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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism I woke up to a man on the radio that sounded to be quite frank like an idiot stating 'we can take back control of our borders' that is what most people decision was based on. That's not going to help anyone other than lunatics like farage who is basically a BNP fanatic in a tweed jacket. The pound will crash out horrifically today along with the FTSE 100 good luck to any of you retiring anytime soon.

Glad to see the majority of the country ignored the tripe your spouting and made the right decision 👍🏻

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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism


It`s not true, it`s your opinion, a sweeping statement. Unless that is you`ve asked each and every one of them for their reason for voting out.


Whilst immigration worries have definitely played their part, sovereignty has been the most important issue for many of us.

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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism I woke up to a man on the radio that sounded to be quite frank like an idiot stating 'we can take back control of our borders' that is what most people decision was based on. That's not going to help anyone other than lunatics like farage who is basically a BNP fanatic in a tweed jacket. The pound will crash out horrifically today along with the FTSE 100 good luck to any of you retiring anytime soon.


Casual racism or not this is what democracy looks like and it's something the Americans can learn from judging by the farce that is their presidential elections, wife and I voted Leave for much more complex reasons than simplistic statements like taking back our borders. Congratulations to the winners and the right thing to do now would be for the Remain side to join hands and refuse to buckle to what Europe and its cloaked foreign allies try and throw at us.

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Well, this is going to change the face of UK politics and about time too. Politicians on all sides have been shown up as lying, duplicitous, and untrustworthy and for the people of England and Wales, this is as much a vote of no-confidence in politics and politicians who have failed us in successive governments as anything else. Osborne cannot be allowed to remain as chancellor and the back benches I hope will see to that! Wales hasn't forgiven the government for not fighting British Steel's corner (the Swedish steel industry was saved by the British Government who had to buy from the Swedes under the terms of EU legislation which forced them to the lowest steel price when negotiating a £3.9Billion contract for new naval frigates). Markets have plummeted but we should expect market volatility right up to the point that the government announces a Brexit plan then sticks to it. Cameron's future depends on how well he does from this point on. If he bottles it, his career is finished and that isn't in our current interests so fingers crossed! The Scots may want their independence as but wont be accepted into the EU and need us now more than ever, unless Brussels acts out of pure spite, which it's likely now to do!

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While I wanted to stay,I'm hopeful that what comes next is positive for our country.




That's the thing I'm most concerned about now - it has always been my hope whichever way it went that once the dust settles we can respect the democratic result and make the best of it.

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tell you what, waking up this morning was a pretty interesting experience.


The feeling of trepidation to turn on the radio or computer to catch up on the news was pretty intense.

Have to say the feeling when I saw we had left was pretty damn satisfying :w00t:

Kinda had the urge to go out and engage in some good old celebratory gunfire hunter.gif.pagespeed.ce.GRvNRKGFmJ.gif:lol:

Although, its gonna be a long old slog to start getting things tidied up.

Also the remain morons are going to be unsufferable. Fed up of those lefty loony pretentious do gooder socialist type condescending **** hats swanning around as if their **** don't stink thinking that everything that comes out of their mouth is pure gold and gospel.

They are going to be insufferable now they've lost :oops:

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I agree.

While I wanted to stay,I'm hopeful that what comes next is positive for our country.

Well said, now is not the time for political point scoring from our elected leaders. Now is the time for unity in taking the country forward to a prosperous future for all.

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Wow. I voted out and listening to the radio,it feels like a nuclear bomb has gone off. I feel that the Scots are acting like complete traitors to the uk with their vote. I feel sorry for the people of Greece, Portugal, Spain and the like because they have been crushed financially and no way the EU can keep printing money that doesn't exist. We need to have a change of government to actually do something different and not just a change of people. Let's hope that the sly burocrats like junker get their rears kicked out.

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Well I am shocked as these kind of results just don't normally happen. I voted in as I am a coward and took the easy, status quo, option. Somewhat glad that the majority had the courage of their convictions.


Let's see what happens now.

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Well I am shocked as these kind of results just don't normally happen. I voted in as I am a coward and took the easy, status quo, option. Somewhat glad that the majority had the courage of their convictions.


Let's see what happens now.


The collapse of the EU as an undemocratic authority and possibly, a new truly economic community some time in the future.

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