decks


What do you guys/girls use? Whats recommended. I know i want a Honda engine.

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People go on about Huqvarna and so-called plastic decks being ****, but we've got a McCulloch which is basically a Husqvarna with a different badge and it is spot on. Ours has a B&S engine, but there are Honda powered ones as well. I can't understand the obsession with wanting a Honda one myself as it is only a lawn mower when all said and done and the B&S motors are very reliable. I give ours a couple of pulls with the stop bar released to get the oil distributed, prime it, and then it goes first pull every time. Even Little Wife has no problem using it. We've had it just over two and a half years, it does 2,000m2 of grass every week for 8 months a year and looks as good as new.

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i have an atco admiral, bought for £20 from ebay needing only a bit of a service to get the briggs and stratton engine running sweetly. It too has a plastic deck which is very robust, and unlike steel wont rust like my old hayter did. one of my best ever ebay purchases.

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At last house I had a honda izy steel deck. It was great but deck rusted. Here I bought a larger honda with plastic deck its far stronger. I also have a honda ride on. Akk jave a 7 year warranty for domestic use. They have all started first pull or first turn of the key, If you cant buy new get one secondhand?

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