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Just finished this....


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I've been working on highly detailed 'found' objects arranged on a still life theme for a gallery in Lancashire. This is the latest one of several I've done of taps; this one is of a verdigris brass tap and an old Corgi toy I found amongst a tin of others from my youth.

Hope you like it:


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I looked at that a few times and read the comments on how talented you are and thought what's talent got to do with taking a photo of an old tap next to a toy car, this was all before I realised it wasn't a photo lol

Snap lol.

That really is fantastic artwork scully , youre very very talented mate.

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Nice Sheffield pocket knife there.


Thanks, it is isn't it. I haven't done it justice really in that painting but it will feature in further work. I have no idea where it came from ( but suspect it belonged to my Dad ) and was seized solid when I came across it. Liberal quantities of WD40 released both blades and they close with a satisfying 'snap'. It is UK legal and lives in my pocket now.


Wow - what a blooming weird selection of things to paint though


You might have a fit of excitement rooting about my outbuildings lol


I have an endless supply of outbuildings to root through thanks. :yes:

I once painted a BMC engine rusting in a puddle in a local scrapyard, which sold, and a couple of years ago got through the first stages of the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition in London with a painting of a Pillar Drill. It hasn't sold yet.

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