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How often do people go?


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Hi i am completely new to all this but pigeon shooting is something i want to seriously consider. I have been shooting for about 1 1/2 years now. I own my own gun and licence and have been shooting clays only in the time that i have been shooting but moving into this is something i want to seriously consider. Although its fun shooting clays but as i often go on my own this can be a little daunting and i thought that this is something that i can do on my own when ever i feel like going without the restraints of opening times and busy periods at the club etc. I normally shoot 50 clays once a week or once every other week. How often do people go pigeon shooting? i wasn't sure if it was something that a land owner would want you to do strictly once a week or twice a week etc

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I think most working folk would aim to be out at least once a week. You should be able to keep a farmer happy on a small to medium size acreage, but may have to pull the odd sicky or pull out the stops to get on the land when requested [springtime peas and drillings for example].


Worth considering also that 1 days pigeon shooting can often involve a good few hours reconnaissance prior to the day.

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Not as often as life/work/wife would permit!!!! :no:


But I have learnt from past experience, in that, although I would like to shoot more I do not make promises to land owners (to get more permission) unless I am sure I can commit to at least 1 or two days a week.... (which for me, at this time, is hard to achieve)

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I am also retired , so shoot most week days.

There is a degree of commitment when you gain permission to shoot for a farmer, but this does vary with the amount of other shooters on the land.


One alternative you might consider is joining a pigeon shooting club, I don't know if there are any in your area, but it may be worth enquiring at your local gunshop.

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I would say go as often as your time and commitments allow , having said that , there is no need to take a gun every time you go , most of our farms and estates are connected one way or the other into game shooting and the last thing they want at this time of the year is people walking around with a gun taking the odd shot at pigeons .so check first weather you are only permitted to shoot over and on the crop you have got permission for.


With you saying you are new to the sport there is a lot you can learn by looking and finding out what crops are and where grown on the farm , then try and find where the holding woods are , flight lines , foot paths , any live stock near by , using fibre or plastic wads , being able to take a dog or even another person to shoot with,,,,,,,,, and the list could go on and on .


Remember , it is very hard to be granted land to shoot pigeons on , and very easy to lose it , so don't be afraid to ask and good luck with your attempts to master the art of pigeon shooting .


, .

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I am afraid that once one gets hooked on pigeon shooting life changes somewhat.


Many years ago I knew a man who was addicted to golf. He would lie to his wife and his employer concerning his whereabouts when in reality he was out on a golf course. I am lucky that I do not need to lie to my wife who knows full well where I am and what I am doing and fortunately I do not have an employer to ask tricky questions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whenever pigeons are hitting the crops on the farms I shoot and the Farmers call, I will go out. Sometimes that has been every day for a week, sometimes once a week, sometimes a couple of times every 4 months or so, sometimes not for 6 months. I don't need to get out every week as I have loads of other hobbies I enjoy.


I don't shoot summer months generally because the three major land owners on whose acreage I shoot are happy for birds to mop up the stubbles and there is quite a high number of wild game birds which they don't want driven off. I don't mind this because it just concentrates the birds for the winter and being a keen ornithologist as well I like to let the birds breed too. ! Also it keeps all the village residents happy because they deserve to enjoy the amenity of the countryside too. In late summer I usually take to the woods with the air rifle for squirrels and crows.


If you have limited land which you need to control the worst thing you can do is overshoot it.... particularly if there are few pigeons on it ...they will move off and may not come back for sometime.


Obtusely though you will be doing the job properly if they do.


Don't get too hung up about having to get out every week..I guarantee when you do get out you will enjoy it even more..

Edited by Adge Cutler
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  • 3 weeks later...

when ever the farmer calls.. maybe once in month and then nothing but before you know it the barley has been flattened and the call is taken and acted on ... then takes me two days to recover as not as active as before retirement.

two weeks ago done three days, 6 days off then two days again. this is pure pest control, nothing sporting ,just to keep the birds off which is what the farmers what

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love to go every week. but cant. gotta earn and pay taxes to keep the benefits system afloat.


many of the perms are farmer friends whom ive know from school, so whether turning up to pop at the pesky pigeons on a regular basis isnt an issue. If i do get a text from from the farmer, and cant make it, i ask trusted friends to nip over and shoot. Luckily this arrangement has worked very well in our little circle and everyone is happy. :)

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