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Its amazing that after every referendum/election the same old political figures come out with the same old carp...that "westminster should be listening to the people and must change"... then go back to ignoring us and making out they know best.

Well this is a kick in the spuds to our so called "elite" and the arrogant muppets in Brussels.

True.. But who's now going to do it?


Where'se Marx when you need him.

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Now labour are calling for corbyn to resign hahaha.

The eu, cameron and corbyn all on one day.....


Somebody pinch me!


You really could NOT make it up could you?

True.. But who's now going to do it?


Where'se Marx when you need him.


Highgate cemetry thankfully!

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Tusk has just played straight into the hands of those very nations that he wants to be "kept in line". By stating that the EU needs to be firm with the UK now that Brexit has been decided, to "send a message" to prevent any more of the 27 other member states voting to leave, he has only succeeded in drawing attention to the very reason many of us voted "out " in the first place!


Who is he to tell other nations what they can and cannot do? It's clear that the EU commission and Council have had their day. With every word that emanates from their appointed leader's mouths comes only affirmation of the control and lack of democracy that forced us down this path in the first place.


I hope that other nations follow suit and quickly, so that the EC is broken up for good and then the democratic nations of Europe can return to a sensible Common Market agreement with Britain back standing shoulder to shoulder with them. It's the only way that Europe can now realistically go as a project and learn once and for all that federalism and corruption and dictatorship on the scale we have seen in our lifetimes never happens again.


The EU and big business has lost touch with what it means to be human. The economy and how much bankers earn isn't really the driving motivation over what makes us human, and being controlled by un-elected and corrupt federalist mouthpieces is not what Europe wants. Look out Germany, as you, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Denmark are now the centre of attention. Unrest will rattle your cages unless radical reform happens and we all know that it wont.


I didn't think I'd be waking up to Cameron's departure, Corbyn and Osborne's likely departure and our departure from the EU! What a fantastic result for democracy! What a kick up the bum for Europe and hopefully one that sees us grow closer to our fellow Europeans when they realise we're standing shoulder to shoulder with them all, and pointing the way to a fairer and more democratic future for us all. I look forward to the day that we can return in an atmosphere of mutual respect to a Common Market and the message the EU now have is that their un-elected leaders' days are numbered.

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Wow. I voted out and listening to the radio,it feels like a nuclear bomb has gone off. I feel that the Scots are acting like complete traitors to the uk with their vote. I feel sorry for the people of Greece, Portugal, Spain and the like because they have been crushed financially and no way the EU can keep printing money that doesn't exist. We need to have a change of government to actually do something different and not just a change of people. Let's hope that the sly burocrats like junker get their rears kicked out.


Take 2 doses of man the **** up twice daily for a week and then everything should be much better.

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We might have suffered weak and self serving leadership in the UK for many years, but the referendum result demonstrates the spirit of the people of the U.K. Has not been diminished, British people still posess the "bottle" to lead (and win) a fight!

Now watch more EU countries follow suit!

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I can't help but feel this

The vote was 52% leave . I feel all those people wanted out .

The vote 48% remain was made of 2 sides . Half wanted to remain but half was scared and unsure.



Let's make Britain great again :)

We can do it and do it well

This is exactly what I've said mate. I reckon a lot more than 52% wanted out but lots where scared into voting stay.

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Maybe we can start our own club and invite Russia and China in a bid to stand up to Donald Trump later this year ? :lol:

If the USA don't like the results of our next general election, they might have plans for "regime change".

Russia and China might be our saviours.

USA are itching for conflict and we are the buffer zone.

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I think that is at best a simplistic generalization and at worst a deeply unfair slur on an awful lot of people.

Well said Zapp, I for one am not and have never been a racist casual or otherwise.


Having the majority vote out not only sends Brussels some writing on the wall; it also sends our own government (whatever brand it may be in the future) a message, we can get rid of you every 4 years (barring calamitous cock ups). Had we stayed with the EU we would have been stuck with them for at least a generation if not much longer.


Now what is Herr Junkers going to do with his "there will be consequences" (Last sentence was just a flashback thought.

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Tusk has just played straight into the hands of those very nations that he wants to be "kept in line". By stating that the EU needs to be firm with the UK now that Brexit has been decided, to "send a message" to prevent any more of the 27 other member states voting to leave, he has only succeeded in drawing attention to the very reason many of us voted "out " in the first place!


Who is he to tell other nations what they can and cannot do? It's clear that the EU commission and Council have had their day. With every word that emanates from their appointed leader's mouths comes only affirmation of the control and lack of democracy that forced us down this path in the first place.


I hope that other nations follow suit and quickly, so that the EC is broken up for good and then the democratic nations of Europe can return to a sensible Common Market agreement with Britain back standing shoulder to shoulder with them. It's the only way that Europe can now realistically go as a project and learn once and for all that federalism and corruption and dictatorship on the scale we have seen in our lifetimes never happens again.


The EU and big business has lost touch with what it means to be human. The economy and how much bankers earn isn't really the driving motivation over what makes us human, and being controlled by un-elected and corrupt federalist mouthpieces is not what Europe wants. Look out Germany, as you, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Denmark are now the centre of attention. Unrest will rattle your cages unless radical reform happens and we all know that it wont.


I didn't think I'd be waking up to Cameron's departure, Corbyn and Osborne's likely departure and our departure from the EU! What a fantastic result for democracy! What a kick up the bum for Europe and hopefully one that sees us grow closer to our fellow Europeans when they realise we're standing shoulder to shoulder with them all, and pointing the way to a fairer and more democratic future for us all. I look forward to the day that we can return in an atmosphere of mutual respect to a Common Market and the message the EU now have is that their un-elected leaders' days are numbered.





Is it just me, or does the EU look and feel just like FIFA?

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Tusk has just played straight into the hands of those very nations that he wants to be "kept in line". By stating that the EU needs to be firm with the UK now that Brexit has been decided, to "send a message" to prevent any more of the 27 other member states voting to leave, he has only succeeded in drawing attention to the very reason many of us voted "out " in the first place!


Who is he to tell other nations what they can and cannot do? It's clear that the EU commission and Council have had their day. With every word that emanates from their appointed leader's mouths comes only affirmation of the control and lack of democracy that forced us down this path in the first place.


I hope that other nations follow suit and quickly, so that the EC is broken up for good and then the democratic nations of Europe can return to a sensible Common Market agreement with Britain back standing shoulder to shoulder with them. It's the only way that Europe can now realistically go as a project and learn once and for all that federalism and corruption and dictatorship on the scale we have seen in our lifetimes never happens again.


The EU and big business has lost touch with what it means to be human. The economy and how much bankers earn isn't really the driving motivation over what makes us human, and being controlled by un-elected and corrupt federalist mouthpieces is not what Europe wants. Look out Germany, as you, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Denmark are now the centre of attention. Unrest will rattle your cages unless radical reform happens and we all know that it wont.


I didn't think I'd be waking up to Cameron's departure, Corbyn and Osborne's likely departure and our departure from the EU! What a fantastic result for democracy! What a kick up the bum for Europe and hopefully one that sees us grow closer to our fellow Europeans when they realise we're standing shoulder to shoulder with them all, and pointing the way to a fairer and more democratic future for us all. I look forward to the day that we can return in an atmosphere of mutual respect to a Common Market and the message the EU now have is that their un-elected leaders' days are numbered.


Well said and well put.


it would be ideal if a few other countries stood up and a few of us negotiated an exit at same time.


I do think they will try to hammer us, but i think they would off tried to hammer us if we stayed in anyway

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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism I woke up to a man on the radio that sounded to be quite frank like an idiot stating 'we can take back control of our borders' that is what most people decision was based on. That's not going to help anyone other than lunatics like farage who is basically a BNP fanatic in a tweed jacket. The pound will crash out horrifically today along with the FTSE 100 good luck to any of you retiring anytime soon.


Speak for yourself! Sweeping loads of carp!

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I for 1 am proud to of voted out yes it may be bleak for a while whilst the dust settles but we were heading down the wrong road with the EU,as for Scotlands sword rattling .. independence wont help them theyll still not be in eu and would need to apply for membership which would take years and probably would never get

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The Scots were almost 50/50 so don't run them all out of town. The idea that they can go it alone is pipe dreams, BUT it is their decision. You makes your bed and lies on it.


Regarding the USA, then I think ...hope that Trump gets to the Presidency. His press conference at Turnberry was spot on. He emphasised how through the last 100 years the two countries, UK and USA had stood shoulder to shoulder against tyranny and should he become President the close bond would continue and we would be 'first in the queue'. He said he could not believe Obama had said what he said and believed the UK would rise from the ashes of the EU along with other EU countries.


Cameron resigning is the first honourable action I have seen him do. The difficulty now is finding a successor. My view is we need a new face completely but must be a Brexit supporter.

Needs to be untarnished and strong willed. Roll on October when I believe Article 50 will be set forth along with a new Prime Minister and team.


On edit. Interesting the dollar took a drop but the euro has already settled at what I got last week for my trip to Slovenia. 1.21e to the pound. Give it a month and it will all settle down. Our exporters can have a field day for a few months.

Edited by Walker570
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Young people voted remain, old folk voted leave. 20 years down the line we'll see who gets the brunt of it if it all goes wrong. Was it so bad before the vote anyway?



Will have to wait and see how things unfold now



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